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Topics - SGStronix


My latest Mash Up... Reply if you want the WAV file...
Mulai produce lagu? Pengen hasil mixing seperti producer2 dunia... MTM Audio bring you a world class audio equipment... with local price...

Our product is handcrafted from audio engineers...

MTM Mix16 - 16 Channel to Stereo Summing Amplifier with Stereo Compressor

* 119.6 dBu signal to noise range per input channel.
* 10 LED linear scale compression level meter.
* 10 LED logarithmic scale audio level meter for each line output.
* Mono monitor mode, doesn't affect the line output.
* Monitor output gain control, doesn't affect the line output.
* Headphone monitor output with with gain control.

Size: 1U

Price: IDR 20.000.000,-

MTM Exp16 - 16 Channel Expander for Mix16

* 119.6 dBu signal to noise range per input channel.

Size: 1U

Price: IDR 12.000.000,-

MTM Equ8 - 8 Channel Parametric Equalizer with Two Sweepable Mid Frequencies

* 119.6 dBu signal to noise range per input channel.
* 10 LED logarithmic scale audio level meter per channel.
* "British" sound.

Size: 3U

Price: IDR 15.000.000,-

MTM Dyn8 - 8 Channel Compressor

* 119.6 dBu signal to noise range per input channel.
* 8 channel of VCA or Opto Compression. (by order)
* 10 LED linear scale compression level meter per channel.
* 10 LED logarithmic scale audio level meter per channel.

Size: 3U

Price: IDR 15.000.000,-

Also available Equ16 and Dyn16...

Combine Mix16, Equ8, and Dyn8 for the ultimate mixing experience!

for more info contact Bayu +628551022988
or email us at multitrackmaster@gmail.com

Demo product will available soon...
The first part of my Six Hours Set... From soulful house, deep, techno, and progresive sounds...


For download... Click...


Will be releasing 6 hrs studio set... This Chillout set will be the 6th hours of the set... Hope you like it...

For download...

Bayu Acoustic Chillout Trance Set.mp3 (84.5 MB)

Native Instrument
Audio 4 DJ
4 ins / 4 outs USB Soundcard

Barang masih mulus... dapat bonus 2 set Cable RCA yg bisa di piggy back... Jd maen pake traktor atau cdj bisa tinggal switch dari mixernya... kaya kabel originalnya native instrument...

Price SOLD!!!

TAMBAHAN BONUS!!! Ableton Live Lite 8... bawaan dari focusrite, license number masih perawan... hehehe... yuk ditawar yuk... hehehe

Call SOLD!!!


Enjoy my latest mixset... Back to jakarta... Back to the roots... Back to Trance...

Backbeat Studio...
Professional Music Production Studio

Jl.Cipete Raya no. 76 (Opposite of 7Eleven & Alfamart)
Jakarta Selatan

Call : +6283878333662
PinBB : 276578F5

FOLLOW : @BackBeatStudio

We provide professional music production with a world class service and with a competitive budget...

Recording just IDR 1100k/shift
Mixing just IDR 1500k/song
Mastering start from IDR 1600k/song & your song will be mastered at 301 Studio Sydney...

need more info visit www.backbeatstudio.com
call +6283878333662

Our Studio B opening promo is at IDR 500k/shift for recording...

We also provide Jingle Service, Radio Commercial, Post Production, Song Arrangement, etc

SSR Jakarta Open Events

Saturday February 25th 2012 11am - 5pm

SSR Jakarta will hold regular open events throughout the year. These informal events are a great way to find out more about the school and your chosen course. Anyone is welcome to attend an open event.

For those wishing to take advantage of any special offers and bursaries/scholarships, you will need to attend an open event.

SSR Open Events

Next SSR Jakarta Open Days: Saturday, February 25th 2012 11am - 5pm

On the day you will:

See our brand new studios and facilities
Experience equipment demonstrations and workshops
Meet our tutors
Find out about the different courses we offer
Get expert advice from our senior team on which course would be best for you
Take advantage of exclusive Open Day special offers
Hear about our exciting new scholarship programmes with Mira Lesmana and Alex Kumara

We know that your choice of studies is an important decision for you, and we encourage you to bring family and friends along as it is always helpful to have the views of others when deciding your future.

If you cannot attend the open day for any reason but do wish to visit us, again please feel free to get in touch and we can arrange a personal consultation/tour with you at a more convenient time.

You can contact SSR Jakarta via info@ssrjakarta.com or phone +62 21 2885 6139 to arrange a personal tour or consultation.

Visit www.s-s-r.com/jakarta/index.php for more info
From the island of Bali...
This is the latest sound of Bayu Wicaksana...


