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Messages - wangchung

Tenaglia susah ya ??? mau dong ....
funy topic ...kekekekekekekek
I can Judge which one is quality or not ...huahuahuhauua
Disk Jockey / Re: Richie Hawtin
27/02/07, 15:48
btw beneran gak sih kl doi bencong boo...
1.adhe dafkaf ,kl dia lebih agressive lagi terutama dlm international link dan produce new music gw yakin akan lebih gokil dr generasi sebelumnya.
2.Yudhi,semangat nya sangat membara bagaikan dry ice...kekekekek
3.Alvin K
6.Roni Joni
8.Chris M
hopefully ,come to jakarta :)
uplifting progressive house track :
way out west - the gift
dj riri - endless rue
DJ Romy & Thony Thomas - Is not the end
Andain - beautiful things
Janeiro- solid sessions
Quote from: guest on 28/08/05, 18:26
1     Carl Cox           
2    Paul Oakenfold         
3    Sasha         
4    Judge Jules         
5    Tony De Vit         
6    Pete Tong         
7    Danny Rampling         
8    DJ Hype         
9    Grooverider         
10    Jeremy Healy       
11    Todd Terry       
12    John Digweed         
13    Roger Sanchez         
14    LTJ Bukem         
15    Masters At Work       
16    Roni Size       
17    Graeme Park         
18    Seb Fontaine       
19    Tall Paul       
20    ***>>>Laurent Garnier<<<***

Garnier ok banget nih....jadi ke embassy jakarta ???
Friday, March 23  - MIlk'n'2 Sugars

Venue: Opium Garden
Talent: Feede Le Grand,Bodyrox,Todd Terry,Blaze,Tony Humphries,Tom Novy,Seamus Haji,CJ Mackintosh,Hardsoul,Joe T Vanelli,Alix Alvarez ,Tom Novy
Address: 136 Collins Avenue, Miami Beach 33139
Time: 10:00 pm - 5:00 am
Presented by: Milk'n'2 Sugars
Admission:Guest List Only (Full names and email required)
WMC Badge Policy: Free Entry
Venue Type: Club
Details:Following two road-blocked events at South Beach's Amika in 2005 and 2006, London-based House label, Events Company and Artist Agency MN2S will return to the 2007 Winter Music Conference on Friday 23 March for another showcase party! The venue this year is the celebrated Opium Garden in Collins Avenue, and MN2S have assembled a collection of the biggest names in global House Music for what is certain to be one of THE parties of the Conference! Room 1 will feature Europe's biggest names: Dutch DJ and producer of 2006's UK #1 'Put Your Hands Up For Detroit' - Fedde Le Grand - will be joined by fellow country-men and ground-breaking production duo Hardsoul, while Nick Bridges and Jon Pearn – collectively known as chart-topping British production duo Bodyrox – will make their WMC debut after setting the world alight in 2006 with their UK #2 smash 'Yeah Yeah'. Big Love front man and fellow chart-topping DJ-producer Seamus Haji will also appear while House maestro Tom Novy will fly the flag for Germany. Rounding off this fantastic lineup in Room 1 will be MN2S London/Ibiza resident CJ Mackintosh and Italy's finest, Joe T Vanelli! In Room 2, the Opium Garden crowd can look forward to the best House talent New York has to offer. House Music pioneer and MN2S Masterclass featured artist Tony Humphries will step up to the decks, while fellow legend Todd Terry will play a hugely-anticipated 'Classics' set. SOLE Channel Music front man and gifted producer-of-the-moment Alix Alvarez will also appear and - never ones to do things by half measures - MN2S have also confirmed the appearances of Kevin Hedge and Josh Milan, better known as legendary producers Blaze! This is certain to be one of the most talked about events to take place throughout WMC 2007. Arguably nowhere else during the 2007 Conference will one find so many headliners all in one venue and MN2S are extremely pleased to be returning to Miami bigger and better than ever before! Don't miss MN2S's triumphant return to Miami in 2007; be at Opium Garden on Friday 23 March as the industry's shining stars gather for a night of upfront, organic House Music in all its finery!
Contact Name:Charles FitzGerald Phone:  Email:guestlist@mn2s.com
Quote from: walasok on 01/02/07, 17:15
Quote from: f421d on 13/07/06, 15:43
Hi guys,

