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Messages - s0nty

tp emang gw liat di laptop kalian udh pd keren2 banget lho... *bgs* ;D
 *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

live PA from France

Saturday, 14 June 2008
@ EX Parking lot
Jl M.H.Thamrin

17.00 - 22.00

Also perform :
DMZ (Junglizta - Bandung),
BIMA (Crime Screne),
JEROME (Javabass)

MC's: DFMC, YACKO, & MC Drift


Skateboarding & BMX area also urban life style booth

BMX & skateboard free style from "Just Do Eat" (JUN, JACK & DIDI) AND Heaven (Norman Genta, Nielz T, Indra Gatot, Firman dan Nova Boesly, Adymas Haryo. Also supported by Endo, Diding and Anjar Pratama)

So bring all your friends and stuffs... and get a chance to win some prizes.

"Please donate to less fortunate for the benefit of Sampoerna Foundation"

More info:
www. ccfjakarta. or. id / 021 390 8585
www. javabass. com / 021 7508740

Sponsored & partner
Culture France/ Le Meridien/ Big Bird/ Aqua Danone/ Rentalindo/ Rennes/ 3 / Nokia/
Heaven/ Loveat/ Junglizta/ Matair

Media Partners:
Metro TV / O Channel / KOMPAS URBANA / Jakarta Java Kini / Jalan Jalan / Djakarta ! Magazine / Radio OZ / Jakarta Nights / Otomotion
 *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

live PA from France

Saturday, 14 June 2008
@ EX Parking lot
Jl M.H.Thamrin

17.00 - 22.00

Also perform :
DMZ (Junglizta - Bandung),
BIMA (Crime Screne),
JEROME (Javabass)

MC's: DFMC, YACKO, & MC Drift


Skateboarding & BMX area also urban life style booth

BMX & skateboard free style from "Just Do Eat" (JUN, JACK & DIDI) AND Heaven (Norman Genta, Nielz T, Indra Gatot, Firman dan Nova Boesly, Adymas Haryo. Also supported by Endo, Diding and Anjar Pratama)

So bring all your friends and stuffs... and get a chance to win some prizes.

"Please donate to less fortunate for the benefit of Sampoerna Foundation"

More info:
www. ccfjakarta. or. id / 021 390 8585
www. javabass. com / 021 7508740

This event sponsored by:

Culture France/ Le Meridien/ Big Bird/ Aqua Danone/ Rentalindo/ Rennes/ 3 / Nokia/
Heaven/ Loveat/ Junglizta/ Matair

 :o oh noooooooo...........
ach elu....jd deg-deg an td gw bacanya... :P

ntar visualnya terbawa2 gak lu?  ;D

*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

Dalam rangka memajukan Indonesian Electronic Dance Music scene, Javabass berencana me-release sebuah album kompilasi Drum N Bass lokal dengan judul HOME GROWN. Album kompilasi tersebut telah di dukung oleh producer-producer dnb lokal : DLR, Random, Krezikulture, Celcius, DMZ, DTX, Sketch, Bima, Jerome, Tranquility, Dub Youth & Cronik. 

Album tersebut akan dikeluarkan dalam bentuk CD dan akan berisi 14 lagu Drum N Bass local. Sejauh ini telah   terkumpul 13 lagu Drum N Bass local dan masih tersisa 1 slot lagi. Untuk mencari bakat baru dan memberikan kesempatan untuk para new breed producer / group, Javabass mengundang kalian untuk mengikuti kompetisi "producing DnB" untuk memenangkan 1 buah slot lagu yang akan masuk dalam album kompilasi dan akan direlease secara komersial. Kompetisi ini diadakan di Forum Ravelex.

Adapun Syarat & Ketentuan-nya sebagai berikut:

1. Kompetisi ini dapat diikuti oleh semua procucer / group lokal Indonesia, yang namanya tidak tercantum dalam
    daftar producer yang tersebut diatas (13), termasuk nama aliasnya  ;D.

2. Producer / group dapat membuat / mengirim maximal 3 lagu gerne Drum N Bass  original / remix. Dengan
    BPM 160 – 180. Lagu tersebut boleh berupa lagu yang sudah jadi sebelumnya atau lagu baru. Lagu yang
    dikirimkan belum pernah direlease secara komersial atau mengikuti kompetisi sejenis.

