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Messages - echaaaa

toplessnya mana  toplessnya ? *siapin baby oil
Quote from: Jerome on 03/08/12, 17:53
kl menurut gw masalah dr SYNC itu lebih pada ke masalah atitude dj2 skrng yg "malas"  dlm arti :

kl jaman dulu pas make turntable, seorang dj mau nggak mau harus belajar dan latihan puluhan jam supaya beat matching nya rapih, kayaknya klo mixing blm rapih  blm berani keluar kamar / manggung lah ... kecuali loe mo disuruh turun karena mixingan loe brantakan ... begitu beatmatch loe udah rapih baru berani manggung ..dan pas bru manggung pertama2  loe menyadari bahwa nge dj tuh bukan cuma nyamain bpm 2 lagu ... its more than that , harus mikirin gimana nyusun lagu dlm set nya , flow energynya ,  baca crowd etc ...karena  sdh terbiasa untuk ngulik dan latihan jadinya dj yg bagus tuh akan selalu belajar  gimana spy set dia keren dan bisa work the party dg cara ya mempelajari lagu2 dalam koleksi dia , dan membaca crowd dlm menyusun set dia scra live di gig

Kl jaman sekarang karena ada fasilitas sync , yg gw liat di lapangan adalah banyak dj2 generasi skrng  yg jadinya ambil short cut untuk menggunakan sync tsb ... enak ... kyk di traktor asal beat gridingnya benar , kl mixing pake sync pasti rapih jali .....cuma ya itu  dia akan miss the proses of learning  beatmatching ... rasanya udah jago nih mixing , jadinya dia akan keluar kamar terlalu cepat dan cenderung punya rasa " maaf " sedikit sombong / sok jago kl manggung.

Karena dia tidak terbiasa latihan/ ngulik maka dia pun tidak terbiasa untuk belajar baca crowd or belajar menyusun journey dg flow yg bagus , akhirnya juga dia jdi " kurang respect dg lagu dan proses mixingnya nya jg...
pokoknya hajar  pumping mo main jam brp pun ...or lebih gila lagi  udah downloadnya lagunya gratisan/ bajakan , trus playlist tinggal nyontek anthem2 nya guetta bin bureem bin tiesto , mixingnya pencet sync pula ... lengkap lah .. nggak usah pusing2 beatmatching yg penting bisa kepak2 sayap or tunjuk2 jari  di booth... apalagi di indonesia yg scene club mainstreamnya berkondisikan seperti itu ... " bodo amat yg penting pecah pake LMFAO abis itu sambung anthem rnb nya guetta " ..kbanyakan tidak mau lagi edukasi crowd dg lagu atau show your own style ( takut nda ngetop ) ...

sampai pd yg terendah adalah udah nggak bisa mixing biar ngetop doi pamer tete ..
( msh mending t*t* nya jupe ... cb klo t*t*nya dj anton , gw or echaaa ... waaa bubar deh partynye ..lol)

well nggak semua dj seperti itu sih , tp kebanyakan yg ada sekarang seperti itu

jadi masalah sync or not sebenarnya  hanya sebuah tombol tapi  intinya adalah cobalah hargai dunia dj tuh secara utuh jgn cuma mo jadi superstar instant demi status gaul dkk .

Makanya mungkin banyak yg bilang juga disini ada baiknya belajarlah yg tradisional dulu , selain menghindari kejadian laptop loe hang trus loe cm bengong nggak bisa apa2 , tapi jg yg terpenting adalah gimana loe menghargai profesi ini yg set standartnya sudah ditentukan sblm tombol sync itu ada ..  makanya jadinya lebih ke masalah attitude drp pada masalah teknis ...

tp jg untuk para dj baru yg langsung terjun ke dunia controllism sbnarnya bukan harus wajib bgt loe hrs belajar beatmatching manual ( apalagi turntable tuh udh langka , cdj harganya jg lumayan mahal )  , tapi yg penting bisa hargain filosofi nge dj itu sendiri dulu baru mangung , jgn gampang tergoda untuk ambil shor cut / cara instant untuk ngetop ..... di traktor pun kan bisa beatmatching manual .... trust me..  manual beatmatching is fun

yg penting tuh jiwa nya bukan tehniknya  ..

satu hal yg pasti berdasarkan pengalaman pribadi ya  ... nggak tau knp menurut gw dj yg mainya nggak sync set dan flownya lebih bagus dan manusiawi meskipun adalah miss beatnya sdkit , dibanding dj2 yg full main sync .. setnya emang rapih bgt tapi menjadi terlalu kaku dan flownya datar . ini just my opinion ya

semoga bermanfaat

preach it brother preach it !! let em know whats what !
Taken from A-Trak Article on Huffinton Post (yang ga tau sapa itu A-Trak can go fuck themselves,seriously?this dude is huge!)