thx inputannya ya
sebenernya nama2 yang kalian sebutkan sudah masuk sbg kandidat utk CLUBHOPPERS CD #05
tunggu aja deh siapa yg akan terpilih next year ;)

dan kalo utk cover, kami tetap akan mempertahankan dengan foto DJ nya (lebih mirip2 GLOBAL UNDERGROUND CD), krn salah satu tujuan CLUBHOPPERS bikin cd adalah untuk apresiasi & support utk DJ nya atas prestasi ya dalam dance scene/ clubing industry di indonesia

Kita juga ada rencana akan rilis ulang/ repackage CD 1 - 5 (collectible items). What do u think?


waaahhh.. boleh banget tuh.. ;)

kalo gw sih. ardi pite dulu kali yaaa..  :-*

secara clubhoppers gitu loh....

boleh juga
Bang Irwan
Quote from: tante nayo on 02/02/07, 11:05
DJ dari spain ini akan datang ke Jakarta next month.. how's everything about him? his music? share yaa.. he need it.
thank u..

Tante suka track2 dia yang salah satunya ada di " FUNDACION" dj sasha yang tahun 2005 lalu, his music kinda experimental dub.. agak minimal, clean, house..

"I'm Funk dVoid (also known as Francois Dubois & Chaser), DJ and producer. I started jocking around the tender age of 15, running two under-18 clubs with my best friend from school, playing commercial chart tunes to wee kids (hey everybody's got to start somewhere). After that I finished school and knew that my future lay in music; university just seemed like an obstacle to my career so I blanked it and never looked back! House music changed my life (I've heard that somewhere before In 19/90 I then started spinning at a club called UFO at Tin Pan Alley,...... "

READ MORE AND HEAR HIS MUSIC @ http://www.myspace.com/funkdvoid


basically they are "tech house don"
musiknya udah merambah ke berbagai macam element.....
terdaftar senagai artist dari soma records bersama sama dengan silicone soul,ewan pearson,alex somoke & jesper dahlback dll

keren dan bisa di sebut living legend juga lah...hahahaha
Quote from: tante nayo on 02/02/07, 11:05
DJ dari spain ini akan datang ke Jakarta next month.. how's everything about him? his music? share yaa.. he need it.
thank u..

Tante suka track2 dia yang salah satunya ada di " FUNDACION" dj sasha yang tahun 2005 lalu, his music kinda experimental dub.. agak minimal, clean, house..

"I'm Funk dVoid (also known as Francois Dubois & Chaser), DJ and producer. I started jocking around the tender age of 15, running two under-18 clubs with my best friend from school, playing commercial chart tunes to wee kids (hey everybody's got to start somewhere). After that I finished school and knew that my future lay in music; university just seemed like an obstacle to my career so I blanked it and never looked back! House music changed my life (I've heard that somewhere before In 19/90 I then started spinning at a club called UFO at Tin Pan Alley,...... "

READ MORE AND HEAR HIS MUSIC @ http://www.myspace.com/funkdvoid


basically they are "tech house don"
musiknya udah merambah ke berbagai macam element.....
terdaftar senagai artist dari soma records bersama sama dengan silicone soul,ewan pearson,alex somoke & jesper dahlback dll

keren dan bisa di sebut living legend juga lah...hahahaha
Bali / Re: bali best dinner
06/01/07, 11:34
warung made yg lama (jl pantai kuta) juga masih wuenak nasi campurnya hihihihihihi
Juan Atkins
Sven Vath
Carl Craig
Francois Kevorkian
Josh Wink
Jody Wisternof
trentemoller @ embassy terrace
james zabiela @ embassy
above & beyond @ Vertigo
Quote from: hogi on 13/12/06, 12:35
--> KC ... 11 tahun toku ye hahahaha, tapi itu hanya umur spirit muda selalu.

