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Messages - audie_alb

Quote from: twistednano on 15/12/08, 22:12
Aha.. just as i've suspected..

Twisted,dark,trippy in new way of progressive sounds..cuma ada yg kurang, kurang lama!

salute  *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*

Kayanya dia sadar masyarakat udah kecapean dan dia bingung mau ngapain, ya disudahi aja.

Yang closing siapa sih ya, gw gak sempet liat.
Quote from: danzig on 13/12/08, 17:55
setlist, please? hehe.

Cuman inget beberapa:

Fairmont - I Need Medicine
Destroy epriting u touch la yaw
Nagano Kitchen - GSXR 810 (Adam beyer)
Timo Maas - subtellite

Sisanya gak inget, keasikan.
Report? Sangat amat menakjubkan. Parah.
Gak ada deadline, cuman kalo bisa sebelom akhir januari, karena mau rilis may. Sumbernya dari email gw broder.
Salut bgt ama mas wavetraxx, produksinya gokil2! Nih pasti dulu pernah belajar sound/recording engineering, kupingnya peka bgt kayaknya, hehehehe.

Salam kenal.

Claude VonStroke has been picked to mix the upcoming Fabric 46 compilation. Looking for new, exciting music that is similar in flavor to what his dirtybird & mothership labels represent.

Preferably music that has yet to be signed or has a future release date as the CD is slated for a May release.

Please send your music to nathan@dirtybirdrecords.com and include your information. Preferred format is downloadable high quality MP3's, Wav's or Aiff's, full tracks and not edits/clips are recommended.
Yoi, tapi tetep, mau dooong miyabinya eh tracknya om jim dan om dunant. hehehe
Tapi mendingan lebih gelap sih biar nyelemnya makin makin hehehe.
Mungkin satu kata yang bisa mewakili semuanya: SABAR JEK!

Pas kemaren gw denger digweed di X2 gw bener2 disadarkan betapa pentingnya sebuah kesabaran itu. Hahahaha.
Nemu ginian tadi, ane copy paste aja kali yah. Semoga bermanfaat. Credits to Joel Mull.  ;)

1. Know who's playing before and after you

This is probably one of the most important things to remember. Your warm up set should be designed to provide a perfect launch pad for the DJ spinning after you.

In order to get this right, you should know what style and pace that DJ generally plays, and work on building your set to his/her sound.

Knowing what style of music the DJ before your plays is equally important, if you're not the opener.

2. Take it easy, no peaks

The perfect warm up set shouldn't have any peaks or large stand out moments.

It should be consistent.

3. The longer the better

A warm up set shouldn't be rushed. In order to properly set the mood it should preferably be two hours or longer.

The longer a set is, the more time you have to build a mood and slowly raise energy levels. Going from zero to booming in less than two hours is hard.

If your set is shorter than two hours, ask the promoter or club owner if it's possible to start the night earlier.

4. Connect with people

When I play a warm up set, I always try to communicate with people.

I try to make eye contact with at least two or three people in the club and try to get reactions out of them through my music.

I see those people as barometers that I can measure my set upon.

As my music progresses, so should the moods and movements of those people.

5. Prepare. Prepare. Prepare.

I always prepare my first 5 or 6 mixes before a set. I know some DJs like to just turn up and play whatever they feel like playing, but when you're in charge of setting a mood and feeling you need to do it right.

You need to play the right music for the right room.

6. Don't play big tracks

There's nothing worse than turning up to spin, and the warm up DJ is slamming out big tracks, or tracks that you were going to play.

Some warm up DJs make the mistake of playing the hits of the headliner, which is just plain annoying.

As a warm up DJ, you should never play big tracks because that's not your job.

Your job is to set the mood for the other DJ to play the big tracks.

7. No songs and more drums

I always try to find tracks that are more drum orientated and tunes that don't have a typical song structure.

You don't want to be playing chorus verse chorus type music, as that's not ideal for warm up sets.

I tend to stay away from big breakdowns and try to find music that is more stripped back and percussive so I can bring in more elements later, like melodies and more drums.

Think of your set as more of a flat line, rather than peaks and troughs.

8. Organise

Just because your hard drive can hold 30,000 tracks, it doesn't mean you need that many in your box.

Instead of stuffing your hard drive with loads of music, be organised and regularly clean and arrange your hard drive.