There's a new buzz-word in the world of DJing: "Button Pushers." As the DJ moves from club booths to festival stages, the equipment has become increasingly varied. And as the lines continue to blur between a DJ who mixes and a producer who presses play, questions of authenticity have been raised. I should mention that I am a DJ myself. I won five world DJ championships (yes, there is such a thing) at a young age, and this has been my career for 15 years, so I feel a certain responsibility to weigh in on the subject.
Traditionally, a DJ spun vinyl records on turntables and would change his set every night. So what about guys who play on laptops? Those who spend more time raising their hands than mixing? Or those whose presence is lost behind intricate light shows? Esteemed electronic producer deadmau5, who recently graced the cover of rock bible Rolling Stone wearing his namesake, robo-rodent mask, decided to blow the whistle himself with a refreshingly frank tumblr post entitled "We All Hit Play." Explaining how his pre-planned stage show works, he admits that the term "live" is an overstatement. But his tone is strangely defensive and he unjustly lumps DJs into the argument, reducing their craft to mindless beat-matching: "I had that skill down when I was 3."
Coincidentally, the same week the DJ world was set a-twitter (literally) by SNL-worthy videos of Paris Hilton's inaugural DJ set. In fact, this DJ-as-Milli-Vanilli debate started simmering last summer with the emergence of a YouTube clip entitled "Steve Angello -- How To Fake Your Fans." It showed the Swedish House Mafia DJ playing 15 minutes of a pre-recorded set from a single CD deck. He later explained that this was the finale of a show where fireworks, pyro and CO2 were timed with certain cues and that it was impossible to perform this segment while mixing live. Having seen Steve mix in front of me many times I can attest to his (actually remarkable) DJ skills. But let's back up a bit: fireworks, pyro and CO2 with house music? Something new is going on here...
A large part of the attention that DJs are getting at the moment is due to the Electronic Dance Music explosion. There's another buzzword for you: EDM. For better or worse, this rising genre is dominated by laptop production whizzes who do not play live instruments. Thus, there are inherent challenges to what an EDM performance can be. Look no further than this year's Grammy Awards: the way David Guetta and deadmau5 were lumped with Chris Brown and the Foo Fighters seemed like an awkward foreign exchange, didn't it? But Guetta and Mr. Mau5's music is catchy and hugely successful. Fans want to experience it in large venues, so there is a need to build a show around it.
Festivals started spending millions equipping their stages with the biggest LED panels and brightest lights, competing with rivals all in the name of this "experience." Now we are in the middle of an arms race where every DJ tries to out-do the next one with shock and awe. As the performance aspect becomes predominant, a paradigm shift is underway. Crowds used to come see DJs for a musical journey. Now they expect to hear specific songs and furthermore, they want to see a show. I can attest to this myself: the craziest crowd response that I get in my sets is when I play my own tracks, and I built a huge, illuminated A-shaped structure that I bring to my biggest gigs. But one has to wonder, when so much emphasis is put on hit records and mise-en-scène: is there still room for DJ skills?
I come from the most technical tradition of hip hop DJing, known as turntablism. I practiced daily for years with monastic discipline, learning and creating intricate patterns of scratching, beat juggling and trick mixing. To me there is a certain romance to this arcane craft. To me this is DJing, an art that fascinates because it's a subversive way of playing music. In any genre -- whether it be hip hop or electronic music -- DJing is equal parts technique and selection. A good set is like a convincing speech: the message is as important as the delivery. The magic happens when the tracks are assembled in front of (and in reaction to) a given crowd. When a DJ mixes, his creative effort takes place on the spot. In contrast, for a performer like deadmau5, the creative tour de force takes place ahead of time, in the conceptual stages of his show, and he is then able to execute it like a theatre play. Good theatre is entertaining, it is moving and certainly has value. This is a classic dispute of apples and oranges, and deadmau5's only mistake in his tumblr post is trying to compare the two. I happen to know him; he's a smart guy and he can take a joke. I also think he doesn't fully understand -- or care for -- what DJing is at the core, but that doesn't take away from his talent.
Recently there was a very cogent editorial post on the EDM blog Dancing Astronaut entitled "Dance Music Has Gone Mainstream But It Doesn't Have To Sell Out." It accused EDM DJs of becoming complacent in their selection. The writer states: "What worries me is not that DJs are simply 'pressing play', but that they're pressing play on the same tracks in the same order night after night after night." This is very true and might be the source of deadmau5's confusion. For the DJs who bounce from venue to venue, playing the same set without the redeeming quality of a personalized stage production, there is no excuse. This laziness is actually giving "live" performances more value! After any big EDM festival, look up the DJ playlists. They're frighteningly similar. This scene is turning into a caricature. Explosions, private jets, standing on tables (I plead guilty to the latter), and now carbon copy playlists... The hair metal soap opera of EDM risks devaluing a culture that has waited for its big break for 30 years.
Real DJing lives when you witness someone play for hours and take risks, reading the crowd and surprising them at the same time. On festival stages, it makes sense to use fool-proof equipment and put together a spectacular show. In today's context, wouldn't it be fair to say that the holy grail is a live performance that has the flexibility to integrate true improvisation? That is the ultimate win-win. To the DJs who choose to bypass the LED screen arms race and stick to their decks, I respect that too. Just make sure you give your audience something new every night. If you want to play David to deadmau5's Goliath, earn it. Challenge yourself to challenge the crowd. And to all the new fans just discovering this genre, come to the shows with an open mind. Don't just wait to hear the songs you already know. There's a reason you're not watching a band. DJing is still at the cutting edge of new music. Let yourself be surprised.
Karen Garret - That B! (Original Mix) :


