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Bandung Events / GOODOLDDAYS29/08/12, 17:44
-because old skool is the best skool Let's forget about "Like a G6", "Party Rock Anthem", "We Found Love", or "Mr. Saxobeat" for a moment, we are here to bring you the memories of your favorite dance music anthems from the year 2000 'till 2008. with our finest: BIMO MAHENDRA DHANYO VINDRA DEEPTA RAELDMC hosted by the legendary Bandung Party Icon Happening at SOBBERS BAR & RESTO Saturday, 8 Sept 2012 supported by: RVLX, Junko, Advark Laboratory, Disccolabs #3
Bandung Events / junko presents TWISTED DISCO23/08/12, 17:00
junko music pres.
TWISTED DISCO Friday, August 31st 2012 at Embassy Bandung 11pm onwards music by: JOPHY & VINDRA (junko) ZICO YUNOKI & TOMI COBRAZIL (whitelands) MC TACKIE (2faceproject/newtropicana) supported by:, Junko, Whitelands, OZradio 103.1FM Bandung, 99ers 100.0 FM Bandung #4
Mix Tape / Demo sharing / Podcast / Vindra Junko - shakeNPOP! #516/08/12, 21:08
Vindra Junko - shakeNPOP! #5
[soundcloud][/soundcloud] mariii ![]() #5
Mix Tape / Demo sharing / Podcast / Vindra Junko - shakeNPOP! #423/07/12, 21:34shakeNPOP! #4 [mixcloud][/mixcloud] Ingredients:
80% music 5% pizza 2% sleep again 3% more sleep 10% waiting for the leasing guy Directions: Listen to this podcast, whenever you get bored or whenever want. After you listen to this podcast, please tell your friends about it. Warning: This podcast may cause allergic reactions, such as smiling, dancing, singing, laughing, and more. For Your Health: No added salt, yeast, preservatives, or artificial flavors. Store at Your Personal Gadget: iPod, iPhone, iPad, MP3 Player, Blackberry, Mobile phone, Laptop, PC, Notebook, Flash Disk, External Harddisk, etc. #6
Mix Tape / Demo sharing / Podcast / Vindra Junko - shakeNPOP! #309/06/12, 08:21shakeNPOP! #3 Ingredients: 80% music 5% sleep 2% sleep again 3% more sleep + 10% bad secret ingredients Directions: Listen to this podcast, whenever you get bored or whenever want. After you listen to this podcast, please tell your friends about it. Warning: This podcast may cause allergic reactions, such as smiling, dancing, singing, laughing, and more. For Your Health: No added salt, yeast, preservatives, or artificial flavors. Store at Your Personal Gadget: iPod, iPhone, iPad, MP3 Player, Blackberry, Mobile phone, Laptop, PC, Notebook, Flash Disk, External Harddisk, etc. [mixcloud][/mixcloud] #7
Bandung Events / PARTYONOMIC5 (the last partyonomics)16/05/12, 12:39junko music presents PARTY'ONOMIC5 all good things must come to an end Friday, May 25th 2012 at Sobbers Bar&Resto with party'onomics very own djs Anzamarch & Vindra featuring Ronijoni (#11 Top DJ by REDMA2011) RaelDMC advarklab +sobbers bar finest Abo & Marinn we are party'onomics, what are u?
Mix Tape / Demo sharing / Podcast / Vindra Junko - shakeNPOP! #209/05/12, 20:32shakeNPOP! #2 [mixcloud][/mixcloud] shakeNPOP! #2 Ingredients: 80% music 5% love 2% xes 3% laugh + 10% secret ingredients Directions: Listen to this podcast, whenever you get bored or whenever want. After you listen to this podcast, please tell your friends about it. Warning: This podcast may cause allergic reactions, such as smiling, dancing, singing, laughing, and more. For Your Health: No added salt, yeast, preservatives, or artificial flavors. Store at Your Personal Gadget: iPod, iPhone, iPad, MP3 Player, Blackberry, Mobile phone, Laptop, PC, Notebook, Flash Disk, External Harddisk, etc. download the podcast at the iTunes Store hope you guys like it
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Mix Tape / Demo sharing / Podcast / Vindra Junko - shakeNPOP! #125/04/12, 07:43This is the 1st edition of shakeNPOP! (mixed by: Vindra Junko) shakeNPOP! #1 [mixcloud][/mixcloud] Ingredients: 80% music 5% watching football games (Barca vs Chelsea) 2% gambling 3% joking + 10% secret ingredients ![]() Directions: Listen to this mixtape, whenever you get bored or whenever want. Warning: This mixtape may cause allergic reactions, such as smiling, dancing, singing, laughing, and more. For Your Health: No added salt, yeast, preservatives, or artificial flavors. Store at Your Personal Gadget: iPod, iPhone, iPad, MP3 Player, Blackberry, Mobile phone, Laptop, PC, Notebook, Flash Disk, External Harddisk, etc. #10
Mix Tape / Demo sharing / Podcast / Vindra Junko's April Melipir Mixtape09/04/12, 18:08
this is my latest mixtape please enjoy ![]() #11
Bandung Events / PARTYONOMICS number 409/04/12, 08:10
We're back! The most happening party in town..