3. Sub gerne Drum N Bass –nya bebas. Boleh liquid, vocal, chill, jungle, hardstep, techstep, jazzstep, darkcore,
    etc. Keterangan lebih lanjut mengenai Drum N Bass dapat diclick di :

4. Bagi lagu yang berbentuk remix, harus lagu dari talent / artis / group Indonesia dan sudah mendapatkan izin
    atau clearence right dengan artis atau label yang bersangkutan.  Jika menggunakan spesific sample,
    diharuskan menggunakan sample yang free royalty *

5. Lagu berdurasi minimal 3,5 menit dan maksimal 6 menit. Dalam arti ; arrangements boleh dalam bentuk radio
    / pop edit maupun ke bentuk DJ friendly yang lebih panjang *

6. Setiap producer / group harus mengirimkan lagunya dalam bentuk MP3 file 320 KBPS kirimkan link download
   (rapidshare, yousendit, etc) ke email : info@javabass.com berserta profile / biography singkat, foto diri /
    group / logo afiliasi, etc.

7. Lagu diterima panitia selambat-lambatnya hari Sabtu, tanggal 21 Juni 2008.

8. Adapun poin-poin penilaian berupa :
          a. ide & kreativitas
          b. originalitas
          c. kualitas suara & mixing
          d. marketing value
    Poin-poin tersebut diatas akan dinilai oleh para juri dari management Javabass, antara lain : DJ Jerome,
    Random, Celcius, DFMC, dan beberapa orang lainnya yang terlibat dalam pembuatan album ini.

9. Pemenang akan diumumkan pada tanggal 25 Juni 2008, di thread ini melalui forum Ravelex.net dan
    pemberitahuan melalui email kepada peserta. Hanya 1 lagu yang akan dipilih menjadi pemenang.

10. Pemenang harus mengirimkan hasil high quality mixdown yang balance dan  tidak dilimit / tidak diberi limiter
     dimaster bus-nya dan belum dimasterd sendiri (pure mixdown) dalam bentuk Data WAV atau AIFF 16 bit
     atau 24 bit / 441 KHZ. Dengan level master mohon di jaga di – 3 dB.

     File dikirim dalam bentuk CD data ke : Jl. Madrasah no.50, Gandaria Selatan,
     JKT 12420.
ATTN: Sinto. Diterima selambat-lambatnya tanggal 2 Juli 2008.

11. 1 buah lagu pemenang akan mendapatkan hak di-release di album HOME GROWN ini, dan mendapatkan
      royalty dari penjualan album tersebut. Detail mengenai royalty akan dijelaskan kemudian.

Bagi para producer / group yang berminat atas kesempatan ini dan ingin mencoba  kemampuannya dalam producing, kita tunggu partispasinya dalam 20 hari kedepan...

Get inspired, feel free to express your self, be creative, keep it original and do your balancing and mixdown as good as posible. Take your time...send us your best work  ;)
Selamat berkarya   *tepuktangan*

Javabass Soundsystem

Fully supported by : Ravelex.net

PLEASE REPLY YOUR COMMENT DIRECTLY TO THIS LINK http://www.ravelex.net/forum/index.php?topic=15850.0

*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

Dalam rangka memajukan Indonesian Electronic Dance Music scene, Javabass berencana me-release sebuah album kompilasi Drum N Bass lokal dengan judul HOME GROWN. Album kompilasi tersebut telah di dukung oleh producer-producer dnb lokal : DLR, Random, Krezikulture, Celcius, DMZ, DTX, Sketch, Bima, Jerome, Tranquility, Dub Youth & Cronik. 

Album tersebut akan dikeluarkan dalam bentuk CD dan akan berisi 14 lagu Drum N Bass local. Sejauh ini telah   terkumpul 13 lagu Drum N Bass local dan masih tersisa 1 slot lagi. Untuk mencari bakat baru dan memberikan kesempatan untuk para new breed producer / group, Javabass mengundang kalian untuk mengikuti kompetisi "producing DnB" untuk memenangkan 1 buah slot lagu yang akan masuk dalam album kompilasi dan akan direlease secara komersial. Kompetisi ini diadakan di Forum Ravelex.

