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Messages - dinar

ajiiiiiiiib hehehehehehe
full support sayang nih jadwalnya bentrok heeheheheheheheh go dj aree go!!!! i'm with u dah hehehehe
koq tagline nya kyk familiar bgt kyk acara yg suka dibikin salah satu e.o di bdg apa emang sama yah ??!!
Bakalan seru abis nih....

@dhanty iya gw setujuuuu gk musti dijelasin disini jg kali ya heheheh
yah hayu setelah pemilu aja deh biar tenang hehehehe
hajar truuuuus manstap laaaaah
happy birthday brooooo
pd dtg yah guyz,,, dijamin seruuu hehehehe
It's time to election n vote redma,,, heuheu
Quote from: potsy_partypeople on 18/03/09, 13:33
Full support bwt Sparta .. *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

mdah2n dpet diskon-diskon menarik  ;D ;D *piss* *piss* *piss*
thx yaaaa

diskon apa nih ? bisa diatur lah ehhehe

supprot jg bwt partypeople hehehe
@r angel ini sedang mencari waktu yg tepat ya klo mw dtg aja dulu ke sparta biar bs ngobrolin waktu yg tepat jg heheheheh
@DJadam hayuuu atuh tp sabar ya lg kita cari waktu yg tepat ehehehe
Quote from: earthquake on 15/03/09, 19:49
selamat dan Sukses selalu ya..

kalo ke bandung nanti mampir" boleh ya bos...

wah boleh koq bakalan kita terima dgn senang hati hehehe ditunggu kedatanganya yaaa
happy anniversary  S O Z

acaranya ajib nih hehehehe

wajib merapat hehhee
suppoooort daaaaaaaah
ajiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiib suppooooooort dah
suppooooooort happy anniversary yaaaaaaaaaaaaa
waduuuuuuh koq tutup ? buka lg ga ? atw pindah ? atw ada apa nih ? ehehehe
hiduuuup producer banduuung
suppoooooooooort penuuuuuh hehehehe
Full support.....