I use playlists to temporarily plan my sets before I play, and playlists are also good when categorized by music genre.

Express boredom during the following DJ's set

9. Don't rush mixes

There's not that much difference between my mixing style in warm up sets versus headline sets, other than when I'm warming up I try to draw out mixes as long as possible.

During a headline set, you can throw mixes in out and be erratic based on crowd reaction but during a warm up set I try to blend music together for longer.

It's about creating a smooth ride that evolves over time.

10. Use technology, wisely

Most club mixers these days have lots of FX and audio tricks to use, but you need to make sure the FX you use help set the mood, not destroy it.

I use a loop machine to draw mixes out for longer, and a sampler so I can drop sound effects and samples into a set that gives the set some continuity.

I also use a Korg Kaoss Pad for reverb and tape delays, which I use subtly to help create more tension and more atmosphere.

11. The size of the room matters

Your music should be tailored to the size of the room. If you're playing a festival warm up slot, then you'll need to play music that is more big room and more energetic.

If you're playing a small basement club, then you can get away with spacey minimal tracks with lots of subtle FX and drums.

12. Hypnotize

People go to clubs for escapism. Dancing is a form of escapism.

If you can get people to close their eyes and really feel the music, you've done a superb job.

Try to close those eyes.

13. Patience

This is probably one of the most important aspects to warm up sets. The room might be full, the crowd might be asking you to play it harder, but you should hold back the urge to bang it.

That's not your job, and the people on the dancefloor will appreciate it even more, when the DJ after you finally let's rip.

14. Closing tracks

Try not to close with a track that is hands in the air. So many warm up DJs do a great job up until their last track when they suddenly forget their role and play a big tune.

Your last track is your closing statement, and as a warm up DJ, it's your job to set up the next guy.

Close with a track that's a bit flat, with nothing too noticeable about it.

Make sure it's got plenty of outro beats so that the next DJ can easily mix into it, and then when he drops his big track watch the room explode and pat yourself on the back for doing a good job.

Dan bakalan ada special sunset set dari kedua belah pihak (cailah) satu hari sebelum event ini di Anantara.

Quote from: dedoSixteen on 24/10/08, 18:47
new emerging genres di buat rave saya setuju, nambahin nih gw lagi tergila2 sama nu jazz and broken beat, emang di indo udah ada yang main sih, yah mudah2an aja bisa jadi lah..

Udah ada do, anak2 Melting Pod macam Glen sama Ebby udah maen ini. Rajin bgt maen di javajazz.
Quote from: anggarez on 23/10/08, 11:37
iya, ada jual spare parts nya gak ya? karena masalah headphone ini adalah earcups nya pasti ngeletek (emang bukan headphone dj sih sebenernya). harganya ok sih< sebenernya emang harga normalnya segitu. gw dapet titip dari singapore juga harganya 1,6 kok. tapi sebenernya bedanya apa ya seri earcup ber stiker merah dan stiker biru dua2nya? katanya suaranya lebih bagus yang merah?

Weh emang ada yang stiker merah ngga? punya eke biru nih.
Jual sparepartnya gak sob? Terutama earcupnya, punya gw udah ngeletek. Thanks.
Anjrit gara2 ujian keliwatan deh si kribo.
Bookmark dulu.
Quote from: dirtynumbangelboy on 28/09/08, 15:37
dijamin putus pala nonton die sop, umek juga minder.. hahaha..

Setuju banget gw.
Martin Buttrich
Music / Way Out West - Spaceman
21/08/08, 17:56
Latest from Nick Warren and Jody Wisternoff. Komentar gw, beh, beda tapi tetep asik. Udah ada di Beatport dll. Dan 5oul5eek tentunya, hehe.

Quote from: 7 on 20/08/08, 13:42
Btw..buat para HDJ, tetap semangat sob! Bagus atau tidaknya seorang DJ / HDJ ga cuma diukur dari dia pinter menguasai CDJ, Turntable, Ableton atau hal2 yg berbau teknis lainnya. Tanpa soul, semua itu nothing

Udah setuju bgt sama bro 7. Mau pake apapun, asal dijalani dengan penuh soul, pasti bakal nendang. Nge DJ kan esensinya adalah, apa yang keluar dari speaker. Mau pake turntable/cdj (cara yang umum) tapi musiknya shit, juga sama aja toh?