bayu kalo dah jadi NINJA emang lupa diri..!
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Visual Jockey / Re: Genre14/12/06, 17:17
bayu kalo dah jadi NINJA emang lupa diri..!
*wekekekekekeeee #102
Visual Jockey / Re: Genre14/12/06, 17:15
makssih sob... maksih bgt... *duh zabiela emang gokil (buat gw yaa) wacana banget !
Visual Jockey / Re: Genre14/12/06, 14:33
huahahahaaaa..maapin bayu, dia mana inget pernah main di K7... *Bay.. bangun bay....!
Visual Jockey / Re: Genre14/12/06, 06:58
focused style, minimalis, on beat with soul... *halahhhhh
New Year 2007 / Mezzo Motion Presents Embassy's Venice Masquarade Ball 200713/12/06, 00:01
Visual Jockey / Re: VJ on DUTY list for New Year Eve Party08/12/06, 22:46
wahhh seru tuh Yogya..! good 4 Latex!
iya bubur DUTY enak tuh ! #107
Visual Jockey / Re: VJ on DUTY list for New Year Eve Party08/12/06, 00:10
Wonder Bar (pertama kali nih gw main di WB)
invi / g-list lumayan banyak +/- 15 or 20.. minum nya dijanjikan freeflow,, tapi gw mau minta 3 botol aja ah.. takut janji surga.. #108
Jakarta Events / Re: Mezzo Motion Crescendo with LOUIE VEGA06/12/06, 14:59
yup.. nabung2 buat new year eve...!
Visual Jockey / VJ on DUTY list for New Year Eve Party05/12/06, 23:36
YOOOO VJ's.....!
yuk berbagi info entar Tahun baru 2006 pada gawe ke mana & di mana.. sekalian info dapet jatah invi berapa, id-card berapa, botolnya berapa... heheheheee *seperti idenya Bayu, niar rame... #110
Jakarta Events / Re: Mezzo Motion Crescendo with LOUIE VEGA05/12/06, 23:01
sepet: vj booth nya ada di lantai dua pas depan tangga, samping pintu ke Balcony. posisi paling strategis untuk visual, titip tas, duduk tepar & lain2.. heheheheeee
iya kayanya dari atas gw liat tuh yg godek2 depan dj booth.. to bad DJ RIM ga jadi main, Louie Vega nya kesenangan & request supaya main sampe club tutup..! sapi: duh cerita mu sungguh dalem juo.... ! keren deh perjuangan mu (kayanya itu malem, semua berjuang bgt) salute to all that had a chance to witness Vega ! C U ALL AT New Year Eve...! (ups.... ini masih off d records!) #111
Jakarta Events / Re: Mezzo Motion Crescendo with LOUIE VEGA03/12/06, 22:05
gokil.. kalo denger cerita katanya di entrance Embassy tau2 jadi Chaotic...
event documenter team nya elektra666 yang selesai ambil footage di pintu masuk aja gak bisa masuk lagi.. entah kenapa kok tau2 bisa "parah" bgt ya..? @ mayo: banget! yang stay ama selesai bisa liat how low profile nya Vega dibalik management nya yg men'superstar'kan dia.. cool DJ, thank you grafitinya di tembok Embassy juga asli NY bgt.. segede gaban juooo...! #112
Jakarta Events / Re: Mezzo Motion Crescendo with LOUIE VEGA29/11/06, 19:45
iya, ngantri nya kayanya bakalan puanjanggggggg..
Jakarta Events / Re: Mezzo Motion Crescendo with LOUIE VEGA29/11/06, 19:24
ada ide nihh, kalo mau dua duanya.. dapetin CAP embassy & WB di tangan..!
heheheee... just idea buat yg "habit" naik turun.. (duh emang seru sihh yaa..) #114
Jakarta Events / Re: Mezzo Motion Crescendo with LOUIE VEGA29/11/06, 18:28
iya, so better made up yr mind...
Jakarta Events / Re: Mezzo Motion Crescendo with LOUIE VEGA29/11/06, 18:13
ya ada invi & Glist.. FDC nya Rp 100.000,-
informasi terakhir tangga Embassy Wonder Bar akan di tutup. #116
Jakarta Events / Re: Mezzo Motion Crescendo with LOUIE VEGA29/11/06, 17:10
FDC Embassy event MEZZO CRESCENDO with LOUIE VEGA Rp 100.000,- sob....
be sure to dress up or u can't get in. #117
Jakarta Events / Re: Mezzo Motion Crescendo with LOUIE VEGA29/11/06, 14:38
gokil table embassy fully booked !
Visual Jockey / Re: BIAR GAK SEPI NIH....28/11/06, 18:57
SIAL.. ketinggalan jauh gw...
waahhh Modus Operandi boleh tuhhh... rokok mahal nya.. buat2 footage enaknya: di peluk dari belakang, terus dibuatin sandwich2 gitu.. trus jadinya itu gawe gak jadi2.. tau2 panik aja.. tapi ya tetep enak... tp yg pasti sih nyubuh tuh waktunya, denger TOOL, ato SHAGGY DOG.. ugh mantep! kalo bayu emang narcis, maunya pegang sendiri & cium sendiri.. *udah bosen dipegang orang lain yee? #119
Jakarta Events / Re: Mezzo Motion Crescendo with LOUIE VEGA22/11/06, 15:56
@ WALASOK: Louie Vega main di Embassy jkt. 2 Dec 2006
Jakarta Party Report / Re: (photo report) Stereowerk : Drum n Bass Technicality @Mbargo Solo13/11/06, 16:36
yuuuu... seru.. MAU LAGI DONG KE SOLO
Jakarta Events / Re: Mezzo Motion Crescendo with LOUIE VEGA12/11/06, 20:44
bukan pelit, tapi moody aja... secara spanish american DJ yg New York home base.. famous pula..
BTW: VJ booth nanti bakal di lantai 2 depan2an ama DJ booth, so its far enough.. betul artist room di samping dj booth.. #123
Jakarta Events / Re: Mezzo Motion Crescendo with LOUIE VEGA12/11/06, 14:27
Jazzymike: ugh... masalahnya posisi Vj booth & artist room jauh juoo.. tapi ntar gw coba "bilang" ama RIM, kalo cukup banyak item yg mau TTD, biasanya ada 1 sesi untuk itu..
i try, but ngak janji.. you know lah Louie Vega... #124
Jakarta Events / Re: JAMES ZABIELA @ JAKARTA & JOGJAKARTA12/11/06, 14:23
James Zabiela setup for Jakarta & Yogya Gig...
Jakarta Events / Re: Mezzo Motion Crescendo with LOUIE VEGA12/11/06, 13:22
can't wait to see the master my self..!