Junko Music presents PARTY'ONOMICS number4 Friday, 13th of April 2012 at Sobbers Bar & Resto with PARTY'ONOMICS very own DJs Anzamarch & Vindra (junko) this edition guest DJs Mahesa Utara & Herjunot Ali (Junko) MC Rongkie (FilterFunk) +sobbers bar resident DJs Abo (chronicle) & Marinn (advarklab) #12
Mix Tape / Demo sharing / Podcast / Vindra Junko March 201226/03/12, 08:14
This is my latest mixtape, please enjoy ![]() for the link: #13
Bandung Events / PARTY'ONOMICS #319/03/12, 18:33
We're back! The most happening party in town..
Junko Music presents PARTY'ONOMICS #3 Friday, 23rd of March 2012 at Sobbers Bar & Resto with PARTY'ONOMICS very own DJs Anzamarch & Vindra (junko) this edition guest DJs Hizkia & Rummy (junko) MC RaelDMC (advarklab) +sobbers bar resident DJs Abo (chronicle) & Marinn (advarklab) #14
Bandung Events / PARTY'ONOMICS part 2 at Sobbers Bar & Resto15/02/12, 18:17
junko_music presents
PARTY'ONOMICS -the 2nd edition Saturday, February 25th 2012 at Sobbers Bar & Resto with PARTY'ONOMICS very own DJs: Anzamarch & Vindra (Junko) with our special guest DJs: Adith & Jophy (Junko) & MC Wibisaretta +Sobbers Bar residents: Abo (Chronicle) & Marinn (Advarklab) "We are PARTY'ONOMICS, what are you?" #15
Jakarta Events / ULTRAPLAY at 365EcoBar07/02/12, 20:34
junko_music presents
ULTRAPLAY Saturday, February 11th 2012 at 365 EcoBar music by: Indra7 (microchip) Vindra (junko) Jophy (junko) +365 residents: Lay & Ridwan G Follow us on twitter: @Junko_Music 365 EcoBar Jl. Kemang Raya No. 6 Ph. 021 7191032 #16
Bandung Events / shakeNPOP! at Sugar&Cream, Maja House29/01/12, 14:43Junko and Sugar&Cream are proud to present you: 'shakeNPOP!' At Sugar&Cream, Maja House Friday, February 3rd 2012 10 pm 'till you POP! Music by: ADITH X JOPHY X VINDRA Gonna playing nu disco, oldskool disco, nu rave, nu wave, house, breaks, electro, classics, and more! Follow us on twitter: @Junko_Music, @majahouse MAJAHOUSE Sersan Bajur 72 Bandung-Indonesia +62 22 2788196 or PIN: 224399F22 #17
Bandung / Thank you DJ DOUBLE DEE!02/01/12, 20:01
Untuk beberapa orang yang belum tau, Event Rave Wonderland NYE kemarin di Kampung Gajah, Bandung adalah event terakhir Double Dee tampil sebagai DJ. Yap, dia memutuskan untuk retired as a DJ. Gue buat thread ini sebagai apresiasi kepada Double Dee, sebagai senior gue, salah satu influence gue, juga sebagai salah satu mentor gue. Gue belajar banyak dari dia, walau gue ga belajar DJ-ing dr dia. IMHO, tanpa Double Dee & Advark Lab, Bandung Dance Scene ga akan sebesar sekarang ini. Dia selalu membuat event2 keren di Bandung, such as Soundz Therapy, City of Angels, Superheroes, and more. Gue yakin, banyak dr kalian yg pernah dtg di salah satu atau bahkan semua event yg dia buat. Bisa dikatakan dia Living Legend bagi Bandung Dance Scene.
