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Messages - dark bark

yakin nih, pada joget ntar kalo richie maen minimal techno di jakarta? hehe ntar di komplein gak bisa joget lagi. hehe kidding.
gw juga pengen bgt liat nih..
semahal2nya vinyl masih bisa kebeli kok, gak mesti beli 5 tiap belanja kan. lumayan mahal si emang. mungkin kalo udah biasa beli kaset2 ato CD dulunya, aga sedikit ngga masalah.
Kalo sebulan elo bisa saving beli 1 maxi single/ep/album, di cut dari uang rokok, bensin, dll. trus dr freepass2 party temen. kan banyak gratisan tuh dijkt. begitu 1ato2 tahun, kan udah ada koleksi. koleksi vinyl itung2 elo lebih ngespesifikasiin lagi roots or arah musik lo kemana. munkin karena mahal itu tadi, jadi pilihan2 vinyl2 lo itu jadi makin selective lagi.  karena itu, pas elo maen org2 tau plat2 macem gimana yg will/won't elo pasang. gak cuman sekedar.

ps :toko vinyl techno di jakarta yg update ada dimana yah?
bukannya hdj bayarannya lebih gede yah dari pada dj2an? kok dilarang,
hd 25 ada spare partnya,, banyak pilihan warnanya,, 25euroan,,
gw gak ada masalah ni sama beatport n paypal, malahan dapet bonus €5 lagi beberapa bulan lalu dari richie,, hehe
kalo dj yg maennya ableton live doang di club itu hdj bukan?
soalnya banyak artis2 baru yg lagu ciptaannya canggih2 tapi gak bisa maen cdj ato turntable.
coba di donlot dulu,, hehe
diskonnya brapa persen? harga2 yg di pdf itu udah harga diskon apa belom?
cd 2 nya mantepp
awalnya lagu gipsii,, sampe akhirnya di gas poll.,, hoho super super super!!!
Music / Onur Ozer - Watergate 01
25/07/08, 00:22
This is Istanbul-based Onur Özer's first mix CD. Situated by the river Spree, known for its first-rate lineups of international talent and its famous wall-to-wall LED dancefloor installation, the Watergate Club in Berlin has quickly become one of the world's leading dance music clubs. Only 5 years after its official opening, the club now goes a step further and releases a mix CD series delivering only the finest DJ mixes by some of the club's most exiting residents and guests. With the focus being put not only on the music, but also on the packaging and design, this series will quickly become a truly sought-after collector's item, standing out in flood of mediocre music and mixes that often dilute the market.

The music you'll experience when Onur Özer is behind the decks is no music to stand still to -- this is music with a fresh energy that will keep lifting your arms and your mood even higher, as the night wears on. Onur began his musical career in the late '90s, when minimal house and tech-house were making a resurgence in Istanbul. In a city oppressed by both a stifling heat and a musical style equally as stagnant, Onur helped battle to change the old rules and break old habits, breathing fresh life into a dispirited club scene. Word quickly caught on, and the clubs soon filled up for Onur's increasingly renowned sets. Onur continued to fight the cause and helped found a number of new, vanguard venues, recognized for constantly bringing new sounds, styles and names to Turkey's capital.

Onur's affiliation with Watergate started off with his residency at the infamous Dumb-Unit/Vakant parties. Here, he instantly developed a close rapport with both the crowd and the club. After many stellar nights, this feeling intensified and over the years and it became inevitable that Onur would deliver the first mix CD in this exciting new series. And so here it is, for lovers of the club and good electronic dance music: we bring you Berlin. Artists include: Dewalta, Cabanne, Sammy Dee, Cassy, Jason Blakemore, Abonne, Ion Ludwig, Jens Zimmermann, Patrice Bäumel, Ralph Sliwinski, Johnny D, Hector & Star, William Kouam Djoko, Dinky, Jorge Gonzales, Zimmermann, and Sensitiva.

1. Dewalta - Salgaro
2. Cabanne - Keep Going
3. Sammy Dee - Purple Hummer
4. Cassy - April
5. Jason Blakemore - Suspicion
6. Abonne - Bongospace (Ion Ludwig Remix)
7. Jens Zimmermann - C30 (International Freakshow) / Taxim in Minor
8. Patrice Baumel - The Roar
9. Ralph Sliwinski - Pox Box (Johnny D Remix)
10. Hector & Star - La Raza
11. William Kouam Djoko - Hard Loving
12. Onur Ozer - Terpsichorean Echoes (Harem Edit)
13. Dinky feat. Jorge Gonzales - Fade Me In
14. Onur Ozer - Sahara (Zimmermann/s Wustenmond Mix)
15. Sensitiva - Mimosa

hehe, kalo mau biasa kita bicarain di pm sob, hehe tansfer paypal trus tinggal gw pos ke elo deh, hehe

