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Messages - Debon

Sorry kurang poll guys... budek gara2 flu... dan 30 menit terakhir mau eksperimen tech house tapi kurang berhasil..hehe... transisi dari house nya kurang halus,,, anyway, thanks for the support everybody.... Keep the funk!
Jakarta Events / Re: BITD NYE '08!
30/12/07, 16:13
@ dmi

asik ditemenin.. hehehe..
well. gak hanya d n b yang sulit berkembang di indo, genre lain yang "agak' idealis pun sekarang lagi susah banget berkembangnya.. crowd sekarang cenderung lebih manja dibandingkan 2-3 tahun yang lalu.. yess, it's a set back... semua balik ke dj-dj yang berperan untuk bikin taste crowd jadi lebih advanced.. Stop playing shadow, so sexy, pump it up, or any other shitty anthems.. hehehehe... I think every dj have to start incerasing their level of educator role.. sayang kan kalo industry nightlife nya berkembang tapi selera musiknya malah mundur..  This is just my honest opinion, don't mean to offend anyone loh.. hehe.. Peace
Bravo-Bravo!!!! Congratss Cin!!!!
Jakarta Events / Re: BITD NYE '08!
27/12/07, 14:38
@ atas gw

Lo maunya lagu apa bos? gw mah tergantung instruksi..hehehhe... gw si nyiapinnya lagu2 Tech house yang akan gw selipin dengan beberapa tembang prog and tribal 2000-2001 gitu..
the problem is... do neutral juries actually exist?? if they come from medias, clubs, eos, or even sponsors.. what makes us sure that they are not attached to anyone in particular?
Objectivity is very..very...expensive and rare in this country...
sorry to say this guys..
deeper dreams or deeper hole??

hehe.. bagi atu dong boy!
Selamat ya Wa, nanti kalo gw di yogya boleh tuh di share ilmu-ilmunya..hehehehhe.. barter deh ama lagu..
yang jelas kalo mau pake juri (closed or semi closed)  jurinya harus yang bener bener netral dan tidak memiliki kepentingan utk memenangkan siapapaun..
All the best...
ohhh.. sd yah? hehehe.. PMP!!! bullshit abiss... kalo smp-sma baru fisika and kimia..
kerennnn... c u on friday guys..
keren banget ciii fotona... congratss ya mor...
welcome to the brotherhood sob.. kalo hunting2 jangan lupa ajak bang debon.. jangan mamang mulu yang kebagian.. hehehe..
kurang latihan karena sibuk banget ngurusin kerjaan siang..hehehhe.. gw banget tuh..
Kalo mau ngasih hadiah ke sinchan, gw tau apa yang dia lagi idamin banget..hehehe... Mahkluk berlubang!!! hehehehhehehe..
thanks teman2-teman,,, tak sabar tuk berjumpa..
Yuhuuuu.. It's been along time guys... jadi inget Funkagenda...hehehehehe
Met ultah bos meyong!!
congratzz to all the winners,,
Quote from: Dree_ on 15/12/07, 05:04
Quote from: Chris.M on 15/12/07, 02:11
pada datang yah guys ;)

Ajak Anak2 parmad yg lucu2 dong bro?

Dree Genit Weeeeeee!!! sange yak? hehehhehe