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Messages - mahfud_partojin

hopefuly beneran hadir di jakarta :)
Quote from: le_gaiyya on 08/01/08, 02:09

X 2 presents "ODYSSEY"

feat :


with His fullest audiobiography , exclusive 1 nite only 


support !!
one of the most eclectic Indonesian DJ nih....

gue pernah lihat setnya achdiyat main di cafe delmar bali maen deep & tech house...terus sore-sore dulu di kudeta sama Emon main down tempo & ambient gituhh....
minimal progy nya keluarin dong dikit-dikit jangan di simpen aje...cheers
Quote from: SynanRecordings on 10/01/08, 15:21

THis saturday edition,...danceteria synan dj broadcast will having special guest dj :


Saturday 12 january 2008 start 10 pm onward.....

SO DONT you Miss it guyz............turn on your radio and have a blast with us!!!!!!

*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

ini baru maestro.....salute :)
Techno / Stu Hirst new year mix
10/01/08, 18:02
http://stuhirst.dancefor.us/Stu%20Hirst ... DEEPER.mp3

1. Mile Caro - Always You (Ewan Pearson Mix) [BUZZIN FLY]
2. Dirt Crew - Manoeuvres (Motorcity Remix) [DIRT CREW RECORDINGS]
3. John Spring - Lava Lava [SUB STATIC]
4. Radio Slave - Bell Clap Dance (Sebo K Remix) [REKIDS]
5. Will Saul - Mbira (Dixon Mix) [SIMPLE]
6. Funk D'Void - Ginebra (DJInxx Mix) [SOMA]
7. Taho - The Hybrids (Wink Edit) [OVUM]
8. Jamie Jones - Can't Believe I'm Still Here [FREAK N CHIC]
9. Cobblestone Jazz - W [COCOON]
10. Stu Hirst - Less Is More [CDR]
11. Marcus Worgull - Spellbound [INNERVISIONS]
Quote from: cruelsummer on 08/01/08, 12:53
track siapa nih ya ???
ada yg tahu ?....keren banget

Marco Demark feat Casey Barnes - Tiny Dancer (Deadmau5 Vocal Mix)
Quote from: club2club on 07/01/08, 10:38
harus ada yang bawa nih deadmau5 nih ke indo...ngefans banget gw dari tahun lalu !!! lagu2 remixnya gokil2 semua... *tepuktangan*

setuju bro !!
yoi  cing :)
track listing for leo rising
1)the darkest hour/cyberchump
2)hollow dreams of worlds passing/craig padilla
3)a place of peace/alpha wave movement
4)underwater astronomy/tear ceremony
5)awakening/galatic anthems
6)time circles/H.U.V.A network
7)listen to the flowers/unknown
8)from the mothership/maitreya
9)symetric life/H.U.V.A network
10)the intimate now/cyberchump
11)access to the long fields/H.U.V.A network
12)leaving this shadow of heaven/craig padilla VS.
   advent/maitreya  Raize up mash up
13)take the sky/pete namlook
14)arcanum/tear ceremony
17)i dream of you endlessly/tear ceremony
18)processing lights/H.U.V.A network
19)outward bound/alpha wave movement
20)sunrise @ sheep pass/galactic anthems
21)the glitter of snow/taer ceremony

www.djraize.com/mixes/leorising.mp3  download

www.djraize.com/mixes/leorising.m3u  streaming


tracknya keren ...agak-agak uplifting groovy tech house nih...

this one is a Deep Progressive track from Steve lawler - Violet (original mix)    *bgs*
 8) 8) 8)

www.goventures.com / www.saturdaynightsessions.com

Monday December 31st, 2007 New Year's Eve @ LA Sports Arena


Lee Coombs, Ferry Corsten, Swedish Egil, Deadmau5, Junior Sanchez, Cedric Gervais, DJ Reza, Barry Weaver, Dieselboy, Evol Intent, DJ Hive, AK1200 and much more (less)
Added: 02 January 2008
Category:  Music
Tags:   sexy   festival   live   dj   techno   la   sasha   john   digweed   gogo   dancer   electronica   together   as   one  techno  house   electro  progressive 


Quote from: letitia on 17/09/06, 09:58
Quote from: Chris.M on 23/08/06, 08:46
Soal music di indonesia ini tergantung banget sama pasaran juga sie,, kalaupun ada suatu gerne yg belum kental / masih asing di kuping masyarakat kebanyakan, berkembangnya juga susah... Semuanya balik lagi ke kuping si pendengar / crowd juga, dia suka lagu itu atau tidak, mudah diingat atau tidak, dsb,,,

Terus event khusus DnB juga sedikit jarang kedengaran, paling sering yah event gerne house sama trance..
Jalan satu2nya sie yaah harus ada strategi marketignya, atau juga sering2 bikin event yg bertema DnB

kalo memang the real underground comunity "mengapa harus resah" ?
just do it and play it with pleasure

just do it
Jakarta Events / Re: Judge Jules
05/01/08, 12:50
Quote from: kloo on 04/01/08, 10:39
Judge Jules @ x2 Jan 19

buset nih...dj udah karatan banget nih...very entertaining ....(kayaknya)....hihihihihih
kembali ke ....."just go with the flow" .....(halakh....)
progressivism masih lanjut nggak nih di 2008 ???

ciamik !!!
cewek yg joget joget sendirian keren ....:)
Quote from: lesli on 26/12/07, 19:10
old school dooda & true legendary :)

aseli jooo !!!

di saat si DJ tersebut maen aura nya langsung terasa beda,dan dj -dj yg main sebelomnya serasa di sabot operator sound nya.....hahahahahah
I still believe :):):) !!!
Quote from: jeng_kompen on 10/07/07, 19:05
Quote from: funkytechnotribe on 28/02/07, 14:46
ngelihat orang 2 sound/producer/tehnisi yg makan nasi bungkus di club,bikin ingatan gule otak sedehana terus cing...heheheheh

asli gule ayamnya mana masih berasep gituh....heuhuehuhe

*sama copet copet di rave/club yg lagi sesak yg suka ngambil HP/dompet dll
*edeb yg jualan terang-terangan di dancefloor (parah....)