Quote from: dj_junz on 23/07/08, 13:14
Guys, semua nya pasti dah tau sama masalah ini. G pengen tolong jawab dengan jujur, jika ada orang tiba tiba sawer lu dengan duit lumayan misalkan 50-100rb, mana yang bakal lu pilih, Prinsip idealis lu dengan tetap memutar lagu yang bakalan lu maenin ato muterin lagu pilihan sang pe-nyawer yang bertolak belakang dengan frame/set yang ud lu siapin? Sama kasih alasan lu orang knp milih idealis ato saweran. Jangan munafik yah jawab nya.

hoho, gokil,, maksud lo request lagu sama djnya trus kalo misalnya diputer dibayar gitu? apa biasanya djnya punya harga untuk lagu2nya? haha buset dah,, biasanya sih kalo request itu normal.. klo gak di pasaang yah udah, tapi kalo dipasang trus dikasi duit gw bener2 baru denger,, hehe. pdahal cuman masangiin lagu doang,, gak bikin lagu apa2 trus dibayar kalo request, hebat juga ide2 nambah uangnya. tapi kalo dikasi uang itu serasa tips2 buat striptease gak sih.. coba liat toket 50rb yah,, hehe kyak gitu2
yg edisi 42nya bakalan ame yg ngemix... :)
Music / Fabric 41 mixed by LUCIANO
22/07/08, 20:04

Here's  the latest Fabric mix, number 41 in the series, from the Chilean maestro-of-moustaches, Luciano. Probably the most famous moustaches in the todays minimal dance scene

01. Rhadoo - 'Slagare' [Cadenza]
02. Brothers' Vibe - 'El Baile (Acapella)' [Cadenza]
Luciano wastes no time getting the Cadenza vibes going. Rhadoo's Dor Mit Oru EP has been slept on quite badly I reckon, so it's great to hear 'Slagare' getting the lead-off here. The 'El Baile' a cappella made an appearance on Luciano's much-discussed Raum Open-Air set from September last year - god knows what he's talking about, but it establishes the latin vibe I'm expecting to endure through the rest of the mix. And ah man 'Slagare' just takes me back to Ricardo last weekend!

03. D'Julz - 'Yo Momo' [Intacto]
The first D'Julz track is the newie on Intacto. The Shinedoe remix is a good cut, but here the original emerges seamlessly from Rhadoo's bounce and pop and gives stuff a bit more weight. I'm already enjoying this immensely - and now i'm really looking forward to 'Just So You Know' later on...

Los Updates - 'Getting Late [Luciano's Getting Late Remix]' [Cadenza]
Los Updates have a lot of buzz right now! Anyone associated with Ricardo's Fabric 36 is fine by me. I guess some people may not like the vocals (I've seen some people complain about '4 Wheel Drive' being vocal-heavy) but I actually like them - here they're hilariously mundane: "For the momentbeing the restrooms are busy, they are cleaning or maybe changing some kind of useful device...what do I care?" This is good party music.
Ah man there's some great percussion clattering around here! I'm very glad the 'Andruic & Japan' vibe has found a place here. Hah and these high-pitched synths sound like Tellytubby land! Yeah I need to hear this in Fabric room 1.

05. Reboot - 'Be Tougher' [Cadenza]
Reboot's 'Be Tougher' keeps things moving nicely - I've never been totally won over by this one because it sounds a bit muddy to these ears, but here it lends a nice bit of momentum. Not sure i'd listen to the whole EP again though.

06. Alex Picone - 'Floppy' [Cadenza]
Here's ANOTHER new Cadenza track, this one the upcoming #027 from Alex Picone. I would complain if it wasn't so good. Allegations of chinstroking immediately thrown out of the window here - 'Floppy' is GROOVY. Oh yes yes yes, I think i'll be buying that one...

07. Sety - 'Mogane [Guillaume & The Coutu Dumonts Remix]' [Circus Company]
This is also my first listen to 'Mogane' by Sety, this time the Guillaume & The Coutu Dumonts remix. Nice and gentle percussion going on in the background, and I like the handclaps...ooh and some vocals. This really is just like Luciano's set in Fabric last month - the kind of sexy swing I enjoyed at the time, but now for repeat play on a CD. Nice. I know a lot of people have criticised Luciano for not changing it up enough, but for me when the basic sound is this good...why fuck with it?

08. Johnny D - 'Orbitalife' [Oslo]
Ah and here's the big one. When 'Orbitalife' topped RA's charts a while back I couldn't work out why. I'd given it a few listens, I'd enjoyed it in Johnny D's Get The Curse podcast from last year, but still...that one note just annoyed me after a while. Then I heard it some more, then I listened to it some more, then I realised I was CHOOSING to listen to it more, then I finally worked out that I was under its spell. Then Luciano/Pedro played it out in full - TWICE - in Fabric room 1 (I'm going to be like a broken record about Fabric room 1...sorry) and then, yes, I was totally sold. I suppose some of you might be sick of it by now, but I'm not.

