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Messages - Bhokero

Happy Anniversary RVLX... keep on rockin'
Thank u temen2... @bless the child monggo disedot lho.... kalo dimaenin malah lebih seneng gue...
Hi guys check it out our new bootleg remix for a band called FOSTER THE PEOPLE

"Pumped Up Kicks"

this is the remix on my soundcloud. check it out at: www.soundcloud.com/bhokero  track called "Pumped Up Kicks (Bhokero & Dey Bootleg Remix) - Foster the People"


So instead of waiting their performance in January u can download and listen to this bootleg remix.
it's free download for the 1st one hundred peoples
Enjoy guys...

Bhokero n Dey
it will be tomorrow guys.... show your love for the music...
hope to c u all there.

mantebbb... gue suka kok dnb walopun mungkin sesekali ya dengerinnya... naomi (celcius) and dtx cang cing tuh lagu2nya...  great job cha.. i can imagine u play it. wicked!!
nongolinnya dikit2 cha... potong2 sih emang.  ga langsung the whole tracks... pasti seruu... tp emang cape sih motong2 nya.... baru swoosh and goes the braking down as a start of that track...  tp kebayang jg sih dengan perbedaan bpm itu yg loe jelasin bener bgt... kebayang slicingnya pe er bener. :)

btw, ini dah keren banget kok...  MASSIVE!!
kebayang di maenin di club... org2 dr yg jogedan biasa terus shuffling deh...  seruuuu!!
great mash up!!

wooohoo...!!! nice mash up cha....
pas potong and nyambungnya these tracks....
Two thumbs up!!
seru jg kali kalo si DnB part-nya nongol-nya ga di bikin breaking down awalnya jadi tiba2 muncul in your face gitu pasti makin peach crowdnya... :)
marcel... been a long time bro....
hope everything good at ur end?
thank's temen2 semua yg dah komen buat bootleg ini.

@adagio marcel.... ini malah gue bilang kurang reverb makanya di oscilloscope beneran keliatan masih kurang lebar sih. jadi diakalin lah yg kemaren gue mastering nambahin "plate reverb" biar lebar dikit... tanpa ngerusak sound aselinya...... dikit aja buat lebar... hihihihi. kalo pake spreader takut   bawahnya kelebaran kalo ga dipotong freq nya......makanya ngakalin pake a bit reverb gitu. masih trial jg sih drpd benerin semua layer satu2... hihihi

makasih temen2...  i really enjoyed u guys love it....
Hi guys Just wanna share our new remix as a tribute for Maroon 5 and Christina Aguilera.


this is the remix on my soundcloud. check it out at: www.soundcloud.com/bhokero  track called "Move Like Jagger (Bhokero n Dey Jaggy Mix Bootleg ) - Maroon 5 ft Christina Aguilera"


As I'm a big fan of Mick Jagger this song is so f**kin' cool for me
it's free download for the 1st one hundred peoples
Enjoy guys...

Bhokero n Dey
Hi Ryan.. sorry baru nimbrung setelah absen lama ga pernah masuk ke forum..  but this is only my 2 cents :

1. Apakah lagu gw udah benar ?? (dalam arti, setiap element dalam lagu buatan kita gak fals..."kecuali loe sengaja dgn alasan pribadi loe")

bener kata sumantri ga ada lagu yg bener yg ada cuman lagu yang enak dan harmony baek itu disukain org atau tidak. Nah harmony itu berarti pastinya jangan sampe fals. memang kuping itu ngaruh... tapi gue jg ga bs baca not balok kok. coba deh browsing chord of wheels and chord progression, Music itu science sebetulnya ada formula-nya.... apalagi kalo loe maenin chord progression. kadang gue juga bikin lagu naeknya sampe ke 7th, 9th, 11th chord... mungkin anak2 musisi bilangng chordnya miring... ga fals... tp ga nyambung krn jadi beda nuansa disini dey banyak sering berantem sm gue kalo lagi produced.... hehehehe. Tp kalo instrument baeknya ga fals karena bikin harmonisasi loe jadi enak. kalo vocal fals tp bikin jadi enak kaya mick jagger dan rolling stone bikin lagu punya warna gue setuju. but not on the instrument side yg fals.... tp simple chord with a good pattern bisa jadi hits juga kok liat aja beatles or maya jane.... tp sound-nya ngedukung buat that simple chord becoming world class...  jadi ga perlu rumit miring2 kaya chord lagu2 gue jg bisa enak. kesimpulan is bener kata sumantri no rules... just make the harmonize track that can please people... taunya dari pas didengerin sama banyak org.. suka atau tidak org2. tapi kalo ga suka jg belom tentu lagu loe ga bener... apapun lagunya there's always a pro's and con's... bener atau enggaknya bisa nanya sm temen2 musisi dan dj. tp hindarin fals penting biar ga kesannya cuman maen hajar aja. IMHO

2. Apakah lagu buatan loe asli buatan loe?? (karena ada juga individu yang membuat lagu tapi hanya menyusun audio sample sound menjadi sebuah lagu, alias gak ada sama sekali element yang loe buat dengan sendirinya)

Ga ada salahnya using loops... terutama buat beat dasar karena biasanya loops itu udah bagus mixes down-nya. tp yah bener jangan cuman semua loops. all the bassline and synth, riff, lead, pads kalo bisa bikin sendiri. gue jarang bgt bikin pake loops buat lagu sendiri even beat kecuali kerjaan karena ngejar waktu simply karena kalo beat-nya gue bikin sendiri bisa gue macem2in di groove box or sampler instead harus slicing dan rubah2. tapi kalo nyampling suara kick and snare dr loops sering karena pengen suara kick-nya mirip. itupun transientnya masih di tweak. tp again every time i hit my studio gue pasti nemuin cara2 laen terus... kesimpulannya by having youtube and others dan waktu yg loe spend di studio makin banyak loe banyak nemuin tricks2 yg bs bantu loe....