A Banging high Energy Electro Track from the young and talented Karen Garrett, half American half Indonesian, shes making some serious move in Indonesia Dance Scene


Karen Garrett - That B! (Akira As Astronaughty Remix) :


another young indonesian talent,bringing the hard edge tune into an epic yet banging Complextro remix


coming soon,Guest Remix from Osvaldo Nugroho and Mahesa Utara

Send your Electro,Dubstep,Breaks,Indie Dance demo to : audio.expressions@live.com
buy a jet ..... maybe,or a helicopter lah
you guys do reallize that im trolling here right  ;D ;D ;D ;D

gw ga anti midi,midi gear gw sekamar penuh   hahahahahaha #whysoserious
turntables ... till i die ... evolusi gw mentok di DVS System , cdj pun karena terpaksa (for dj set)

u mad?  ;D  ;D ;D ;D
astaga macam lagu ginian di remix ... hadeeeeeh
Thanks guys,and thank you ravelex
based in London and Jakarta, releasing tracks from the finest up n coming and established producers. The brainchild of Dj Romy and Adrian Champions, AudioExpression has in the past released productions on vinyl. Looking to make use of the growing inter-connectivity in today's digital world, AudioExpression is now looking to release upcoming club anthems and dance gems for local and international distribution.

making a comeback in the scene with fresh talents and fresh sound, we are now focusing on cutting edge Electro,Breaks,Nu-Disco,Dubstep and other bass heavy dance music

With fresh music and fresh talent,we are now active again to release fresh new music on major online stores

We are now accepting Demos,Send us your Electro,Dubstep,Breaks,Nu-Disco track to : audio.expressions@live.com

upcoming releases :

1.Karen Garret - That B! :


Banging Electro Track with Remixes from : Osvaldo Nugroho,Akira As Astronaughty,Mahesa Utara

2.Akira As Astronaughty - You Don't Know Me


Melodic Dirty edge Dubstep with Remixes from : Leon Shady,DJ Echa,Adit Putra

3.Akira As Astronaughty & DJ Echa - Double Dare :


Bass Heavy Modern sound Dubstep

And many more,so send us your demo now....

Follow us!