09. Julien Jabre - 'Jungle Beatz' [Defected]
10. M83 - 'In Church' [Gooom]
Some 'Jungle Beatz' from Julien Jabre make for a nice exit from D's antsy murmurings. This mix is mesmerising so far. I guess 'Orbitalife' could have been played for a little less time, but then that'd remove some of its hypnotic (*spits on word*) effect. OOOOOH and here's the M83. Luciano mixed 'In Church' with D'Julz's 'Just So You Know' in Fabric last month, so it's interesting to hear that he's trying it in different contexts. M83's new album has been sending me all misty-eyed and starstruck recently ('Kim And Jessie' especially) but it's nice to be reminded of the hazy days of their earlier material. With Fabric's smoke and lasers, this track really did send me dreaming! (Anyone think it should be a bit higher in the mix though? Maybe I should just turn the volume up...I think of M83 like My Bloody Valentine: more volume=more pleasure).

11. Kevin Saunderson/Inner City - 'Good Love [Luciano's Good Love Remix]' [KMS]
Immensely preferable to the A-side remix by Jesse Rose, here's Luciano's remix of 'Good Love' by Kevin Saunderson/Inner City. Where Jesse Rose goes all novelty on 'World Of Deep' and ends up slightly debasing it, Luciano just takes 'Good Love' and twists it into his own meandering worldview- there's nothing goofy about it, it's just very classy. For me this track sounds like a cut off Fourges Et Sabres but with some occasional vocals/moans and more cavernous percussion. I'm expecting this to amp things up a bit - it's an exercise in tension-building if ever there was one. Looking down the tracklist I can see Phuture and D'Julz on the way, so it looks like I'm in luck...

12. Phuture - 'Rise From Your Grave [Tiefschwarz Remix]' [Strictly Rhythm]
I haven't heard any Phuture apart from 'Acid Tracks', but here's a Tiefschwarz remix of their 'Rise From Your Grave' on Strictly Rhythm. I'm a bit ambivalent towards Tiefschwarz really...their remixes are much of a muchness to me, and I've never heard them DJ or anything...this is quite funky I guess. Shame it's not something a bit MORE though after the Inner City workout - I was expecting a bit more of a peak after 6 minutes of tension. In fact this sounds almost apologetic!

13. Schneider, Galluzzi - 'Albertino' [Cadenza]
14. D'Julz - 'Just So You Know' [Ovum]
'Albertino' is a stonecold classic for me (although it's outshone even by the B-side, 'Nora P') so I'm not averse to it appearing here. Again, i'm sure seasoned Luciano-spotters will be irked by its perceived 'oldness', but the fact is it's a great track and I'd like to think that tracks this good could have a longer shelflife than your average techno record. And I guess 'Just So You Know' could almost be described as the new 'Albertino', although it's about 10x as big and about 10x as lethal. This track destroys me every time. Stonecold dead. Annihilated. Ouch. I feel like the mix could have done without the Phuture track - going straight from the Inner City quagmire into the 'Albertino'/'Just So You Know' combo would probably be a massive payoff, although I guess if the tunes don't match then the tunes don't match.
Seriously, what was D'Julz on when he made this monstrosity?!

15. Kenny Larkin - 'You Are...' [Planet E]
'You Are...' has a tough act to follow, and I guess this is the start of the slow wind-down to the finale. At this point I'm pleased with the mix for the most part, although I would have loved to have heard Luciano letting himself go a bit more - maybe some of the darker style he played after 7am last month, like Loco Dice's punishing 'Pimp Jackson Is Talking Now' etc. I really like how the mixture of house from Chile and Detroit has worked. Here, Kenny Larkin makes a lot of sense, vocally confirming the conclusions we should have come to from the music that preceded him over the last hour: "The outcome is whatever you choose."

16. Chymera - 'Arabesque' [Tishomingo]
I'm mighty glad to hear another Chymera track - this one from early last year. If you haven't had your mind LITERALLY BLOWN by his 'Ellipsis' release then go and get yourself sorted out. I like 'Arabesque' a lot too - a suitably whimsical finish to the mix. I can imagine this one at 9am in room 1 (there I go again...) with the lasers painting the walls and smiles all round.

I've listened to this once. And i've written an awful lot of crap here. But, unlike many Fabric CDs, I know I'll be listening to this again quite a few times. The more familiar I get with Luciano's DJing, the more I appreciate his particular slant on the often-slapdash latin/detroit mashup. (By the way i'm writing this bit as 'Arabesque' plays out and it's getting really beautiful). The Los Updates track is massive, as is the Alex Picone one - I don't think you could accuse Cadenza of descending into chinstroking with these releases. I hope to hear both of those many times over the summer.

