wweeeiiitt,,,brngkat neh?...
ato tunggu zouk?...
wweeeiiitt,,,brngkat neh?...
ato tunggu zouk?...
Show postsThis section allows you to view all posts made by this member. Note that you can only see posts made in areas you currently have access to. Show posts MenuMessages - LosTSisKa #1051
Jakarta Events / Re: Recharge Revelation 5 Anyone?20/09/07, 12:04
wweeeiiitt,,,brngkat neh?... ato tunggu zouk?... #1052
Solo / Re: solo forum...20/09/07, 12:00haaaaallaagg,,,klo putri solonya spt gw...bisa suraaaaaaaaaaaaaammm duniaa...hahahahahaha #1053
Solo / Re: ...Do U KnoW oLis <<<<??...HELLLOOO??,,,20/09/07, 11:15Quote from: iNsideR on 19/09/07, 22:28 hahahahahha,,,,kok taauuuuu aja situuuuuuuu..... #1055
Main Talk / Re: JOGLOSEMAR RAMADHAN EVENT..19/09/07, 01:00black,,,, inget TELUK BAYUR!,,,heuheuheuehue... @lncx ?????,,,,,,kok ngilanggg.. #1056
Visual Jockey / Re: WINDOWS VISTA17/09/07, 22:35
agree ama dual booth, dgn 2 OS....sejauh ini mah ga ada masalah...
Music / Re: Lagu EDM disaat loe GALAU !!17/09/07, 22:20
In The Dark-Dirty South Remix
Beauty in the deep- the doppler effect #1058
Solo / Re: ...Do U KnoW oLis <<<<??...HELLLOOO??,,,17/09/07, 22:10
ini bukan olis kok bang, the others member tp laen daerah,,,but definitely the same..huhuhuhu..... btw oktober neh jdnya ya? ,,,,,,siaaaapp support2 aja mah klo edm sih #1059
Solo / Re: ...Do U KnoW oLis <<<<??...HELLLOOO??,,,17/09/07, 19:47
....kakakakakakakakakaka,,,,,boleh, boleh.... @bless dduhhhh,,,,,jangan deeee'...yg ngefans ama om imor tuh juga,,,,*heran bisa ya org2 kaya gt... #1060
Visual Jockey / Re: solo or group17/09/07, 19:41Quote from: vjzephir on 14/09/07, 09:57 wwuuuu,,,jitakkk yaa...;P #1061
Solo / Re: ...Do U KnoW oLis <<<<??...HELLLOOO??,,,17/09/07, 17:58Quote from: 1945MF on 17/09/07, 15:44 bangeettt bang',....tapi org2 gt termasuk golongan yg ngefans tapi terselubung kali ga??....*halaaaaaagg bahasanyaahh, hehehehe #1062
Solo / ...Do U KnoW oLis <<<<??...HELLLOOO??,,,17/09/07, 01:30
[sorryyy demorryy ya guys,, padahal ini bulan baekk, huhuhuhu....tapi kok ya menganggu,,,]
Do anybody knows the legend olis?,,,, yg kynya lbh byk bikin org jd berasa ga nyaman lwt postingan2 dia selama ini......[parah lu sob, gw dikomplain byk org] hmm,,, sebenernya lo tuh kenapa sih sob suka bikin kesel dgn reply2n lo ke org laen?,,,klo emg ga mo niat posting/emg ga ngerti mo posting apa gt...ya udahlah jgn nyampah ga jelas dan akhirnya byk anak2 forum kesel terutama jogja ama solo,,,,wedewwww,,,,ada apa dgn olis ya?.... trus lu tuh ga ada kerjaan jg sepertinya ya,,,,, masa semua foto2 gua dimultiply lu ksh komen satu2?? yg bener aje lu,,,,, whuakakakaka, sbegitu ngefansnya'kah ?.... , heueheuheue.... apa lu dendam krn postingan lu yg terahkir disini gw delete?,,,klo bener begitu apa alasannya?, cuz gw ngedelete jg ada dasarnya, drpd ribet ya gua delete..... tau nih,,,,lu kenapa ya sob??.....ato yg laennya mungkin ada tambahan?... pisss outtt,,, #1063
Yogyakarta / Re: CUSTOMIZED: PROUDLY PRESENT..15/09/07, 08:05Quote from: bLacK daMAN! on 14/09/07, 20:54Quote from: LosTSisKa on 14/09/07, 17:39aimnetu,,,huhuQuote from: walasok on 14/09/07, 09:34 allofyuhguysaimsomissneh,,, #1064
Visual Jockey / Re: (joke) Dari mana datangnya a**hole?15/09/07, 07:53whuskakakkakakakkakakka,,,parrrraaahhhh.... #1066
Visual Jockey / Re: minuman favorit lu :D14/09/07, 23:14Quote from: tribemotion on 13/09/07, 23:16 anytime sob... #1067
Yogyakarta / Re: CUSTOMIZED: PROUDLY PRESENT..14/09/07, 17:39Quote from: walasok on 14/09/07, 09:34 soaimneh,,,, #1069
...hhehehehhee,,,pastinya... #1071
Visual Jockey / Re: solo or group14/09/07, 01:32Quote from: SUNSHINE on 13/09/07, 23:57Quote from: Q_MOTION on 13/09/07, 23:54 huhuh,,,,begini neh nasib...klo kerjaan isinya laki2 semua ... #1072
Visual Jockey / Re: BALI MAU BELAJAR VJ13/09/07, 07:26
waalaaaaaaaahhhh,,,,bisaaa yeee,,,,xixixixixiixixx #1073
Jakarta Events / Re: Cheers! Out - The Adventure Party12/09/07, 22:21
aampuunnnnn sob,,,nyeraahh gua ama luu,,,,*huwaaaaaaa, kayanya lo emg uda TO gua yaa,,kakakaka ;P @joey puasnya bgt, tapi dinginnnnnnnn bgt ga ketulungan, huhuhuhu...*sob kangen neehh.. #1074
Visual Jockey / Re: minuman favorit lu :D12/09/07, 22:07
hayuukkk ajahh mah guaa,,mauu bgt,,, |