djm600 95% kondisi bagus jrg dipake
jual mau ganti djm2000 kalau ada yg punya mau tuker tambah boleh
serius 02197028008
jual mau ganti djm2000 kalau ada yg punya mau tuker tambah boleh
serius 02197028008
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Trade Zone / Forum Jual Beli / djm 600 2nd top condition01/10/10, 19:02
djm600 95% kondisi bagus jrg dipake
jual mau ganti djm2000 kalau ada yg punya mau tuker tambah boleh serius 02197028008 #2
Trade Zone / Forum Jual Beli / DJ controller merk ALLEN & HEATH Xone DX, 99% 11jt nego01/10/10, 18:56DJ controller merk ALLEN & HEATH Xone DX,99%spt baru pake 2kali controller mantep bgt, ada 4 channel, bs jd mixer (connect ke CDJ / turntable) spec : • Designed in conjunction with Serato • Includes full version of ITCH software • 4 channel layout with FX • Two dual layer deck simulators • Bi-colour LED layer assignment • 20-channel USB 2.0 soundcard • 24bit/96kHz audio system • 168 individual MIDI messages available • ITCH includes FX, looping and time-stretching • RIAA/phono inputs for external decks • Mix outputs on RCA and balanced XLR • Separate booth output • Fully compatible with other leading DJ software • Built-in hardware MIDI interface • Professional modular construction • High quality faders Bisa juga cek di (Web Allen & Heath UK) HARGA : IDR 11.000.000,- nego harga gua cukup murah di bandingin yg lain.. yg minat serius bisa langsung PM / kontak ke 02197028008 #3
Trade Zone / Forum Jual Beli / For sale akai apc40 ableton controller spt baru28/08/10, 02:44
for more info contact 02199666770
Trade Zone / Forum Jual Beli / dijual focusrite saffire 6 usb (soundcard) baru!19/06/10, 01:06
bisa digunakan untuk traktor atau ableton........................
for more details............ fullpack....... hubungi 02199666770 #5
Trade Zone / Forum Jual Beli / di jual cdj800mk2 + udg bag for cdjs14/06/10, 12:37
kondisi mulus jarang pake
serius hubungi 99666770 thanks #6
Trade Zone / Forum Jual Beli / jual cdj800mk2 (1pasang) + mixer denon dnx4000 jarang pake kondisi 95%09/06/10, 09:07
peminat serius hub 02199666770
kondisi 95%
peminat serius bs hubungi OR sms saya Di 02199666770 Pages1