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Messages - andrydoqz

wihh bikin pnasaran aja nih si om dimdok.... siap hadirrr bosss...
wiiihhhhhhhhh om naroo dengan tembang2 lawasss dulu nihhh... mantap ... brangkutttt...
support ya broo... wih canggih nih pasti om reggy...
happy bday synan.... support broo....
wah keren nih.. bintan cuyy....
wih mantap... laris manissss nih om guntur... hehehe
wah ini doyanan gw ama mas prama nih... hehehe
wah wah wah... padahal gakpapa gitu kesini.... support buat embassy... minggu dpn mudah2an tetep jadi yaa....
wah wajib nihh... brangkuuuttt... om naro di wb hihi.. mantap...
@bless the child
oi om.. kmn aja... pakabar nihh....

yukkk... hehehe
@Mr Din
wahaha.. gokil nih si om... nonstop selingan bubur aja ya... hehehe pa kabar nih sobb?
wah mantap niii... sabtu nya lanjut lagi... hehe
ayo donggggg... tapi harus jadi yaaa.. hehehe

mas vitaxx aktip rvlx ni ye skrg... hehehe
yukkkkkkk..... hehe pa kabar ni om...
pasti hadirrr ini siihhh!! mantap...

hehehe.... di just kick ama cohen & tim deluxe dong? hehuhuehuhue
PVD donggg... hehehe abis om coxy gimana nih... euforia nya udah ilang nih.... keburu kesel gua om....
Enlightment Present

April 5, 2007 @ ibiza K7

with Djs

vitaxx (enlightment)
andrydoqz (enlightment)
ijall (enlightment)
plato (hanzel ent)
aryo (southbeat)

and mc Ndha

For guestlist and invitation please sms to 021 986 053 91

C u..........................

jl. kunir no 7
jakarta barat
phone (021) 690 7575

:) ;) :D ;D :( :o 8) (?) :P :-[ *piss*
wahh abel ramos cuy... hehehe tet tet tetetet.. support!!
hheuhueuhue... mas miko.... knp dirimu maaasss?? keren asli flyer nya.... hadir yukkss....
support pamann.... wah asik nih jalan-jalan ye..
mas mas dari inflight... pd kmana yahh...  (?) trakir ktmu ama dj dody uda lama bgt....