Twitter : https://twitter.com/AE_music_ina

Soundcloud : http://soundcloud.com/ae_music_ina

Web : www.the45mf.com

berbicara dari sudut pandang pekerja club , event sukses itu pertama di lihat dari REVENUE ! (akakakakakakakakakakakak) ,bukan brarti kita memnguik nguik buta buat ngejer revenue, gw prefer make DJ yang bener2 top notch dan super picky dalam milih DJ terutama perempuan, kcuali gw dah pernah denger sendiri mainnya dan kualitasnya, i will not use some random chicas ,kalo ngandelin seks your club is only gonna be filled with horny men who doesnt understand shit about music

flow,skill,performance jadi pertimbangan,tinggal kemasan dan promo ,dan intinya teamwork dari seluruh tim event sih ,gw prefer pilih DJ that would sell a lot of alcohol,not drugs , coz drugs doesnt make money,unless your a drug dealer

dan gw cenderung mengusir jauh2 drug dealers,dan bikin suasana yang ga enak buat drug user (ga dingin dan terang) , that formula works for me , we droppin that money boiiiiiiii!!
ok,skrg gw bakal share setup live yang di pake gw and adit untuk di robotrock

berikut list gear yang kita pake

2 buah laptop yang ada apel di makan di depannya

1 Roland MC 303

1 Edirol PCR 30 Midi Keyboard

1 Behringer BCF 2000

1 Reloop Contour

1 Behringer Xenyx 302usb

1 Novation Dicer

1 Rane SL2

1 NI Audio8

a midi hub,usb hub and shitloads of cables

semua midi koneksi is custom mapped alias bikin sendiri,banyak macro mapping and we will share the mapping kalo di minta :p

software yang kita pake Native Instrument Traktro pro 2 (masi pelajarin 2.5 jadi sementara masi di 2) and ableton live

main software untuk setup kita ada di traktor , mungkin kalian tahu kalo traktor mulai seri 2.0 punya yang namanya sampledecks , nah ada satu artikel yang menginspirasi kita untuk bikin liveset ini dan sistem itu kita pake sampe skrg ..... saatnya buka kartu :



jadi semua materi live robotrock kita pecah per loops (lebih lengkap baca artikel di sana) dan di tambah live synth via ableton untuk lead melodi/arpeggios (no we wont share what vst's / ableton setup ... rahasia dapur dong :P )

kita juga masi utillized 2 cdj and mixer , yang kita pake buat scratching,trigger fx and samples , di tambah kita punya vokalis yang suaranya mang keren :p (sehari2 dia nyanyi  bareng band jazz di cafe2 dan MC yang lumayan sarap dan kita anjurkan untuk do weird shit on stage) dan 303 buat efek2 and fill in

kita ga kayak "live Pa" yang vokalis cuma muncul pas mau nyanyi,kita bawa konsep band , means kita ber4 slalu onstage slama full 2 jam show kita , dan kita slain live juga kita live remix lagu orang, on the fly, di tambah pyroshow and performance art (by request)

sekian sih yang gw bisa share,kalo ada yang kurang jelas boleh di tanyain,kalo gw bisa nemuin kamera video gw bakal bikin video walkthroughnya , but konsep dasarnya hampir seperti ini

cuma lebih compleks aja karena berdua :)

cheers !

Quote from: BaiM on 06/07/12, 15:56
bang bang, boleh diskon cincgcai ngga bang?

apa sih yang ngga buat aa baim :p

Boleh tuh,secepatnya kita share setup kita

Ps : gw blom tidur,tidur dulu T_T
hi fellow Producers

lewat forum ini gw mengajak kalian semua producer EDM Indonesia untuk ikut serta me-Remix Single baru dari gw and Yacko "Loose Control"

Single ini bakal di rilis worldwide ,dan kalian berkesempatan buat ikutan dan punya karya kalian masuk di Online store terkemuka seperti Beatport,Juno,iTunes dan lain2

deadline untuk remix 15 Juli

silakan kirim hasil remix kalian format Mp3 (320kbps) dan email ke : loco_diablo@live.com

have fun ! and long live EDM
jeff mills .... sakit jiwa tuh , 3 deck on turntables masi nambah live loop layering dan semua tanpa auto sync ..... now thats .... kick ass

ps , kan ane udah bilang trick itu ga penting ,tapi ga ada salahnya ,journey juga penting

gw setuju,to each of their own,buat gw pribadi pertimbangan skill lebih ke technical , saat milih dj buat maen di venue gw pun begitu,seandainya ad penawaran masuk untuk 2 DJ di tanggal yang sama yang satu setnya keren mixing standar dengan dj lain yang set keren mixing edan gw prefer ambil yang kedua,showmanshipnya dapet,yang otomatis sales juga naek akakakakakakak (otak dagang mulai takeover)
bangkeee kenapa minta pin ke gw T_T " sorry im taken" hahahahahahahahha
5 Juli 2012 - Sakala Bali

