O'os.. mo dong no hp lo? gw tlp lo ke yg 0812 kok tulalit bro?
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Label / Event Organizing / Re: INTRODUCING 45NRG !!!22/12/09, 15:41
O'os.. mo dong no hp lo? gw tlp lo ke yg 0812 kok tulalit bro?
thx -irwanardian- #3
Main Talk / Re: Introduce yourself :)26/11/09, 15:00
waduh, ngaco ape nye tu ye? host nye? apa lagu2 nye? mohon masukannya.
Main Talk / paling gokel di 200926/11/09, 12:09
guys.. minta opininya dong, buat:
Party paling gokel di 2009 & anthem paling happening di 2009 thx #5
Main Talk / Re: Introduce yourself :)26/11/09, 12:03
hi hi.. gw sih penghuni lama, tp udah jarang pulang ke rumah nih nah, skarang baru sempet nongol lagi,hehehehehe.. perkenalkeeen, nama on air saya Irwan Ardian, saya bukan dj, bukan vj, bukan lighting girl juga, tp saya adalah penyiar IndikaFM dan produser Clubhoppers On Air... heheheheheeh... cheers
On the Air & Media / Re: CLUBHHOPPERS ON AIR30/06/06, 14:27
to: Sin AD, Mirumu & Sonique...
Thanks banget buat semua masukannya.. Justru yang kayak 'gini, gue suka tuh Juo..Buat yang lainnya, sering-sering stay tune on Clubhoppers & input ya... Irwan "biGDoTz" Ardian Clubhoppers "where dance music lives" #7
On the Air & Media / Re: CLUBHHOPPERS ON AIR06/06/06, 09:43
thx irwan "biGdotz" Ardian Clubhoppers "where dance music lives" #8
Disk Jockey / Re: Agoose SIXPERIENCE @ WB02/06/06, 12:35
hajaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrr ampe melotoooooooooooooooooot
irwan "biGdOtz" ardian Clubhoppers "Where dance music lives" #9
On the Air & Media / Re: CLUBHHOPPERS ON AIR31/05/06, 15:29
thanks ya Guyz buat masukannya.. Give it up to Lex d'MC & Lil 'R'!
Irwan "biGdOtz" Ardian Clubhoppers "where dance music lives" #10
Jakarta Party Report / Re: [Report] Exslusive Set DJ Agoose @ Centrooo12/05/06, 12:52
Kalo motioninja sih gak perlu telfon, tinggal gw tarek aje dari meja lo, masukin deh ke ruang eksekusi, hehehehehehehehehe...
irwan "biGdOtz" ardian Clubhoppers "where dance music lives" #11
Jakarta Party Report / Re: [Report] Exslusive Set DJ Agoose @ Centrooo09/05/06, 14:13
Guyz, boleh minta bantuannya 'gak? Buat yang kemaren dah dateng ngeliat DJ Agoose, ada yang mau gw interview untuk clubhoppers gak? Gw mo nanyain komentar2 nya. Let me know soon ya or u can call me at: 0811 11 72 75 . thx
Irwan "biGdOtz" Ardian Clubhoppers "where dance music lives" #12
EMBASSY PLAYGROUND / Re: EMBASSY PLAYGROUND 2006 annual music festival05/05/06, 10:33
Sikaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatttttttttttt....Haaaaaaaajaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... DJ -nye Gokeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillllllllllll !!!!
Irwan BiGdOtz Ardian Clubhoppers " where dance music lives " #13
Main Talk / Re: Introduce yourself :)04/05/06, 10:33
Wakakakakakakakakakak... ini kok jadi forum groovy sunset ya, maap lho bos Dion, hehehehehehehehehe.. Btw, kalo di ravelex jangan pada manggil jeung dooong, kurang party gitu loch, tlalu salon, hehehehehehehehehe.. thanks 4 all ya.
oya, yang punya YM, add gw dong di: irwandoti@yahoo.com Irwan "biGdotz" Ardian Clubhoppers ' where dance music lives ' #14
Disk Jockey / Re: love u naro28/04/06, 12:54
Irwan "BiGdOtz" Ardian Clubhoppers Real life 91,6 IndikaFM #15
Disk Jockey / Re: love u naro28/04/06, 12:53
Irwan "BiGdOtz" Ardian Clubhoppers Real life 91,6 IndikaFM #16
Disk Jockey / Re: MOST WANTED INTERNATIONAL DJ28/04/06, 12:45
Maaaas Armiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnn.... gokiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiibbbb sooooooooooolllll !!!
Irwan "BiGdOTz" ARdian Clubhoppers Real Life 91,6 IndikaFM #17
Main Talk / Re: Introduce yourself :)28/04/06, 10:09
wadoooh, tnyata ada juga anak ravelex yang dengerin groovy sunset, kirain cuma dengerin clubhoppers aja, hehehehehehehehehehe... thanks anyway ya and stay tune !!!
irwan "biGdOtz" ardian Clubhoppers Real Life 91,6 IndikaFM #18
Main Talk / Re: Introduce yourself :)27/04/06, 15:44
Hi hi hi...
masih bisa 'ngenalin diri 'gak nich , gw irwan ardian, tapi kalo 'gi produserin Clubhoppers sih, gw di panggil BigDotz. Selain jadi produser Clubhoppers, gw juga siaran dari jam 3 sore - 8 malam di Groovy Sunset - IndikaFM... palagi ya.. o ya, maap neeh, kalo gw blom sempet posting di sini, tapi gw tetep ngikutin kok.. cheers.. Irwan "BiGdOtZ" Ardian Clubhoppers - Real Life 91,6 IndikaFM Pages1