I expect the main criticisms of this mix will be its lack of diversion from his sets, its Cadenza-heavy lineup, its slightly meandering trajectory after the Johnny D (which does seem a bit monolithic in the middle there)...but these are all things that I think could be forgiven in the Cadenza boss. This is how he rolls, so roll with him.

Enjoy the CD!

@tito simon
kapan kemari lagi bro?
Quote from: 7 on 22/07/08, 16:58
@ dark bark: harusnya bukan ini yg gue upload sob...ada satu lagi sih,cuma kurang sreg sama endingnya hehehe. sementara yg ini dulu deh. yg gue janjikan "beda" itu nanti gue buat ulang lagi kalo moodnya udah jelas hehehe

ini juga udah bagus kok :) tapi kalo mo bikin yg berikutnya, gw donlot juga kok,, semua deh sob, semua yg elo bikin gw donlot.

hoho, manteb nih ada roar,,
hehe, sori aga belibet, gw juga pas baca lagi belibet, hehe
yg pertama,,
gw waktu itu mo ngeliat dj baru nih di club, gw udah denger 1 lagunya,, nih dj baru keluarin 1-2 ep doang,, tapi orang2 pada dateng rame2 ke club pengen ngeliat, jadi istilahnya djnya sendiri udah ngejual untuk org2 dateng, dan sebagai penonton, gw pengennya ini dj bisa maen lama.

yg kedua,
iya emang banyak bgt di genre yg gw suka sekarang dj/producer yg bikin 1 hits musik trus gw liat dj schedulenya di myspace penuh keliling2 europe & amrik, jepang. kalo misal liat di toko2 plat online, banyak tuh suka ditulis review2 per EPnya sama orang tokonya, tulisannya : dj baru dari sana dari sini sukses dengan debut maxi single apa gitu hehe,played by Richie hawtin, Trentemoller no1 chart, trus ga lama tour deh, EP promo releases US tour, europe tour, dll dan datang ke kota2 anda.

yg ke 3 cuman pilihan tontonan yg gw suka aja,,
iya sob, belibet, kegitingan sori,,,:)

gak bisa juga kita paksain satu event cuman 2 dj yang main.. kesempatan makin berkurang dong buat  semua.. hehe, bingung kan? cmon guys share more of your thoughts..
this is why we call it discussion...

kalo menurut gw lagi nih, gw sering liat2 label2 disini, pas bikin big night party nya, malah cuman naro 2 ato 3 dj. tapi emang bener2 quality dj / producer. some of the crowd blom pernah denger nih dj nge dj (artis baru), termaksuk gw, tapi karena kita udah tau releses2 dari dj2 ini, itu yg bikin kita penasaran untuk ngeliat.
masalah kesempatan makin kurang, yah kayaknya sih kembali ke qulity dj nya lagi,, ada dj2 yg gede gara2 marketingnya, ada dj2 yg gede gara2 qualitynya,,, dan ada yg dua2nya..
dan kebanyakan jaman skarang yg gw liat dj2 gedenya gara2 mereka bikin2 lagu,, bikin 1ato 2 hits langsung terkenal seluruh dunia sekejap.(kalo track yg dibikin bener2 bagus) tapi kalo emang terkenalnya dari permainan djnya (5 tahun maen ato 10 tahun maen dj) aja biasanya yg gw liat terkenalnya cuman di negaranya masing2... gw prefer nonton dj yg baru 1th tapi udah ada bikin 1 lagu yg gw suka , dari pada dj yg udah 10 tahun maen di club with busy schedule tapi cuman dj2 yg cuman jago ngemix2/scratching2 aja.
again just my 2 cents,
Quote from: Debon on 21/07/08, 09:55
itu dia susahnya sob.. secara keaempatan yang dateng rata2 untuk main sejam.. bisa main berjam2 paling di studio,,, dan studio set dengan dj set depan live crowd on the dance floor is completely 2 different things..

nah, sbagai penyelenggara acara yg bagus,harusnya ngasih kesempatan dj2 itu untuk maen2 long set di club, kalo emang elo percaya sama dj itu.(lagi ngapain juga disewa kalo ga percaya)
ya abes, studio set sama clubset beda,
nah kembali lagi ke penyelenggaranya, lbih mikirin quantity / quality?
yah klo masih mikirin quantity aja yah, dream2 dr 5th lalu bakal keundur 5 tahun lagi

gw inget trentemoller di embassy 2thn lalu apa, klo ga salah dia cuman maen 1jam an klo ga salah,  kyknya lamaan dj berikutnya,,