Quote from: djepie on 02/01/08, 20:16Quote from: im_innu on 02/01/08, 12:06Quote from: djepie on 02/01/08, 01:46Quote from: putrazz on 01/01/08, 15:56
macannnn booo.. hihihihihi...
full support buat rikaaa yeee....
back2back boleh tuh maennya bareng gw..
full support
Wah.....kadroy !!! Masa bini gue macan ??? Dj Rika Macan dong !! Maen Prog Dut aja back2back sama lo ya.........
Mohon supportnya ya guys......
lah bukannya pop tuky ya...
asik tar di dreamhouse dj ada
EPIE : bapaknya...
RIKA : ibunya
INNU : anaknya
MEINL : anaknya
DREAMOTION : yang ngajarin bapak ama ibunya bikin anak2nya...."VIA motion"
emang dasar jablay !!!ngga jauh2 dari bikin anak otaknya...AUHAUHAUHUA
HAPPY NEW DREAMS GUYS......Have a nice Dreams along 2008 with DreamHouse Devil.....
ngoceh bae kowe...
@mas bavo...cant hArdly wait to share our deck with u to...