Adapun Syarat & Ketentuan-nya sebagai berikut:

1. Kompetisi ini dapat diikuti oleh semua procucer / group lokal Indonesia, yang namanya tidak tercantum dalam
    daftar producer yang tersebut diatas (13), termasuk nama aliasnya  ;D.

2. Producer / group dapat membuat / mengirim maximal 3 lagu gerne Drum N Bass  original / remix. Dengan
    BPM 160 – 180. Lagu tersebut boleh berupa lagu yang sudah jadi sebelumnya atau lagu baru. Lagu yang
    dikirimkan belum pernah direlease secara komersial atau mengikuti kompetisi sejenis.

3. Sub gerne Drum N Bass –nya bebas. Boleh liquid, vocal, chill, jungle, hardstep, techstep, jazzstep, darkcore,
    etc. Keterangan lebih lanjut mengenai Drum N Bass dapat diclick di :

4. Bagi lagu yang berbentuk remix, harus lagu dari talent / artis / group Indonesia dan sudah mendapatkan izin
    atau clearence right dengan artis atau label yang bersangkutan.  Jika menggunakan spesific sample,
    diharuskan menggunakan sample yang free royalty *

5. Lagu berdurasi minimal 3,5 menit dan maksimal 6 menit. Dalam arti ; arrangements boleh dalam bentuk radio
    / pop edit maupun ke bentuk DJ friendly yang lebih panjang *

6. Setiap producer / group harus mengirimkan lagunya dalam bentuk MP3 file 320 KBPS kirimkan link download
   (rapidshare, yousendit, etc) ke email : info@javabass.com berserta profile / biography singkat, foto diri /
    group / logo afiliasi, etc.

7. Lagu diterima panitia selambat-lambatnya hari Sabtu, tanggal 21 Juni 2008.

8. Adapun poin-poin penilaian berupa :
          a. ide & kreativitas
          b. originalitas
          c. kualitas suara & mixing
          d. marketing value
    Poin-poin tersebut diatas akan dinilai oleh para juri dari management Javabass, antara lain : DJ Jerome,
    Random, Celcius, DFMC, dan beberapa orang lainnya yang terlibat dalam pembuatan album ini.

9. Pemenang akan diumumkan pada tanggal 25 Juni 2008, di thread ini melalui forum Ravelex.net dan
    pemberitahuan melalui email kepada peserta. Hanya 1 lagu yang akan dipilih menjadi pemenang.

10. Pemenang harus mengirimkan hasil high quality mixdown yang balance dan  tidak dilimit / tidak diberi limiter
     dimaster bus-nya dan belum dimasterd sendiri (pure mixdown) dalam bentuk Data WAV atau AIFF 16 bit
     atau 24 bit / 441 KHZ. Dengan level master mohon di jaga di – 3 dB.

     File dikirim dalam bentuk CD data ke : Jl. Madrasah no.50, Gandaria Selatan,
     JKT 12420.
ATTN: Sinto. Diterima selambat-lambatnya tanggal 2 Juli 2008.

11. 1 buah lagu pemenang akan mendapatkan hak di-release di album HOME GROWN ini, dan mendapatkan
      royalty dari penjualan album tersebut. Detail mengenai royalty akan dijelaskan kemudian.

Bagi para producer / group yang berminat atas kesempatan ini dan ingin mencoba  kemampuannya dalam producing, kita tunggu partispasinya dalam 20 hari kedepan...