11 Juli 2012 - Liquid Semarang

14 Juli 2012 - VIP Surabaya (FULL A/V, Performance art and Pyro Show)

25 Juli 2012 - Adora Bali

Quote from: nandi_binus on 03/07/12, 21:59
Sebenernya patokan skill yg mumpuni ini seperti apa? Bisa mixing baik dan benar plus flow musik yg pas atau harus bisa perkosa mixer main efek sama juggling 4 CDJ sekaligus??

Tapi menurut anak kemaren sore seperti saya kayanya crowd cukup dgn mixing/beatmatch yg benar sama pemilihan lagu yg pas sesuai tema musik acara saat itu

then you have much to learn young padawan .....

mixing standar ga ada salahnya,but to trully rock the crowd by having the skills to layer a lead horn + accapella di atas lagu lain ,sehingga jadi versi baru or a live mashup selain crowd bisa ngerasain set lo beda sama dj2 lain,itu juga showmanship , ga semua crowd dateng cuma sekedar untuk musik,ada crowd yang dateng buat ngeliat skill dan apa yang kita bisa lakuin sebagai DJ untuk ngasi warna baru ke musik yang udah jadi ,dan mereka biasanya berdiri paling dpan atau sekitar dj booth,merhatiin setiap detil hal yang kita lakuin ( di jogja malah gw ketemu yang sambil bawa notepad dan nyatet semua yang gw lakuin,di menit berapa dan setelah set sambil makan nanya2 LOL)

layering accapella,doubling beat,fx mash,scratching,chop mixing itu pemanis di sebuah set DJ,thats what makes you unique and believe me, the crowd love it

dengan penggunaan yang pas dan ga berlebihan,skill2 lebih dari sekedar beatmatching bisa bikin set lo beda,dan crowd pun ada tontonan yang menarik,liat setnya Romy,Chocolate Puma,Stanton Warriors DLL .... they have MAD DECK SKILLS ,trick mixing bukan ekslusif ke dj hiphop or turntblist , bahkan Tydi yang trance pun banyak maen trick mixing di setnya (gw nonton dia dari blakang dia langsung,di dj booth beberapa kali)

tricks mungkin ga essential dari sebuah set,lebih ke sebuah pemanis,tapi di bilang ga penting juga ngga
i love pentil
based on a true story :

suatu saat di tempat gw residen ad seorang DJ bule,yang lumayan punya namalah sebagai produser, soundcheck gw yang nemenin, dia make Traktor S4 and using sync , soundcheck semua aman , pas malam event deh , setelah gw open dia,dia maen 2 lagu pertama lancar , tiba2 MBP dia freeze , sound masi jalan tapi dia ngga bisa masukin lagu lain, singkat kata paniklah dia

gw tanya bawa CD ngga ? Ngga | bawa flashdisk? ngga | nih pake flasdisk gw buat sementara sambil restart laptop , jawaban dia ..... I DONT KNOW HOW TO MIX USING CD'S .... gw bengong dong , gw take over bentar sambil dia restart laptop yang ternyata entah kenapa ga bisa nyala lagi

im not an elitist , hell gw udah ninggalin Turntable 2 tahun lalu meski masi pake serato,terutama karena populasi turntable di club2 mulai punah , gw bahkan sering main pake traktor ...... internal mode . . . . . using SYNC, even ableton buat set Robotrock

maksud gw ketika lo mengandalkan Sync dan ga punya basic dasar DJ-ing , apa yang lo bakal lakuin seandainya kontroller or laptop lo mati total ? joget2 di booth bawa kecrekan?

