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Messages - Chris.M



Friday, June 13th 2008

WENDY (Sound Syndicated)
RANDY BOY (Thirty_One PrOduction)
CHRIS.M (Reworks Production)



FABULOUS FRIDAY @ Vertigo & X Lounge , one of Jakarta's busiest night has better atmosphere, flooded with International/local events and larger line-up of world and local renowned DJs/Entertainers, covering just about every different aspect of contemporary dance music. The essential night that should be at the centre of everyone's weekend gameplan...............

INFO :92646671
kalo buat gue, yang banyak berjasa buat perkembangan gw :

1. Dj Yudi (Bali, ex resident the wave bali). Dia salah satu orang yang sangat berjasa dan ngebantu gw main di club.
2. Guntur (bukan dj guntur yaa ;D ).. Ni dia nih awal mulai gw main colongan, gig pertama gw dulu di bali, dia yg atur semuanya.
3. Dj Dikaa 7/24, My partner in so many many things and also my partner in producing dr awal kenal sampai sekarang. Thanx broo for teaching me lots of thing, specially the basic of harmonic mixing and also influented on producing musics, thanx alot bro!! ;)
4. Naro, the legendary *tepuktangan* , gw tertarik main dj gara-gara lihat performancenya yg keren banget.
5. David Tedja.
6. Putra (dafkaf).
6. Lost Siska / Siska.. Si bawel ;D yang banyak bantu gw di karir dj
7. Joe Van, Remy Irwan, Miko, Agoose, Deny.. For my huge inspiration.
8. Ronjon, for always supporting.
9. Don Juny, komen dan kritiknya yang pedas sangat berguna buat gw kedepannya ;)
10. My Family
11. Temen-temen gw yang selalu kasih support, maksudnya yg bener2 kasih support yaa, bukan yg asal ngomong support doang tp ga ngapa2in dan kelar minum gratis langsung pulang.
Quote from: colis on 04/06/08, 19:51
Bro... lagu elo dah gue SPIN IT... :)
sukses terus ya Bro.... Indonesian "Duet Maut" Remixer...

siaap,, thanx yaah sob!!
Thanx yaah buat semua yg udah support & klik spin it di beatportal

Quote from: TRINITY Music on 03/06/08, 15:38
udah gw buat acc baru lagu, ( karena yang lama error ) trus gw vote lo be 2 jooo.. suksessss

siaap, thanz banget yaah juoo ;)
Quote from: Heru Iqbal on 03/06/08, 15:20
SATU ORANG bisa VOTE lebih dari SATU..
dan Gue udah VOTE Lu Tuuhh Chris..

Quote from: 1945MF on 03/06/08, 15:26
All good remixes... Lets we support them all the way...

thanx banget yaaah guys ;)
btw,, jgn lupa masukin comment di beatportalnya juga yah guys..

itu di hitung juga kayaknya ;)
Quote from: colis on 03/06/08, 14:58
chris... enak nih remix elo...
juara deh elo ber dua sm dikaa.... :)

iya juoo,, emang udah klop dan kalo bikin lagu sm dia!!

Quote from: Juny on 03/06/08, 14:53
Nah gitu donk kalo bikin lagu, baru sip. *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*

iya nih,, kan berkat input dr lo juga jun
Quote from: s4kur4gi on 03/06/08, 14:45
Chris, yang bener aj????

masa begini????


Support n Doaku besertamu!

thanx yaah buat supportnya ;)
Quote from: DJ Deny on 03/06/08, 14:42
Nanti gw download dulu di rumah yah guys..comments later  ;)

siaap, thanx banget yaah supportnya om ;)

udah lama nih ga bikin2 lagu barengan aakid lagi, hihihihihi
thanx jun,, hehehehe

gw traktir bir deh buat lu ;D

belum juoo, kemarin ngejar pvd biar cepet kelar, skrg gw selesein lagi yg ini nih

nanti gw inform kalo udah di upload di myspace ya
Please Support , listen and give ur comment


= PVD - Far Away (Chris.M & Dikaa Remixes)

.... Need your support .....

@BAng Ucok

Thanx banget yaah om,, support kita yaah,
moga2 masuk best entry nih lagunya :)
ga percuma bergadang broo,, niat2in beli kopi... trus mentok mikir refresing ke tebet sambil makan

akhirnya kelar jam 7 pagi... fiuuuhhh....

3 x mastering process pulaa!!

Computer Music Specials,


Friday, June 6th 2008 at Wonderbar

An evening of pure-hearted electronic music mixes in an conjoining birthday of
Eiger & Richard Nugroho with fresh blooded performers from ur local musicians.

Performing DJ :
Austism [TeaMor]
Altuna [1945 MF]
Chris M [Reworks Prod.]
e-projekt [M1/43 Sound]
Eiger [M1/43 Sound]
SICK [M1/43 Sound]
and supported by the REDMA best resident DJ 2008 :
Miko [Embassy/Wonderbar]

Loud-Mouth MC :
STARR [M1/43 Sound]

The Hosts :
M1/43 People, Reworks Crew, 1945 MF Family, Jakarta Banteng Rugby Team, HSBC Team, Pengkolan Crew, Toxicfrog, Denar&Felli, Twailla, KMN II Kids, Melbourne'ers, Daniel -CBM-, Roni-Joni, All the Nugroho's family members....
be there!!!
Nah itu diaa broo

bagian yg lumayan susah buat di utak-atik

nanti gw upload ulang yg barunya yaaa

besok yaa  broo,, gw kejar malam ini supaya cepet kelar
Well guys,
udah lama banget gak ketemu anak yg satu ini,  ;D
mendadak dtg ke rumah gw terus begadang...

buat ikutan remix contest pvd, udah di mastering.. jd gak falls lagi.. n link udah gw update

Paul van Dyk - Far Away (Chris.M. Reworks feat. Dikaa remix)

Contest link : http://www.beatportal.com/remix/detail/pvd-far-away-chrism-dikaa-remixes/

enjoy....  ;)  *piss*
Quote from: felixtro on 27/05/08, 08:50
wah bener tuh mesti respect pada sang senior..gaspol penting bgt tuh..

masukan jg nih buat gw..

gw tambahin dikit d

24. baru bisa ng Dj pake laptop..udh gaya nya selangit bgt..bgaya bagi2in demo nya ..pdhal tracklist orang jg yang d pake

wahahahaha.... yg nomor 24 kocak tuh!!!

gw juga sering nih liat yg gini2 nih..
ga tau deh pas main beneran mixing ato mainin mixsample 1 jam, secara yg liat dia doang kan n yg lain banyak yg gak tau beneran mixing ato engga...