Get inspired, feel free to express your self, be creative, keep it original and do your balancing and mixdown as good as posible. Take your time...send us your best work  ;)
Selamat berkarya   *tepuktangan*

Javabass Soundsystem

Fully supported by : Ravelex.net

*Jika kurang mengerti bisa ditanyakan melalui email ke info@javabass.com atau langsung dibahas di forum ini.
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

STR8FWD Born in France in 1981, Str8fwd got first immersed in hip-hop culture and rap music right in the middle of the 90's. He quickly became fond of scratch and turntablism after listening to artists such as Cut Killer and Q Bert. In 1999, he decided to buy his first turntable, and, little by little, managed to get his own complete setup. He started to learn scratch techniques on his own, before practicing mixing rap music. His first contact with drum and bass music occurred in 2001, in Paard op Hol, The Hague. At that time, he was staying temporary in the Netherlands as an exchange student. He got immediately hooked on and spent some more time around the drum and bass scene before returning to France to finish his studies. At that point, (in 2002), he decided to go back to the Netherlands to keep on studying, mixing hip hop and get a deep insight of the
Dutch drum and bass scene. In 2004, he began to buy drum and bass records and to practice new mixing techniques. Str8fwd's experience on stage got started about two years ago: his first gig took place in December 2005, in a small venue called Select, in The Hague. After this event, he tried to develop his own style of mixing, notably by bringing a "scratchy" touch to his tech-step & deep, rolling sets, thus reminding the public of his hip-hop background.

HARD TUNES? HOW HARD YOU WAN IT TO BE? COMING SOON.. :) -Low- Being the front man of Loops Collective and Bionic DJ Academy, Low has put Malaysia drum n bass scene to the world map with his two bare hands. Distinctively known with his meticulous work, Low has organised events more than fingers could count and continues collaboration with other parties what make the hard work to success. Having it made as an adequate and ample organiser, his 14 years of experience as a dj, ease his work as an event organiser. A long the road of his career, he made good acquaintance with foreign promoter and djs. Thus, Low is also famously known overseas as Malaysian prominent drum n bass dj and also as the main person of Loops Collective. Low has acquired a glowing reputation from Malaysian beat junkies as the purveyors of glowing atmosphere and top notch sounds. There's never a shortage of clubbers willing to sweat it out at Loops Collective & BIONIC dos like CHEMICAL, BASSIX, Breaks Centro, Inferno, Looking Good and numerous house, break beat & drum n bass sessions not to be mentioned. Over 7000 people turned out for U countdown 2006 New Years Eve outdoor party was definitely wicked! Besides organising events, Low was invited to play at numbers of local parties. One of his favourites is world famous CREAM LIVE @ Genting Highlands. Played for London Elektricity, Nu Tone, Dj SUV' Asia Tour and Utah Jazz for Loops Collective 6th anniversary. As for his career internationally, adding a sprinkling of classics to an intoxicating brew of upfront cuts, his DJ's actions tuned drum n bass parties in Jakarta , Bangkok, Koh Samui, London, Singapore, MANIFESTO 2005 NYE Outdoor @ Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Osaka, Tokyo. Furthermore, he is expected to launch his very own EP under his label "TAKE OFF". Something about DJ Low - who has achieved in DMC 2000 Malaysia as runner up and Team Battle Champion (Bionic Battle Crew), brought him ranked 9th placing in the World DMC Team Battle categories at Millennium Dome, England among best 40 countries.
 *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

STR8FWD Born in France in 1981, Str8fwd got first immersed in hip-hop culture and rap music right in the middle of the 90's. He quickly became fond of scratch and turntablism after listening to artists such as Cut Killer and Q Bert. In 1999, he decided to buy his first turntable, and, little by little, managed to get his own complete setup. He started to learn scratch techniques on his own, before practicing mixing rap music. His first contact with drum and bass music occurred in 2001, in Paard op Hol, The Hague. At that time, he was staying temporary in the Netherlands as an exchange student. He got immediately hooked on and spent some more time around the drum and bass scene before returning to France to finish his studies. At that point, (in 2002), he decided to go back to the Netherlands to keep on studying, mixing hip hop and get a deep insight of the
Dutch drum and bass scene. In 2004, he began to buy drum and bass records and to practice new mixing techniques. Str8fwd's experience on stage got started about two years ago: his first gig took place in December 2005, in a small venue called Select, in The Hague. After this event, he tried to develop his own style of mixing, notably by bringing a "scratchy" touch to his tech-step & deep, rolling sets, thus reminding the public of his hip-hop background.

