Quote from: si mbo on 26/03/08, 15:12Quote from: Debon on 26/03/08, 15:00
yup community dj kalo menurut gw cukup diakomodir dengan norma sosial.. bukan dengan norma organisasi.. hehe.. kayak gw ama sinchan, we love each other but we are not involved in any formal comittment..hehehe.. ya gak bro?
ya.. kalo soal community sih emang kembali ke tiap individu juga sih, lebih comfortnya ke mana.
Tapi kalo soal legalitas sih tetap harus ada organisasinya.
Kayak kata si f_madness, siapa yang mau memperjuangkan hak2 DJ lokal?
Wouldn't it be nice if all the Indonesian DJs are united in one organization that got supported by the Goverment?
Well.. kembali ke opini masing masing sih.. kalo gw personally, I feel kalo kita bergerak di bidang entertainment yang cenderung underground.. masing2 dj punya karakter idealisme (well, at least some of us do).. kalo gw sih lebih milih freedom to express my self bos.. rather than being bounded by rules and formality.. hehehe,, cukup di siang hari aja gw harus patuh ama bos, client, aturan, etc.. but when the night comes.. it's just between me and the dance floor.. no one else...
Peace and Respect