Enjoy the music, Dance with it...
Freebies / IPAD 2 Gratis!!!
08/09/11, 09:21
Ikutin Kontes Berhadiah IPAD2 16 GB Grateeeesssss....

klik http://bit.ly/qVWw3g

cuman sign in facebook... like pagenya... trus isi quisionernya... gampang bgt kok...

sebelum 2 oktober nih... buruan yah...
[mixcloud]<div><object width="150" height="150"><param name="movie" value="http://www.mixcloud.com/media/swf/player/mixcloudLoader.swf?feed=http://www.mixcloud.com/bayuwicaksana/may-i-house-you/&amp;embed_uuid=25c1fc23-ac38-4a2c-b739-e2702b9defca&amp;embed_type=widget_standard"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"><embed src="http://www.mixcloud.com/media/swf/player/mixcloudLoader.swf?feed=http://www.mixcloud.com/bayuwicaksana/may-i-house-you/&amp;embed_uuid=25c1fc23-ac38-4a2c-b739-e2702b9defca&amp;embed_type=widget_standard" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="150" height="150"></object><div style="clear:both; height:3px;"></div><p style="display:block; font-size:12px; font-family:Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; margin:0; padding: 3px 4px; color:#999;"><a href="http://www.mixcloud.com/bayuwicaksana/may-i-house-you/?utm_source=widget&amp;amp;utm_medium=web&amp;amp;utm_campaign=base_links&amp;amp;utm_term=resource_link" target="_blank" style="color:#02a0c7; font-weight:bold;">May I (House) You</a><span> by </span><a href="http://www.mixcloud.com/bayuwicaksana/?utm_source=widget&amp;amp;utm_medium=web&amp;amp;utm_campaign=base_links&amp;amp;utm_term=profile_link" target="_blank" style="color:#02a0c7; font-weight:bold;">Bayuwicaksana</a><span> on </span><a href="http://www.mixcloud.com/?utm_source=widget&amp;utm_medium=web&amp;utm_campaign=base_links&amp;utm_term=homepage_link" target="_blank" style="color:#02a0c7; font-weight:bold;"> Mixcloud</a></p><div style="clear:both; height:3px;"></div></div>[/mixcloud]



Buat temen2 semua... udah lama gak upload mikstep nih...
coba tolong diklik...


silahkan didengarkan... didownload... jangan lupa dibawa joged yah...
25/01/11, 17:20
Maaf sebelumnya... Mau minta bantuan... Ada yg punya USB Keyboard Controller ngga??? klo bisa yg 88 keys... tp berapa aja sih... mau di sewa pinjem untuk 2 minggu. trims....
Buat yg sering mondar mandir pulau dewata... makanan apa yg wajib dikunjungi setiap ke bali???

buat yg tinggal dibali... share makanan favorit masing2 dong... biar yg mondar mandir bisa nyobain juga....
GSM Records membuka sistem pre order untuk album terbaru

Innerlight "Miracle"

harga pre order Rp 30.000 (tiga puluh ribu rupiah)

free delivery untuk wilayah jabodetabek.

Untuk luar jabodetabek harga pre order Rp 32.000 (tiga puluh dua ribu rupiah) sudah termasuk ongkos kirim.

caranya gampang banget...

kirim email ke preordermiracle@gmail.com

tulis :

1. Nama
2. Alamat Pengiriman
3. Jumlah CD yg dipesan
4. No telp yang bisa dihubungi

Setelah barang siap akan dikabari via email...
Setelah dapet email konfirmasinya baru transfer aja...

Sistem pembayaran via transfer

Bank BCA cab. Pantai Indah Kapuk
No rek. 8740301781
atas nama PT. Gema Musik Indonesia

barang akan dikirim setelah kami menerima bukti transfer. Bukti transfer bisa dikirim via fax ke no 021 - 57940759

Ini exclusive bagi member ravelex lho...


Pre Order sampai 30 November 2009...

ayo cepetan kirim email deh mendingan... lewat dr tgl 30 nov berlaku tarif biasa lho... hehehe

Innerlight Launching Tour

Bandung Edition...

Be prepared to witness the Miracle of Innerlight upcoming album...

Friday, 4th December 2009...

@Mansion Bandung

Opening Set by Marquee (Synan)

Free Entry by using Innerlight NSP

Ketik IN1 Kirim ke 1212

Be There!!!


Innerlight Album Launching Party

is going to visit Bali...

Be prepared to witness the Miracle of Innerlight upcoming album...

Friday, 11th December 2009...

@Blue Eyes Bali

Free Entry by using Innerlight NSP

Ketik IN1 Kirim ke 1212

Be There!!!

Innerlight Album Launching Party

is going to visit Surabaya...

Be prepared to witness the Miracle of Innerlight upcoming album...

Saturday, 12th December 2009...

@Redboxx Surabaya

Free Entry by using Innerlight NSP

Ketik IN1 Kirim ke 1212

Be There!!!

Innerlight Album Launching Party

is going to visit Jogjakarta...

Be prepared to witness the Miracle of Innerlight upcoming album...

Saturday, 21st November 2009...

@Liquid Jogjakarta

Free Entry by using Innerlight NSP

Ketik IN1 Kirim ke 1212

Be There!!!