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Main Talk / Re: knp party maker selalu memakai dj senior utk rave party?05/07/09, 18:40
brod BFC ini thread lawas banget deh..kebuka tiba2 apa iseng nih
Main Talk / Re: BLUR (reunion) warm up concert 2-3 July 2009 @ Hyde Park London05/07/09, 18:25
segini dulu yah foto2nya, videonya menyusul...
Sport / Re: ONE STOP FOOTBALL05/07/09, 08:24Quote from: colis on 04/07/09, 23:26 maksudnya ASAL apa sobh??? coba di terangkan dengan detail? PLEASE !!! madrid butuh kaka, butuh ribery, butuh benzema, madrid ngga butuh ronaldo cuma udah terlanjur kebelim udah lan man ure udah d kasih 80m ngga usah banyak cincong deh, benlanja aja yg bener jangan nyari gratisan #1205
Jakarta Events / Re: United Sound of Daha.. The Second Semester! Friday 26 June 2009 @ Public!04/07/09, 15:06
reportnya dong please.....
Sport / Re: ONE STOP FOOTBALL04/07/09, 01:55
udah di beli owen 2 th kontrak gaji di potong setengah dari gaji di newcastle..
Main Talk / Re: BLUR (reunion) warm up concert 2-3 July 2009 @ Hyde Park London03/07/09, 23:20
guys report seadanya yah gw sambil nunggu foto soalnya dari temen gw, gw nulis juga buat majalah Urbain di indo soalnya..
pokoknya the best concert i've ever been so far, jadi berasa tahun 90an pas blur lagi jaya2nya keren banget, walopun gw dulu anak ska yg notabene jarang banget dengerin blur. banyak kata2 si damon yg keren, kayak pas mau bawain lagu parklife dia bilang : "I had the idea for this song in this park... I used to come into the park and watch the people and the pigeons and all that stuff " , yg gokilnya cowo yg ngerap di videoclipnya di bawa juga nyanyi live. trus dia juga ngomong klo : “ This is privilege for us, after so many years doing nothing and come back for this. “ kayak yg gw bilang di atas nih konser encorenya dua kali, nih set list mereka kemaren : She's So High Girls & Boys Tracy Jacks There's No Other Way Jubilee Badhead Beetlebum Out Of Time Trimm Trabb Coffee & TV Tender Country House Oily Water Chemical World Sunday Sunday Parklife End Of A Century To The End This Is A Low -encore- Popscene Advert Song 2 -encore- Death Of A Party For Tomorrow The Universal band pembukanya juga keren2 crystal castle keren walopun agak sedikit autis vocalistnya sampe turun2 ke crowd, trus pake baju " OASIS HAS AIDS ". FOALS bandnya anak2 oxford juga keren, dua lagi gw ngga nonton coz nunggu temen di luar. ah pokoknya gila lah nih konser, udah naik haji britpop gw, tinggal naik haji ska nanti di v fest klo ngga reading fest mau nonton Madness sama The specials.. foto menyusul yah guys #1208
Sport / Re: ONE STOP FOOTBALL03/07/09, 17:48Quote from: luthfi on 02/07/09, 21:08 Quote from: luthfi on 03/07/09, 11:55 akibatnya apa mas?????? #1209
Main Talk / Re: BLUR (reunion) warm up concert 2-3 July 2009 @ Hyde Park London03/07/09, 08:56
sabar yah baru banget nyampe rumah nih..ngga kuat ngapa2in..
yg jelas the best concert i've ever seen so far..encorenya 2 kali ending encore pertama Song 2, ending encore kedua UNIVERSAL.. barisan paling depan, badan pegel2, kaki mau copot loncat2, suara abis nyanyi2..hihihi.. #1210
Main Talk / Re: BLUR (reunion) warm up concert 2-3 July 2009 @ Hyde Park London02/07/09, 16:29
ihiiiiii coming........
reportnya sesok yah guys..SONG 2 pasti berantakan banget nih hyde park #1211
Mix Tape / Demo sharing / Podcast / Re: "follow me, im your friend" by alvin k02/07/09, 15:07
wow..mixtapenya dj techo OTY..di download dulu mas alvin..
Bogor / Re: Kekerasan Di Club02/07/09, 14:55
keliatan sih ini dimana klo di bandung, ada si giant ngga yah bouncernya amare geda banget khan tuh orang..
Sport / Re: ONE STOP FOOTBALL02/07/09, 02:25
KARIM BENZEMA Real Madrid C.F. and Olympique Lyonnais have reached an agreement for the transfer of Karim Benzema. The player will have his medical examination in the next few days, which will be followed by the signing of the contract with his new club. The 21-year old French international striker will play six seasons for Real Madrid. #1215
Sport / Re: ONE STOP FOOTBALL01/07/09, 15:57NO. 8 The Brazilian will wear the number previously worn by Gago, who will now be the team´s number ´5´ player #1216
Movie / Re: One Stop MOVIE REVIEW !30/06/09, 23:46
^ ^ ^ wakwakwakwkakwa Tom hardcore memang trance !!! back to topic: tetep gw ngga suka transformer, kenapa tiba2 decepticon bisa jadi orang? #1217
ngga akan ada habisnya ngomongin MJ..ini yg lebih bikin merinding lagi foto2 2hari 48jam sebelum dia meninggal dunia..pas lagi rehearsal di LA..
masih keren aja udah 50thn #1218
Disk Jockey / Re: apa kabar DJ DIKAA aka ABRIEL ?????30/06/09, 14:49
kemaren sempet posting dia di rvlx tuh...
Movie / Re: One Stop MOVIE REVIEW !30/06/09, 14:43Quote from: bgajulan on 25/06/09, 20:01Quote from: dedoSixteen on 25/06/09, 15:27 sorry shel, baru bangun trus baru ngecheck.. iya kayaknya agak susah deh cin(t)a buat keluar di indo, ngga tau yah cuma katanya si atun emang blom di release aja di indo..filmnya bagus sih awal2nya, lama2 jadi berat banget..padahal plot konfliknya udah bagus, cuma ujung2nya jadi aneh gitu jadi mempertanyakan tuhan lah..hihihi #1221
Sport / Re: ONE STOP FOOTBALL29/06/09, 04:32
hihihi..setelah di bikin dagdigdug 45 menit babak pertama, memang Brazil itu blom ada obatnya..
Hails to Luis fabiano and KAKA !!! #1222
Movie / Re: Satu lagi yang ditunggu-tunggu: MERANTAU29/06/09, 03:49
ngga papa deh mau latah mau ngga, yang penting film indonesia jadi bagus deh, khan udah ada laskar pelangi sama garuda di dadaku yg setipe..
yang mau niru silahkan asal jangan film setan2 ngga jelas lagi yg di bikin !!! sitttt jadi pengen cepet2 pulang nonton film indo bagus2 #1223
michael jackson - moon walk
BEST DANCE MOVE EVER !! MOONWALK Jackson five-Blame it on the boogie ohhh i loved this song..blame it on the boogie #1224
WOWWWW JAZZANOVA....wicked..nice party..i wish i cud come...
Movie / Re: 2012 Who Will survive?27/06/09, 01:19
mangkanya gw yakin pasti bukan itu keren gitu klo sampe akhirannya alien sih cheesy gila2an...