HARD TUNES? HOW HARD YOU WAN IT TO BE? COMING SOON.. :) -Low- Being the front man of Loops Collective and Bionic DJ Academy, Low has put Malaysia drum n bass scene to the world map with his two bare hands. Distinctively known with his meticulous work, Low has organised events more than fingers could count and continues collaboration with other parties what make the hard work to success. Having it made as an adequate and ample organiser, his 14 years of experience as a dj, ease his work as an event organiser. A long the road of his career, he made good acquaintance with foreign promoter and djs. Thus, Low is also famously known overseas as Malaysian prominent drum n bass dj and also as the main person of Loops Collective. Low has acquired a glowing reputation from Malaysian beat junkies as the purveyors of glowing atmosphere and top notch sounds. There's never a shortage of clubbers willing to sweat it out at Loops Collective & BIONIC dos like CHEMICAL, BASSIX, Breaks Centro, Inferno, Looking Good and numerous house, break beat & drum n bass sessions not to be mentioned. Over 7000 people turned out for U countdown 2006 New Years Eve outdoor party was definitely wicked! Besides organising events, Low was invited to play at numbers of local parties. One of his favourites is world famous CREAM LIVE @ Genting Highlands. Played for London Elektricity, Nu Tone, Dj SUV' Asia Tour and Utah Jazz for Loops Collective 6th anniversary. As for his career internationally, adding a sprinkling of classics to an intoxicating brew of upfront cuts, his DJ's actions tuned drum n bass parties in Jakarta , Bangkok, Koh Samui, London, Singapore, MANIFESTO 2005 NYE Outdoor @ Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Osaka, Tokyo. Furthermore, he is expected to launch his very own EP under his label "TAKE OFF". Something about DJ Low - who has achieved in DMC 2000 Malaysia as runner up and Team Battle Champion (Bionic Battle Crew), brought him ranked 9th placing in the World DMC Team Battle categories at Millennium Dome, England among best 40 countries.

Quote from: buddybeat on 18/03/08, 21:17
Anyway gw pas pulang kampung gw muterin DNB dan dikmonetari oleh temen saya yang lagi main ke rumah katanya nih lagu kok kayak dangdut yah... Mungkin dia dengerinnya funkot kali yah yang bpm nya kenceng.. Ya ini sekedar cerita aja... *piss*

sometimes emang suka ada yg beat nya rada2 mirip sich...
tp dnb pastinya lbh detail musiknya ;)
jangan pd lupa ya...
Jumat ini eventnya...;)
iya neeh...video presentasinya ampe skrg jg blm celesai  :-\

ssttt...ach... ;D

maap jg yak...gak bs mampir... :(
Bow...jangan lupa banyakin main lagu2 loe & lokal yak... ;)
and jangan lupa bw cd!!
blm bs naikin ke multiply gw neeh...huhuhu... :'(

apa yg kebakaran? (?)
foto2 yak...bentar yakkk...
hehehehe... ;D
Quote from: 360. on 18/04/08, 11:54
Main room

- Basement Jaxx
- Diplo
- Rub n Tug
- M.A.N.D.Y
- Krafty Kuts

Second room:

- Micko feat Dhea Ananda
- Dade (1945mf)
- Heru (Quirk it)
- Cream (soul manace)
- Space system (space record)
- Dondit (house kit)
- Fabi (dub container)
- Odeq
- Kuno-Kini
- Nasa feat. Dice
- Downey (Future)
- Lethal (limp bizkit/house of pain)
- Naughty by Nature

Visual by: Micology
Lighting operator and designer by Andy mutton

gak ada Drum n Bass / Breakz nya nich line up localnya?
Quote from: lando on 05/04/08, 14:08
iya tuch sin.. yang di facebook juga masih flyer lama...
btw si jerome kenapa?

abis kena DB...
tp skrg udh dlm masa penyembuhan sich...
Oops...maap ada kesalahan di Visual-nya
MUTTER666MOTION gak jadi nge-Visual...
ada kesalahan upload e-flyer itu flyer yg lama...
ntar gw ganti yak... :-[

Mohon Maaf sebelumnya... :-[
Bukan dia yg posting sich...
gw, pake nama dia... ;D
ok, ntar gw sampeiin ke dia...