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Messages - F E R R E

ully desperate banget ye lo
pengen cdj...sabar bro...nabung lah...jangan latian mulu makanya
gw juga kantong kempes bro klo latian mulu, gw nyoba buat
ngintensifin latian gw daripada nambah jamnya
trus gw bli kontroller pake gaji pertama, modal sejuta doank
bisa latian dkosan...ehehehe...
Quote from: AdaGio on 30/10/06, 05:08
Biometric fingerprint security  ---------> boljug tuh.... sebelon maen abis nyalain laptop GW TEMPELIN JEMPOL KAKI gue.... biar nyentrik.... hihihi....


gokil!! seru tuh idee!
hehehee ;D
ini ada kutipan tentang telinga...buat kita semua member RVLX penting neh

Experimental evidence

Researchers at the University of Florida tested the hearing of some middle and high-school students. The investigators found that about 17 percent of the children had some degree of hearing loss. Most of the hearing loss was in higher pitches, which are usually the first ranges of sound to be lost after hearing damage. The investigators believe that exposure to excessive noise results in a serious hearing impairment at an early age.

Significant hearing losses were detected in a group of students who had a history of frequent attendance to pop music entertainments. Losses due to loud noises in jobs, gunfire, etc. were also identified. (The Lancet 2:203-204, August 2, 1975).

A 'guinea pig' showed hearing impairment in his right ear after listening to high-intensity rock music for 88 hours over a two month span. The left ear, protected by a plug during most of the music, demonstrated no cytological changes. The damage to the right ear was permanent. (Archives of Otolaryngology 90:29, 1969)  back to index


Fine, fine. Who said you should?

But if you don't want to end up deaf in a few years time you MUST protect your hearing now and that means
either a maximum exposure time of 15 minutes per gig – which I don't see you raving about!
or by using hearing protection – that is ear-plugs.

buat lebih jelasnya coba deh buka


comments plzzz.......
bukannya BT pake MAC bro??
kan ada logo applenya tu nyala??
oh iya gw online, tp blum nyalain ym...hehehe
lagi berat sob beban laptop gw...segala software music jalan... ;D

gw anggukkan kepala broo...setuju...
btw...naek pangkat ni kitaaa...hahahaha
@ adagio

wets santay bro jgn ngamuk...heheheh
bner juge ya.....
kalo udah beli, invite gw KERUMAH!!!! WAJIBBBB!!!hehehe
mahal karna jarang tuh..kalo udah laku n banyak diproduce
mungkin harganya bisa turun, minimal se - 2 cdj lah kali..
soalnya manfaatnya setara 2 cdj tuh..bahkan klo pake traktor
SETARA 4 CDJ !!! hahaha  - hidup HDJ !!-

bukan sob ini yang terbaru....om dan teman2 mohon diperiksa ulang... ;D ;D

DJ Romy - I Feel Silence (FERRE Let Go The Ego Mix) - 06:45 --->fixed unsync vocal
9 mb
192 kbps


review nya ditunggu.... ;D ;D
ih sama hedphonnya...hahahaha iya abal2...
dimana2 tempatnya?? asik asik , gimana gw menghubungi lo bro?? gw smangat ni kalo yg kaya ginian...
wih..trus klo kontrollernya keyboard komp lo, kok bisa alus mixingnya, muter2 knob mixernya gimana cara tuh??
temanya kena , minimal banget electronya... track nya ada yang gw ada tapi gw lupa taro mana gw cari2 ga ktemu2...
nice....konsep kaya webnya 1945 ya...ditunggu updatenya..
@ DJ mike

wah ada alat bro??
sumber daya tuh! harus anda manfaatkan....numpang dunks...hehehehe tetep aja gw..
konsepnya nice, tpi blum tau klo blum dgrin yang smooth nya hehehe masi subjektif soalnya, tapi gw sangat lebih prefer yang electroo...mateng bgt tuu..
btw komenlah yg punya gw jg...ditunggu lho..
oh gitu toh..wuah nangkring depan kompie mulu nih kita...mata lo gapapa?? gw dah mulai menghitam ni..hehehe
yg tech trance bro, ada kick yg "kaget" gitu....
bro, menit 01 39 ada sumthing..check it out bro..
download selesai...Listening mode on...
smooth jg...pake VDJ nih? lo mixingnya pake kontroller ya??
Quote from: fLawLeSS on 29/10/06, 09:31
iya ah modal gila, kalo gak nekad gak bakal bisa maju............

ada gretongan gak ni..kli aja gw bs dateng + nyupport,, ya ga...
oalah chris....canggih banget si lu brooo...iri...irii...hahaha
wahh keren om , nice track! indonesia banget...
btw, kalo om r si pasti tmpat produce lagunya pewe ya feelnya dapet..lha gw...dikosan,,hehe
kursinya aja kursi standar kursi lipet yg di kondangan2 hahaha..
mata gw mulai item ni om sejak dikasi proyek i feel silence itu...hehe...
oooo itu..klo di cdj 800 kayanya cuman ngasi tau remaining lagunya tiggal sbrapa ya meteran itu (bener wave meter ya namanya??hehehe), klo di cdj 1000 kayak gitu toh,,keren juga ya , mirip gelombang2 lagu di vdj gitu...nice..gw blum pnah sentuh cdj 1000, kyknya lengkap beut ya..