shit happens,and you gotta be ready for it , jangan seperti ni DJ bule yang akhirnya cm bisa bengong,minum bir di dj booth karena macbook pro dia tiba2 koit total

like i said , Sync is a priviliged,use it wisely,but dont use sync to save your life , secanggih2nya komputer , someday,somewhere they will FCUK up,se apik apapun lo merawatnya

lupa ketinggalan satu lagi,dengan punya basic turntable lo bakal nyaman ketemu alat apapun... ga semua club punya cdj 1000MK3 atau cdj 2000 , berapa banyak gw dah liat dj kebiasa make cdj 1000 , ketemu Technics SLDZ bingung (fashion cafe dulu make alat ini,and its fun to see how many people panic to find a moving platter LOL),atau denon ? numark ? or simpelnya deh cdj 100 aja dulu (that little bastard is pretty tricky)

ga ad ruginya kok belajar turntable and really honing the fundamentals of DJ-ing , jaman gw belajar dulu juga make Numark beltdrive hasil pinjeman , when there is a will there is a way
kalo gw ngeliatnya sync itu reward,ketika lo udah lumutan beatmatching and speed hunting di vinyl and cdj ,ketika smua udah cukup tau kualitas skill lo, then yes you can graduate ke sync dan fokus ke hal lain seperti live mashup dan layering sound

tapi kalo sync di sahkan sebagai jalan pintas dari fondasi DJ paling dasar yaitu menyamakan tempo dan beat, this -> salah satu penyebab melorotnya EDM,budaya jalan pintas dan mau gampang

learn the craft,respect the art,earn your battle scars,dont be lazy
Lokasi : My Room

Line up : Cukup DJ Julia Perez ft Nikita Mirzani live PA on my dick

sekian terima kasih
kawan2 ravelex yang terhormat,gw pengen share view dan kenyataan tentang apa yang mayoritas crowd pengen kan

gw di sini tidak akan berbicara tentang crowd yang terdiri dari kalian,yang melek musik dan tau kualitas,karena crowd raveloex adalah crowd pinter yang sudah tau apa yang mereka mau,dan kalian sudah luar biasa,minggu lalu gw beruntung sempet ngerasain crowd seperti kalian ketika gw maen rave DIY di gili terawangan bareng sekitar 300 bule eropa yang melek musik,dan maen deep house ke techno tanpa lagu komersil itu nikmat banget

tapi sekarang lets talk about the average crowd indonesia,bukan cuma jakarta,surabaya or bandung tapi semua,yang sudah bisa gw tarik garis merahnya berdasarkan pengalaman gw yang cetek keliling2 indonesia,jadi mungkin pendapat gw ini sangat bisa di perdebatkan karena semua murni pendapat pribadi

apa yang mayoritas crowd awam ingin kan ? mereka pingin have fun dengan lagu2 yang familier dengan mereka,mereka pingin sing-a-long , sambil mabuk , intinya komersil ......

ok sebelumnya gw mungkin perjelas kalo gw adalah bukan dj underground,dan gw tidak pernah mengklaim diri gw underground,dan gw punya respek yang tinggi kepada para pelaku edm underground,jadi gw ga masalah ketika di luar kota main lagunya adele dan jujur hampir SEMUA dj yang main di luar kota harus di hadapkan dengan kondisi ini ,terutama para DJ yang emang full cari makan dari dunia ini,yes komersialitas udah keburu menjamur seluruh indonesia ,gw bakal bicara tentang crowd mainstream

jujur aja susah untuk memaksakan maen soulful house atau deep tech ketika lo harus maen di sebuah club di lets say balikpapan or samarinda , tapi apa harus toet? apa komersialitas itu harus lagu kacangan yang asal manfaatin sound saw or 808 yang di paksa tereak nada tinggi ?? jawabannya

