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Messages - joey_30

Quote from: Dj Naro on 29/05/07, 17:14
This is the schedule so far from us :

- August 15th @ Double six FAMOUS Events promoted by Futureentertainment.com.au with Many big names Int'l talents and local heroes!

- August 16th @ GWK (A succesful Biggest events in Bali 3years in a row will be coming back after a break last year) Details coming soon...

- August 17th @ Niksoma Beach resort "Clubhoppers Sundaze BeachBop Festival"  Promoted by Original Naro,,Adroitz & INDIKA Fm in conjunction with Indika 7th anniversary with Int'l talents and Local Heroes!
(After 3years in a row @ Niksoma poolside Original naro&Adroitz join forces with Indika FM with their famous Clubhoppers series to make a huge Festival in all area of Niksoma Beach Resorts) Sunsets rules!!

@titosimon : bali > is the right place to enjoy the mushroom in the sunset session...huahuahuahua...
hm.. nice one...

invit dunk...he3x..
flyernya gokil bang...
@innerlight : aq udah DL lagunya di juno bang... 'Conversation with you'... nice track... ditunggu track2 selanjutnya.. always support..:)
- bulan agustus tuh seger2nya ending holiday he3x.. kebetulan kampusq tuh msh libur2nya abis PRS...
- byk annual party yg emang sering diadain di bali selain waktu NYE tentunya
- terus emang byk temen2 sie yg kesana waktu bulan itu kali ya... he3x...

pastinya sie a week di Bali itu : August Party Weekday till Weekend deh...:)
that was an awesome nite...:) :)

@ acid 029, kimi rei, mas tomo dkk : andy moor-an di sby yiuk...;)
hepi b'day bang redy... wish u all de best... ;)
huih..2x.. hadir ahh... ;)
keep support... moga2 lagunya tetep diadu tuh... peluang sekecil apapun, vote n vote again...

Om Eddie tetep semangat ya... support selalu...
big support my family...;) sukseskan kakak aven...
@ricco sepet : kesini dunk makanya... :)
@ 7 : pa kabar sob? kpn nie ke sby lg? he3x..
support guys...;)
@walasok : plus a little bet for AC Milan... he3x...

@tito : dtg ya bang...:)
happy birthday 66 club bali...
Quote from: tenshi on 18/05/07, 20:36
Why Not?

D&B saja ada komunitas-nya....kenapa HardTrance tidak?

Bahkan di salah satu pulau indonesia, Hardtrance disukai .....

gili trawangan sob? he3x... hard trance seru... i'll join it...
@ eric : kamis aman bang... he3x... ada apa nie? sms2 aja bang...

@ debon : thx u2x.. sukses juga selalu...
foto2nya seru..:)... foto terakhir kebalikannya charlie's angels tuh.... he3x...
total support... 7/24 family sampai jumpa d sby...;)
@must energic : house of rvlx?? hm... jd ajang gath yuk...;).. 
@beyb : setauq buka di azzidum.blogspot.com lumayan seru sie lagu2nya, cuman kalo trance2 yg lamanya udah expired...

good luck bang eddie....:)

make vegas screaming...;)