Thanks Den, for all you have done to the scene and the city you love. We'll miss you on the deck ![]() #18
Mix Tape / Demo sharing / Podcast / Vindra Junko Mixtape06/12/11, 10:54[soundcloud][/soundcloud] Track list: 1. Drop Out City Rockers - International Track (Original Mix) - (7:46) 2. Sebastian, Kraak & Smaak - Dynamite (Kraak & Smaak's Boogie Funk Version) - (6:36) 3. Mylo feat. Gloria Estefan & Miami Sound Machine - Drop The Pressure (Erol Alkan Edit) - (9:27) 4. De Melero & Kentzo - Higher (Original Mix) - (6:02) 5. Michael Jackson - Don't Stop (Georgio Schultz Remix) - (5:23) 6. Sneaky Sound System - Pictures ( Tonite Only Remix) - (6:33) 7. Junior Senior - Move Your Feet (Dylan Sanders Re-Rub) - (3:54) 8. Bag Raiders - Shooting Stars (Original Mix) - (3:57) 9. Cut Copy - Far Away (Original Mix) - (5:06) 10. Dionigi - The Big Race (Original Mix) - (5:46) 11. Michael Jackson - Beat It (Short Circuit Remix) - (4:23) 12. Tensnake - Coma Cat (Mark Knight Remix) - (7:27) 13. Munk - Back Down (Cut Copy Jackmaster Remix) - (5:41) 14. New Order - Regret (Fire Island Mix) - (7:08) please enjoy ![]() #19
Bandung Events / GROOVE CONTROL at PURE LOUNGE 16.01.1008/01/10, 19:57
Junko presents
GROOVE CONTROL Saturday, 16 January 2010 at Pure Lounge with VINDRA junko KIKI junko ROBBIE crown armada GOATEE we serve your ear with classic disco, soulful house, chillin, and anything but sexy ![]() #20
Bandung Events / PLAY IT LOUDER! at LEGACY 08.01.1029/12/09, 08:49
Junko & Advark Laboratory presents:
PLAY IT LOUDER! in conjunction with 99ers Homesession Nite Out Friday, 08 January 2010 at Legacy with: VINDRA junko BIMO advarklab REYNO ruler rekordz also spinning sexy female djs playing RnB: CLARIS trigger QUEEN B cubicles organized by: Junko & Advark Laboratory supported by: 100.0 FM 99ers Bandung Legacy Flea Magic DLOOPS Ruler Rekordz RVLX.NET #21
Bandung / Makin banyak DJ di Bandung....29/04/09, 11:42
Sebenernya topik ini pernah diangkat duluuuuuuuuuuuuuu banget sm anak2 ravelex bandung thn 2006.... Nah, skrg di 2009, gw pgn nanya pertanyaan yg sama, (pertanyaan ini gw copy paste dr topik thn UK) Menurut lo gimana sich dance scene di bandung kalo ngeliat keadaan skrg yg banyak dj dj baru?? ...bakal bikin dance scene di kota kita tercinta ini ga asik krn banyak dj baru yg maen di club ato gimana??? soalnya khan dj baru tuh... mixingnya jg mungkin msh keseleo dikit, ato malah bikin dance scene ini jadi makin rame?? share your opinion please... Thx anyway ![]() #22
Bandung Events / ............27/04/09, 10:37the legendary event is back in conjunction with one of bandung best dj birthday bash prepare for the massive 6hours set back2back junko presents MAN IN A BOX coming soon on May 2009 wait for another info..
![]() #23
Bandung / share dong kenang2an lo bersama Amare..?19/03/09, 11:46 we know, amare bntar lg tutup...
![]() coba share kenang2an lu dan amare.... ![]() dimulai dr gue yaaa.... amare memberikan kontribusi yg besar buat gw... pertama kali nge dj di amare tgl 28 desember 2006, DEEPLY ROOM... maen di acara last party before bulan puasa sm dj2 bandung laennya thn 2007, smpt juga maen sebelum amare tutup buat renovasi...smpe tmpt ngerayain ulgtaun gw yg ke 17.... pokonya amare menyimpan banyak kenangan buat gw...org2 kantornya baik2 (pa hira, pa dedy, jane, sanov, bu juwi) nya....front desk nya... pokonya smuanya berkesan deh... ![]() thank you amare...good bye... ![]() #24
Bandung Events / ..:COMINGSOON:..18/02/09, 16:08junko presents HELLO:JUNKO! "more info update soon"
Bandung Events / PIRATES PARTY in conj w/ stefany b'day bash20/01/09, 22:18embassy bandung press PIRATES PARTY "in conjunction with stefany b'day bash" at Embassy Bandung tue.03.02.09 with the pirates: VINDRA - junko JOSHI - deeply records FLIP - embassy bandung also the b'day girl playing on d'decks: STEFANY be there guys..
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