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Messages - mazday

One more up before the 10th series of Indecent Proposal. Cheers ;)
@Danzig: Waahh, cocookk. Thank you bro. Cheers :)
Quote from: danzig on 29/07/12, 12:26
abis track terakhir ada lagu dj gregory nyantol tuh :P

Gregory yg judulnya apa brur, boleh aja kalo mau dilanjutin ;)
Music / Re: Track of the day
02/08/12, 10:52
Summer is coming :)

Baru kemarin di guide langsung sama Mas Dudut & DJ Nine nyobain RMX-1000 di Rumus, seru banget alatnya. Efek yang bisa dihasilkan sangat-sangat bervariasi dan yang paling penting user friendly. Dan persis seperti yang dijelasin diatas, ada beat maker yang bisa memungkinkan kita utk masukin efek ke situasi apapun. Untuk fill in juga sangat membantu. Bisa record juga, cukup dengan tambahan memory card (SD card), dan lain2 yang dijelaskan diatas. Pokoknya very interesting gear :)
Quote from: Gober on 25/07/12, 02:20
pgn liat dubstep : skream, benga, rusko, magnetic man, modestep, artwork, nero, chase and status or maybe skrillexxx...

La roux jg blom pernah konser disini.  #bringsomethingnew

Waaaw, kalau ada La Roux sih gokil.
Please stop it, Pi. And her comments, has gone too far bro..
Quote from: formatted on 17/07/12, 22:27
ijin sedot om :D

Silahkan Om, thank you :D

Quote from: rajib89_PPF on 21/07/12, 14:54
Rampa - Everything (feat. Meggy)  *bgs* *bgs*  8)

nice om mazday...sedot yak.. :D

Thank you, bro :)
Quote from: nandi on 21/07/12, 03:48
Bikin acara kaya di Culprit Standard Rooftop LA seru juga..dari jam 1 siang sampe jam 9/10 malem kelar..tempat mungkin di Skye 56 menara BCA..hehehe

Line up? Local house/techno heroes dulu aja..plus guestnya request dyed soundroom kalo bisa..hehehe..

Sama Art Department juga ya Di. hehehe.
It's tonight guys, a closing party.

When the end is the beginning ;)

Thank you bung Ryan udh bisa partisipasi di 'Dip It Dip' nya, it's an honor.
Mudah2an yg lain suka ya. Critics are awaited :)
@danzadanzi: Wow brur.. you described it great! Thank you for listening :)
Quote from: phuture89 on 08/07/12, 19:12
mazday..gue izin gue download gue kasih social place (cafe di lampung) yang muter2 ginian yah....

nice tracks...nice flow....good work brother.

info tracklist dan bpm dong sob..biar temen2 yang mau dapet infonya mixtape ini lengkap (kalo ga ngerepotin loh)


Siap Ryan, it would be an honor. Track list akan di update very soon. Dan sesuai pembicaraan kemarin, untuk mixtape minggu ini akan gw kirimken ya.

Thank youu :)
Quote from: nandi on 08/07/12, 15:54
this is really make my sunday complete..nice brur :)

tp menurut gw ada bbrp part dimana lo agak kurang rapet masukin mixing bar-nya jd transisinya kedengeran agak drop..but that's just my tought..hehehe..buat selection gw suka banget ;)

Thank you for your critics bro, I wouldn't have notice it. Next will be better :)
Quote from: Gober on 09/07/12, 19:08
@mazday , eventnya no problem sob, its fantastic! Stagenya gokil, visualnya keren, DJnya mainnya keren semua, ferry corsten main jauh lebih ok dari sebelumnya. Crowdnya juga ga bisa dibilang sepi kok, interaktif, angkat tangan terus, and very hype. Ekspektasi gua pribadi event ini bakal serame Dash Berlin, bahkan lebih rame secara yg main top liner semua. Tapi mungkin kalau serame itu bakal ga senyaman kemaren. :)

foto2 lagi dikumpulin...

Thanks a lot Paman. Ini semua juga berkat kerjasama yang sangat baik yang diberikan oleh X2 team.

Lets hope for more great events in the future. Cheers :)
Selamat siang semuanya, thank you Ravelex and all of you who came to X2 last weekend for Full on Ferry.

Crowd yang dateng cukup ramai juga. Memang ngga se-packed DB, but at least a 10 cm space shoulder to shoulder between crowd perlu juga untuk enjoying the show rite :P

I was having a massive time, mudah2an semua yg hadir juga ya. Kalau ada kekurangan, nanti akan coba untuk diperbaiki di event2 berikutnya :)

About Giuseppe, unfortunately had to cancel his show on that night karena alasan kesehatan. Tapi dia akan reschedule jadwalnya di Jakarta in no time.

Once again, thank you guys for supporting the event.

Cheers :)

*sedikit photo report:



fof crowd.jpg



* I guess this one took at around 5pm  ::) ..  :P
FoF 5pm.jpg

Quote from: Gober on 05/07/12, 15:21
Rave or not, terima kasih buat promotor / venue yang datengin mereka, jakarta can be one of the international EDM hot spot!

Aminnn :D
Quote from: eb1711 on 05/07/12, 14:05
Quote from: mazday on 04/07/12, 21:45
Quote from: Gober on 04/07/12, 20:59
tiketnya brapa harganya ya?

Ticket will be sell at-the-door

7pm - 9pm: 200K
9pm - close: 300K

So come early, guys!

*thank you Paman :D

Ketepu gue, booking table 5jt dpt 7tix, ktnya 1 tix 350k.  (?)
uda gitu harus bayar full dulu lagi  :o

Mungkin ada miskom, apakah termasuk minuman atau tdk (krn booking table) bisa di konfirmasi lg ke pihak X2 ya. Thank you, and hope you have a good time tonight :)
Quote from: Gober on 04/07/12, 20:59
tiketnya brapa harganya ya?

Ticket will be sell at-the-door

7pm - 9pm: 200K
9pm - close: 300K

So come early, guys!

*thank you Paman :D
Rundown updated on page 1 ;)
This Friday, guys. See you there :)
Hi, this is my latest mix.

Criticism are awaited.


Cheers :)

Track list:

1. Adana Twins - Strange (Original Mix)
2. Robosonic - Worst love (Doctor Dru Remix)
3. Finnebassen - Touching Me (Original Mix)
4. Doctor Dru - The Voice Of Dru (Original Mix)
5. Fur Coat - You And I feat. Cari Golden (Original Mix)
6. Who Made Who - Every Minute Alone (Tale Of Us Remix)
7. Louie Fresco - So Good
8. Eats Everything - Jagged Edge (Original Mix)
9. Maceo Plex - Can't Leave You (Tale Of Us Remix)
10. Maetrik - The Reason
11. Jay Shepheard - Add Arp (Catz N Dogz Remix)
12. Delano Smith - Odyssey
13. X-press 2 - Kill 100 feat. Rob Harvey (Carl Craig Remix)
14. Mark Reeve - Dice (Original Mix)

Can't remember the BPM.

also available in http://romeoputra.podomatic.com


Wow, it's free entry!
Gw pernah ke Shoot sekali sekitar 1 bulan yg lalu, was a whole different music at that moment. Now I can imagine a way much better ambiance with yours. Kapan2 main di Cosa Nostra dong bung David :p