NO , ga harus toet..... ,di sinilah rata2 banyak DJ yang salah,terutama DJ baru or mostly perempuan yang baru setahun dua tahun ngeDJ , blom bisa explorasi sound dan brani bereksperimen maksain konsep toet itu komersil dan ngejejlin crowd dengan sound gitu ..... rusaklah crowd

kalo kalian semua complain kenapa scene indonesia mandek di toet,salahkan lah mereka,dj2 baru tanpa basic edukasi dance yang jelas,dan tanpa pengalaman mumpuni,yang cuma modal bodi bohay dan muka mulus,ga bisa ngebaca crowd dengan bener akhirnya karena pola pikirnya mandek di satu pikiran toet itu komersil ya cuma bisa maen lagu dutch house yang notabene udah basi coy

i know , sebagian dari kalian di sini tau gw termasuk beberapa pelopor sound dutch,but hey gw maen dutch ketika baru segelintir orang yang tau dutch itu apaan? ketika evolusi sound dutch dari baltimore baru berjalan ,blom sehancur dan semurahan sekarang ,but now ? seesh ketika gw harus maen dutch maksimal hanya 2-3 lagu di set gw dan itu hanya yang bener2 bagus

crowd ga perlu di kasi toet kok,cukup lagu yang familier buat mereka mereka udah enjoy,ga harus make beat eeeeeek eeeeeek eeeeeeek eeeeeeeek buat bikin mereka party habis2an,dan ga perlu harus pure lagu top 40 semua,kalo beatnya enak mereka bakal pecah kok, contoh Gregori Klosman Bounce atau Jaws cukup bikin crowd semainstream apapun goyang saat penempatan dan crowd reading lo bener,

komersil ga berarti kita ga educate kan? dan have some respect , seriously gw ga ngerti dj2 yang main i missu,broken angel atau lagu2 korea remix, what the hell where you thinking ??? segitu nyerahnya apa ga bisa mecahin crowd ,then you better quit your job and go back doing day jobs,dj is not a jukebox dan jangan pake alasan kalo crowd suka lagu itu coz i would say your an idiot,you are a DJ,its your job to light up the party so work hard,dont be a lazy ass yang succumbs to cheesy crappy song and then feel like a rockstar coz youre not

crowd itu sangat flexsibel ,tergantung DJnya , dan DJ juga tergantung crowdnya so if your in this world for the money,be god damn flexibel too,gw suka ngakak liat dj yang main di bali,di club dengan crowd yang notabene sophisticated yang bisa pecah sama good old underground house and tech house tapi ni malah maen toet , jujur gw beberapa kali liat ini and sometimes i just wanna go up to the booth, and slap that bitch out and say get off the decks ya moron !! tapi sayang separah2nya congor gw di internet di real life gw masi sangat sopan

and about dutch house,cmon guys that ship has sailed long ago,sound udah evolve sekian rupa hingga avicii aja udah termasuk komersil abis ,youre gonna keep on playing that sound and fool the masses? geeez you suck

blom lagi skrg tren "live PA" salah kaprah,yang nempelin artis yang entah bener bisa nyanyi atau cuma modal ngetop doang , seeesh , gw malah kasian liat dj kayak gitu,segitu ga bisa lakunya lo sebagai diri lo sendiri sampe harus nebeng ngetopnya orang lain buat main,damn yo ... ga ke itung job yang gw tolak karena pengen nempelin gw sama artis yang gw ga tau nyanyinya kayak gimana,im picky meski itu artis kalo gw blom pernah denger sendiri suaranya and liat performancenya gw mending ga ambil deh,daripada rusak set gw
unfortunately ga semuanya punya mindset begitu

seesh scene indonesia pada umumnya cuma bisa bikin gw geleng2 kepala,dan gw tau banyak kata2 gw di sini yang bakal menyinggung orang2,hey ga papalah,im spittin the truth,gw mau di benci silakan,toh gw di edm bukan sekedar nyari duit tapi gw juga bener2 cinta musik ini,so im doing my part in saving this scene by talking about stuff no one else masi mikir buat omongin ,love me or hate me

gw harap yang pada tersinggung dengan kata2 gw bisa mikir,dan berubah ke arah lebih baik,atau bisa musuhin gw dan coba menjegal job job gw , ga papa,toh rejeki tuhan yang ngatur,yang kenal gw personally tau kok gw gimana,im loved and hated by many ,but i wont sitback and do nothing while the scene turns to shit,komersialitas ga harus murahan,explore terus sound kalian,its about the songs not the sound

buat para dj2 underground salam hormat tertinggi gw untuk kalian,kalian adalah orang2 berani,di mana gw tidak senyali itu di banding kalian,gw cuma brani icip2 dan sekedar mencelupkan kaki di genre kalian,you guys are the real hero of the scene! dan gw sekedar orang yang cari makan di sini *kalo ada icon nyembah gw pake skrg*