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Messages - drwe



smoga makin solid...makin canggih...amin...

congratulations for dj blonky....

peace out
Quote from: didi 1945mf on 13/11/07, 16:14
Quote from: drwe on 12/11/07, 00:44

asli...seru banget turnya...phatt brothers emang gila...main djnya apalagi...hahahaha...

kapan lagi nih???

pas bareng matt caselli, Phatt brothers megang banget....KEEP ON RAWKIN DA DANCEFLOOR!!

Ini Dia nih Brother in Hole!!

BTW selesai juga nih tour nya,.. keseluruhan event nya sukses tidak ada cacat nya,.. Maju terus buat FHM he hehe he,... Cari yg montok2 lagi ya!!

yes yes yes...brother in da hole hahahahaha...and dade's roomie..hahaaaaaa...

"if you wanna ride......"
wah.....canggih....there's gonna be more and more djs in jkt...congratulations to all semifinalists....be prepared....show them what you're made of.....once again, congratulations......

c u on wednesday, guys....



asli...seru banget turnya...phatt brothers emang gila...main djnya apalagi...hahahaha...

kapan lagi nih???

pas bareng matt caselli, Phatt brothers megang banget....KEEP ON RAWKIN DA DANCEFLOOR!!
seru seru seru.....

great job guys....
gokil banget nih acara...ngemc dari jam 11 aja crowd nya dah pada siap tempur.....

crowd nya gokil, DJ nya gokil smua...seru banget...mana hari senin pula...gak nyangka banget bisa serame itu....tapi gw yakin itu smua krn kerja keras tim yang bikin acara ini...CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! thanks banget udah di ajak main di acara ini...

sory banget, gw jam 3 dah balik duluan...gw kuliah jam 7.30...hehehe....

gw baru bisa post nih....baru bisa internet lagi...hehehe...



hmmm...gw sih baru liat 135bpm baru skali pas di wb...mungkin blom dilaunch nama 135 bpm kali yah...secara konsep sih udah oke banget...mungkin perlu dimatengin...namanya juga orang sob...harus terus belajar...Keep it up guys!!!.

untuk MC nya yang dibilang 'swearing',based on my experience sih, gw pernah liat MC yang kayak gitu pas gw lagi diluar...disana sih rocking gitu....yah, mungkin beda kali yah disini...but its all good....secara tuh MC domisilinya di luar...hehehe...well, u've learned from ur experience, so i know you'll know wat to do next time....FULL SUPPORT!!!!

-peace out-
Paman Gober...nanya dong....satu email bisa vote brapa kali??ada ketentuannya ga??thanks a lot yah.....Sukses buat tim REDMA!!!
To the judges of REDMA and the people who has given their vote for me, THANK YOU SO MUCH..i'm very honoured...and for all nominees, CONGRATULATIONS, you deserve it.......Have a fun time voting!!!......peace out........

To all judges ang juries of REDMA 2007 and the people who has given their vote to me, THANK YOU SO MUCH.....congratulations for all nominees..you deserve it.....SUKSES TERUS BUAT REDMA....have a great time voting!!!!!......peace out......

Full support for REDMA 2007!!!!!!
oiy...minta all nominations and categories with all the nominees dong.. thx bro