3. Haruskah lagu loe tembus/ release di label atau dapat dijual di dunia maya atau records store??

Release penting buat ijazah lah.... kalo bisa hasilin uang dari situ akan semakin baek juga kan... dan loe akan bisa liat karya loe dulu dan sekarang pasti jauh banget improve-nya... gue jg masih suka kesel denger lagu lama gue yg release kenapa juga gue mixing kaya gitu... hehehe. makanya skrg gue tahan dulu benerin semua... mudah2an makin bener menurut gue... ga tau org laen bilangnya... :P Mudah2an kedepan gue release semakin baek dr segi semuanya....

4. Baguskah software yang kita gunakan untuk produce lagu itu??

Software is only a tools...  that's not make a person becoming a producer. IMHO. asal tau nge tweak and know's buat bikin sesuai standard sound lagu yg dipasaran harusnya ga masalah. drmana taunya ya browsing, goes to forum, and even go to course for that. ga ada software yg jelek... kalo suaranya tipis pun bisa di tweak ulang walopun musti rewire.... yg penting know how to use that software maximum. percaya deh masih banyak kemampuan software itu yg kt ga tau dr software yg kita pake... krn mrk jg terus update kan?

5. Apakah lagu yang kita buat sudah akan merupakan sebuah Hits/ Anthem kelak??

Nah kalo ini kembali ke pasar.... tp gue bikin lagu karena gue coba ciptain yg menurut gue enak dan pantes didenger crowd... tp belom tentu itu crowd secara umum suka. yah kalo memang cuman sedikit yg suka gue pun gapapa... krn gue bikin lagu buat kepuasan gue bukan buat please the whole crowd but to please some of them... kalo ternyata jadi anthem yah alhamdulilah kan....

At the end gue jg setuju kalo jangan berkutat di 1 genre aja. gue jg bikin all kind of music kok selaen house, ada prog, ada tech house tp inti-nya u should have ur own color. kaya gue seneng kalo ada vocal karena gue pengen lagu gue ga cuman didengerin di club tp bisa kalo lg di mobil even itu banging ya....

Mudah2an ini bs ngebantu ya Ryan...

dj mag top 100 is overrated.. just believe to every music u like... it just a bunch of number that make people fortunate somehow... IMHO
gue masih 23 lagi jimbo... dulu masih bisa nembak ktp... hahahaha
Tapi gue yakin dj2 ini lebih tua dr gue.... :P
yupe.. tahun '88 gue msh maen classic disco...  di '89 Valentine Records langganan gue di spore aja  msh di far east toko nya dan masih jual plat classic disco (skrg jd toko langganan dj2 jakarta that play our music)... sempet gue mampir ke satu club disana dan house music is introduce.. but not zouk di tahun itu. gue lupa nama club-nya.... terus tahun '91 diajak ke satu tempat di centerpoint cilandak (belakang citos) as undeground scene... and this DJ is one of the DJ's playing there...then i started to love the music....

I still remember they move to B1 yg notabene masih kantin kl siang after centerpoint....hehehe. They production was called BLISS at that moment.... hehehehe

Then B1 was born after that time... they make it permanently..... those days to remember.... masih suka merinding kl masuk ke parkiran niaga tower buat meeting.... :p

let's groove on the other side of music...
365 at June 5th
another sunday music exploration by the DJ's
Listen n Dance!!!
Main Talk / Re: Ravelex 8 Tahun...
18/04/11, 23:20
happy anniversary to Ravelex and all the crews... 8 is a symbol of infinite with good fortune and prosperity...
Massive one last nite... BIG LOVE to people that come over last nite...!!
Most Important for us...  No request at all and is all about the vibes....
Big thanx to Electrosoui crew to made this happened....

c u guys on sunday.... hope we can surprise u with the music and else.....
aahhh... one of my guru's is at 4th fl stadium... will be wicked!!!
hehehe..... maklum @dunant kebiasaan ngeliat barang dijual di tetangga.....
sundul lagi ah... ayo dong pd beli biar kita bikin lagu lagi....
Shut up...!!!  just listen and dance...  yippieee.... this is performers deepest passion in their music... the music they might thought not work for the dance floor... so let it be the dj's play their own..... the music they feel... sometimes it's even better than he used to played... if it's not... just enjoy the vibe... coz SHUT UP!!! is back!!!
hope u all remember this one... is not about the commercial... sometimes they play commercial becoz it just fit to their passion....  but not becoz they forced to played it... trust me... it's gonna be good music all night long...
