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Messages - Ucil

sultry and smooth....love it....keren  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Quote from: Gober on 18/11/11, 19:29
trus apa yang bisa kita lakukan dengan fenomena seperti ini. Hal ini udah terjadi di club club tanah air. Well gua ga mau nutup kesempatan dj baru untuk berkembang, like you said , experience matters, kalau mereka ga punya lahan untuk tampil, karena udah di sumpek dengan DJ senior, terus gimana mereka bisa gain experience?

Experience matters, tapi regenerations juga penting. :)

Emang sih regeneration itu perlu banget, but sekarang kayaknya udah spiralling out of control, so in a way debon ada benernya jg sih, teknologi jaman sekarang sudah membuat the realitynya : "Everybody wants to be a DJ"......even for the wrong reasons, simply karena ya gampang banget.

trus apa yang bisa dilakuin ? apa teknologi nya harus dijauhi ? ya nggak juga lah, namanya teknologi itu ya memang mempermudah, tapi ya harusnya mempermudah technical side supaya si usernya bisa fokus ke faktor "art" nya daripada technical side such as manual beatmatching, bukan mempermudah semua orang jadi overnight DJ. Tp kan ini yang kadang2 jadi salah kaprah aja sih...because DJing is more than just beatmatching, beatmatching is just the first step (yang sekarang udah dipermudah sama teknologi).

Nah sekarang tugas si pengguna teknologi ini jangan kebawa manja lah sama teknologinya, with the beatmatching factor out of the question ya harusnya pengguna teknologi ini bisa lebih konsen mengasah faktor2 lain in a set of DJ skills, contohnya : Track Selection (Flow n Framing), FXs, On the fly re-edits, etc. ; ya art factornya lah....ohya sama dua hal yang paling penting (at least menurut gw lebih penting drpd segerombolan gruppies) adalah TASTE + SOUL...karena tanpa dua hal tadi, sorry but you're just another operator, not an artist with a story to express musically....

Dan bener juga si kata debon, jaman dulu its really difficult to land a gigg in a major club....lo mesti ngirim mixtape dulu lah, dan sekali kirim blom tentu juga lo dikasih maen, but then ya lo harus coba terus, itung2 mengasah skill, sampe ya lo dikasih that big break....that's why people put so much respect on the art of DJing....maybe ini juga perlu juga ditanamin ke generasi2 sekarang...maybe,maybe,maybe....but then again mungkin juga gw sotoy.... :P :P :P

Peace out

keep the faith !!! maju terus shut up...

yihaaaa  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Nice topic bon....

IMHO ini salah satu downside dari kemudahan orang mengakses tools of music production, kemudahan akses disertai dengan perkembangan teknologi yang mempermudah orang untuk produce "music" (tanda kutip). You don't have to be a real musician to produce something nowadays (sorry but this is the cold hard fact), with a little technical audio engineering know how, noise apapun tiba2 sekarang bisa menjadi "quality music". i.e gak bisa nyanyi ?? tenaaang ada auto tuneeeee, gak bisa sequence chord ? tenaaaang ada arppegiator

Jangan salah, big record label menurut gw juga gak kalah bersalahnya dalam memperparah situasi. If you think they made a lot of money before than now, you are totally wrong !!! they are making more money now more than ever !!!, dengan turunnya biaya producing music berarti kemungkinan besar QC record label sendiri juga udah gak terlalu fokus ke talent musisinya sendiri.

Kalo dulu biaya recording an artist mungkin besar karena penggunaan alat2 analog yang mahal,sehingga record label harus bener2 yakin artis ini punya kualitas untuk memproduce sebuah master piece yang bisa dijual berulang kali; sekarang sih itu bukan soal, just as long as its hip, mudah diterima, just package it, polish it and boom baby u have yourself a Billboard top charting artist....udah gak hip lagi ? no problem just scrape and replace, cost of producing and marketing is low anyways...we're still making millions baby !!!

What does this tell you ?? IMHO si ya keadaan seperti ini mendrive record labels dan pada akhirnya artis2 juga untuk mengesampingkan soul dari musicnya sendiri, its all about trends baby.
Its all about money and fame now, record labels and producers cuma mikirin how to create new trends, new "cools" and in turn meraup keuntungan sebesar2nya (who cares if its extra cheesy);makanya there's more music that's "wooow ni lagu so last year deh....or wooow ni lagu hits banget yah", whatever happened to "wah music ini timeless banget yah...."??