guokil joo ahhh,hahahahahh

happy birthday future10,kapan main  techno nih sikit-sikit ?
New Year 2007 / RESOLUTION 2007
13/12/06, 12:42
1.stick together in electric dream  :P
2.As usual "share what you know" and "learn what you dont know"
3. always support your local DJ's
4.respect all kind of genre
5.Let the music take control

Quote from: LosTSisKa on 12/12/06, 17:56
laporan dari pandangan mata [selama belum burem yeee ;D,,,] party kemaren gokil!! :o,,, om Corsten juaranyaaaaa!!, dekay maen agak2 electro gitu, lawler maen minimal and mantaabbb djuoo....
Trus dari perwakilan revelex yg 'megangggggg',,,,Decil2 dan barudak2 bandungnyahh!!!...*aihhhh itu muka, ampuuun deh kaliannnnnnn!!!,,,, kaga nahannnn ...heuehhehehhee, trus yg paling tangguh dan ga ada lawan,,, Altuna pemenangnya!!!!......*hebattttt lo djuooo, ga ada cape2nya!! :o :o,,,nyembah2 guaaaaa, dari nonggol ampe selesei kaga ada istirahatnya aja doloooo, gua aja sbentar2 duduk, sbentar2 joged....*tapi banyakan duduknya kalee hehehhe ;D ;D ;D...pegel gilaaakkkkk,,,,,,  :-\ :-\

Btw *ehemm,,,ini sebagian fotonyaaaahh ;) ;),,,,,

FoTo Keluarga
  ;D ;D

me & pamaaaaannkuuhh   :-* :-*

om Dekayyyy ::) ::)

Lasernya Om corsten lg maen   :o :o

bahayaaaa, tanduknya uda keluarrrr,,,  :P :P :P

Bikini,,,bikini...  ::) ::) ::)

lengkapnya DIMAREEE,,,

salam kompak deh...):):):)
keren semuan ,tapi hrs" lebih proaktif" (kl pake bahasa nya SBY...hahahahah)
wahh..ada pite...kangen juga :P
Quote from: jeng_kompen on 24/11/06, 07:51
respect all kinds of music :)

spreading the positive vibration :)

mari kita rekomend bersama sama kl main di indo itu cukup comfy buat world class dj :)
Quote from: dion on 06/12/05, 00:30
gua liat trend sekarang rave party harus gila gilaan, laser, sound, visual harus maximal. dibuat segimana mungkin lebih daripada yang lain. tapi apakah effort ini berguna bagi pengunjung yang dateng? kadang karena terlalu fokus di produksi, banyak ngelupain hal2 yang paling penting, musik dan rundown. acara di genjot dari awal ampe akhir harus kenceng terus, gak peduli djnya opening atau closing. terus yang paling parah, banyak yang gembar gembor kapasitas tempat yang bisa nampung beribu ribu orang, padahal jumlah pengunjung potensial ngga sampai segitu juga. semua orang berlomba lomba bikin rave party, walau nggak ada pengalaman atau nggak punya ilmu sama sekali tentang hal ini.

yang jadi bayangan gua, apakah orang sini emang harus digituin? mungkin nggak yah bikin rave kecil kecilan, nggak usah gila gilaan, tapi ngena?
terus apakah lomba gede gedean party itu sebenernya perlu apa cuman buang buang duit?
secara kalo massive event terlalu di itung untung ruginya akan tidak fun sob partynya.... setahu gw promoter 2 besar seperti godskitchen/spundae dll itu memasukkan unsur "pleasure" juga ke event mereka...