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Messages - dafkaf

Quote from: tante nayo on 14/10/06, 02:57




terima kasih semuanya...

love u guys,

Quote from: nggrz on 02/10/06, 13:48

bang, ditunggu nih party dafkaf berikutnya  ;D ;D  respect, cherrssss....



iya nih, lg d cari waktu yg pas

biar semua bs session rame2

hehhehe.. thx supportnya guys,

Quote from: tante nayo on 09/10/06, 11:46

kunir bikin nyengirrr....



tp knapa cepat ngilang gitu ya?

k private room'kah..

Quote from: tante nayo on 16/09/06, 14:47

muka serius sewaktu spinning... menandakan serius pula dia total dalam bidangnya...  ;)
talented, tastenya bagus, on time, alat2nya canggih, berkiprahnya udah dari jaman masih mobile2an di tahun 90an, rajin cari lagu, rendah hati, jogedannya pol, udah se gig ama Digweed, lagi...
seems like he's gonna be the next best star :)
schedule tends to full anyway...
namun, harus jaga kesehatannya... :)

Cheers, Love, Respect, And Peace.



wah.. kira2 siapa ya?

Quote from: RoniJoni on 30/09/06, 20:25

dj jimmy (electrosoul)
dj fasha (a2club)
DJ Guntur (Polo Club Bdg),
DJ Harris (B1 DJ resident assistant),
DJ Oki (B1 DJ resident assistant)
DJ Raden (Ando) ..
DJ Eko (Twilo)
dj erol
dj nanda
dj marco....
ada lagi...??????

Jimmy - sibuk dgn kegiatan kerja'nya

Guntur - pensiunan skrg d Bandung

Harris - terakhir sempet resident d WB, skrg kerja production house

Eko - masih aktif, cuma ganti nick-name jd "sushi-platter"


Quote from: 1945MF on 29/09/06, 03:29

DJ Guntur (Polo Club Bdg), DJ Harris (B1 DJ resident assistant), DJ Oki (B1 DJ resident assistant)
DJ Raden (Ando) .. DJ Eko (Twilo)

asleeee... ini baru BACK IN THE DAYS ya djuoooo,

stok lama banget, huahahaha...

Quote from: global sound on 23/08/06, 15:26

tolong komentarin dong dj yang satu ini? buat yang kenal...................................

apa kabarnya nyo?

sukses utk Global Sound

Quote from: fLawLeSS on 26/09/06, 18:58

kalo "the knife - we share our mother health ( trentemoller mix )"
itu masuknya minimal apa yah ??  ::)

setuju!! lagunya keren..



hmmm... jajanan & makanan

nyaaah, nyaaah ;)
Quote from: 1945MF on 07/07/06, 23:56

Ha ha ha..
Yg bener adalahhh
1.Dicky Dargo temen SMA gue sama Irwan (gue main drum and dargo gitar ha ha)
2.thn 1996 gue live p.a di Balemang (irwan nge dj abis gue..) dan Dicky juga dah live p.a
3.gue pernah bareng live p.a di Indigos sama dargo 1997 juga di Fashion Cafe (Boleh dibilang the dicky & gue 1st live p.a di Indo cieeee)
4.Sekarang Dicky work as label consulting, fyi CD Clubhoppers (Winky,Agoose,Naro,Romy) dia yg urus semua..

Clear guys???


inget siapa yg fashion-show ngga?


Quote from: RoniJoni on 27/09/06, 01:10

full support n respect 4 dafkaf.....
selamat buat qq dng dafkafnya...
salam buat abang n miko n adhe...!!!!!!!!!!
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

roni joni... salute!!!


@ roni joni : thx bro ;)  iya kalo set d mainroom lebih housey gt, techno'nya d WB aja ya

@ chris m : next time gw set ya bro..

@ dimsumonline & capt. ija digweed : nanti d absen yaah, omphie jgn ketinggalan.. huahahaha

Quote from: dimsumonDLine on 29/09/06, 02:07

iya donk abanggg,,, namanya closing d sana, tentunyoo opening hrs d tempat yg sama,,,, hehehehehe  ;D ;D ;D


ntar gw siapin " table + drinks " utk anak RVLX yah..


Quote from: dimsumonDLine on 23/09/06, 18:44
what a night,,,,, real closing party!!!!!

nice crowd @ Embassy and Wonderbar,,, nice set @ embassy by 'abang' irwan (as usual,,,, two thumbs up abang!!!) and iman,,, secara udh cukup lama jg ga liat set iman dgn techno house nya yg really pumpin!!!!

and, wonderbar (seperti biasa!!! and i love it!!!) ,,, there's no place like home!!!! yea, and wonderbar is the onlyone!!! hahahaha,,, floor dihancakkan dgn set Bone selanjutnya bung Miko as usual again,,,, berhasil membuat floor menjadi lebih autis, mengkeret dan mengawang!!!! gila,,,,, and nice to know u bung Miko,, hehehe...  :D :D :D

Finally, Thx to Blinksatan, Jay, Reachtothesky, New Real, Jana, Pay and Uncle Gober.... it was a really blast night!!!
*too bad guys, knp ga nyusul pd k WB???

"SOKIL,,, GOKIL,,, MELINTIRRRRRR....." *halahhhh,,,, ahuahauhuahuahuahuahuahua

thx for coming guys....

sayang sih, ada bbrp teman kita yg tdk bs gabung, huhhuuhu

ketemu lagi pas opening party'nya EMBASSY ya...

utk line-up dj'nya unggu update dr kita,



Quote from: mambana on 26/09/06, 07:12

dj pasha (ex resident dj nya a 2 club yg di hotel alila)

asliii... dia pernah maen waktu embassy br buka

kemana ya?


panjang umur'nya...


panjang umur ya joo..

Quote from: okyhard on 22/09/06, 09:13

Denger-denger sih bakalan ada Ai Moonchild, Devina-Milinka, Andezzz, n Adhe Dafkaf

iya bro, itu td malam KAMIS

event malam "TRINITY of LOVE"

jumat cuma resident aja tuh..


" selamat menjalankan ibadah puasa "


huhuuuuuu.... kangen JOGJA neh

Mr. JAY & AVEN gaya'nya ga kuat euy,

lost siska & acid029 - wassup guys?