But then in the end ya kayaknya emang gak bisa disalahin juga ya, ya there's a downside to everything, u just cant have it all,cant you ? era digital memang membawa perubahan signifikan untuk musik dan beberapa tahun belakangan ini dance music, for good or bad this is the times that we live in....

Tp gw yakin all this will pass, in the end waktu juga yang akan membuktikan, all the media hype and marketing gimmicks of the digital era may make a soulless music seem golden, but when the dust cools off, semua akan terlihat jelas...timeless masterpieces will always be timeless masterpieces, and refurbished junks will just be another billboard chart topper yang "so last year"  :P :P

Ini cuma pendapat jujur seorang pencinta musik aja, nothing more nothing less, gw mungkin bener, tp lebih mungkin lagi gw salah, i'm not waging a war against the whole world, tp i do have a right to voice what i feel...i hope gak ada yang take it personally, yang baik diserap yang jelek silahkan dibuang jauh2....

Peace out

Kayak dedrillex gt deh, justin bieber gt..... :P :P

Bwahahahy...piss brot
gw tau nih barangnya... 8) 8)

good stuff good stuff, honestly....

bantu sundul aaaahh up up up up up  ;D ;D ;D ;D
Quote from: echaaaa on 09/11/11, 12:49
bener sih kata noel,jaman skrg yah gitu any FCUKers can make dance music , udah bs bikin toet trus brasa okeh akakakakakakakakak , its a fact ..... gw stuju ma noel nih,being a producer nowadays is easy as shit , being a GOOD producer nah thats a skill worth buying

Couldn't agree more  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*


sesuatu untuk direnungkan.... ;) ;)
@dedo bagooeesss, jangan galau2 ya, mangap aje mendingan  ;D

@raihan thanks brot  :-* :-*, btw yang di mixcloud boleh diedit juga gak tracklistnya? Thanks  *tepuktangan*
@ Barryson Karo-Karo :love u 2 DJ barry... :P :P

heheheh, eh btw ini mixtapenya dibelakang kepotong yah, ada 2 dipotong tu ber, berarti tracklistnya apus aja yang 2 dibelakang...nanti salah2 hehehehe  :P :P :P
@club2club: glad u enjoyed it brot

@7: the sun is shining brightly brot.....segaris itu efek kacamata LMFAO brot, kebanyakan gw pake  :P :P
Selamat menikmati and enjoy the ride....much love  :) :)

Semua comments and feedbacks are welcome  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
PM harga flight casenya donk bro
Congrats Guetta....you've got everything man, everything but the music.....
happy anniversary brots, keep on groovin and keep the faith !! *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
congrats brots   *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
money is the root of evil...especially when it becomes the sole purpose...there are other things more precious than money...such as music maybe??

well said j00f, miss the good old days when trance is more "lively"...

eeeh but what do i know ??  ::)
more like this please !!!  :)
Perlu digalakkan gerakan anti musik-musik seperti ini... *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Its so encouraging to see that so many people are still in it for the music...big love and respect to you all, thumbs up for my brothers soulmanellas, bhokero & dey, groove monkeys and last but not least thank u so much for sharing the love our guest Mr. Grant Nelson....c u soon people for the next installment of shut up....
haaahaaayyy.....full support brot, maap kalo remixnya kurang maximal, mudah2an masi diberi kesempatan laen  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Suffa Groooooveeeee .....hiiiihhiiiyyyyy  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

missyu missyu ah  :-*
We are not haters, but we believe that DJs aren't just operators who simply play whatever music the crowd wants....

DJs are passionate music lovers who wants to share their love of music to others, that said, its only fair we give these DJs the avenue explore their deepest passion and share with you...

We arent elitists, but we dream of a scene where idealism is not something to be blamed for, after all what is music without passion ??

So get rid of those assumptions and come out and dance....but think twice before you request, just SHUT UP and dance. feel the music through your veins, kick back, relax, and have loads of fun !!!!

Main Talk / Re: Grammy Awards 2011
25/02/11, 02:40
quoting Funkagenda's twitter :

"Ok somebody please tell me that I heard wrong + @Axwell + @dirtysouth909 got the award they deserved???
What a crock of shit. Tune in next year to see a grammy being awarded to a kick drum + a slide whistle..."

I guess hollywood needs to leave the dance music awards to those who understands it.....exactly what you get when trend and glamour are what counts more than the music itself...

Axwell on twitter :

"Darkness is upon us"

I cant agree more with Axwell....darkness is indeed upon us....what happened to music ?

oh well......congrats david guetta, moga2 EDM makin jaya disana...

P.S : 10 G5s aint worth my love to "real" dance music....piss