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Topics - ramosky

 *piss* *piss* *piss*

berhubung kami Eo baru ni, so minta bimbinganya yah terutama saran yang membangun dari senior2 di ravelex semua...
thanks all

Side p:

Dj tashya
mc Rajib aka fatloos p
vj blck2screen

Organized experience:

Fashion Paradise, Vertigo- XLounge
Black or white 2, Vertigo- XLounge
Unity Generation pre-party BV, Vertigo- XLounge
Bv 11'anniversary, Vertigo- XLounge
Purple Land Paradise, Vertigo-Xlounge
Marshmellowcious, Embassy-Wonderbar club
Binus bus, Embassy-Wonderbar club
Born to be star, Embassy club

klo ad yg mo ngajakin buat kerjasama2 acr,sok atuh tlpon
ramosky 021-92999556