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Messages - LosTSisKa


......again and again,,,,,

:-\ :-\ :-\
*piss* *piss* *piss*
Quote from: dirtynumbangelboy on 13/06/07, 20:48
tumben ibu RT kali ini
yg turun sendiri menyapa rekan rekan baru


;D ;D ;D
yah mencoba untuk bersosialisasi puy,,,,,halaahhhh....hahahaahhahaha....
Visual Jockey / Re: VJ Punya Crowd
06/08/07, 22:32
Quote from: walasok on 06/08/07, 16:17
gw grupisnya vj miz digital[ i ]llusion.. *tepuktangan*


bukannya waktu di semarang pas lo lagi main, banyak crowdnya di belakang lo pada ikutan ngeliatin laptop? hehehe

wedeeewwww,,dasarrrr lo emg doyang footage gw yg muter2 itu khan,...klo pas di smrg emg maunya pada nyari setan...hhahaaaaa *piss* *piss* *piss*

Quote from: SUNSHINE on 06/08/07, 17:56
gw grupisnya vj miz digital[ i ]llusion..LosTsiska aja kan enak bisa joged2 bareng....

"Lagian Kalo Pas Maen VJ Biasanya Banyak Botol-Botol Yang Bergelimpangan jadi crowdnya pada ngrubung botol....tumpah deh di powerbook gw"

yuukkkkzzzz,,,,bisa kita tinggalin ya  booth kitaaaa,,, ;D ;D
rite bro',,,,where are u pamaaan??,,, ,(?) (?)

Internet music piracy is riding at record levels and is set to rise as newly emboldened consumers revolt against high online prices and controversial technology designed to prevent digital bootlegging.Criminal offences

For the most part, the criminal law is only used for commercial copyright infringement with one exception, and an offence is committed when, knowing or reasonably suspecting that the files are illegal copies, and without the permission of the copyright owner, a person:

    * makes unauthorised copies e.g. burning music files or films on to CD-Rs or DVD-Rs;
    * distributes, sells or hires out unauthorised copies of CDs, VCDs and DVDs;
    * on a larger scale, distributes unauthorised copies as a commercial enterprise on the internet;
    * possesses unauthorised copies with a view to distributing, selling or hiring these to other people;
    * while not dealing commercially, distributes unauthorised copies of software packages, books, music, games, and films on such a scale as to have a measurable impact on the copyright owner's business.
    * publishing someone else's original copy work and claiming you have made it. (This is known as plagiarism and is completely different to copyright infringement, but laws concerning it come under the section of copyright law in some countries)
    * Certain copyrights allow Archival copies of software to be made however these are not to be distributed.


sob,,,ga etis....
*even gw juga punya bank lagu almost 80giga 320br'pun ga gini2 amat kok... ::) ::)

apaannya yg dibungkus,,,heuehehhehehe ;D

wedew,,,,cangcing niy,,,mantebb banget!!!,,,,,,,,yoko, oleh2nya!! awas koe... ;D ;D
Visual Jockey / Re: VJ Punya Crowd
06/08/07, 15:42

heuheueheueheeheueh,,,,,, ;D ;D
Visual Jockey / Re: VJ Punya Crowd
06/08/07, 15:16

lucu juga,,,,klo vj punya groupies tapi apa yg didemenin yaakk,,,

heuhehehe, ada yg ngeless....
laahhh tlg diperhatikan baek2 deeee'',,,,ada kali gw miskolin hp lo tek,,,,huhuhuhuhuhuhu

emang bener2 picah ya 'bang,sapi balinya,,,,,,heuehehheehe...  ;D
Quote from: walasok on 06/08/07, 14:07

selamat untuk kemenangan merpati balap di kancah gokart..

*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

wwwuuuuuuuuu janjimu palssuuuuuuuuuu  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(,,,   *piss*
lah bukannya uda diteponin jg tapi ga diangkat???,,,,huhuhuhu


the most rock n roll galz of rvlx member
memang layak disebut sbg 'MeRpaTi BaLap,,, *piss* *piss*
;D ;D ;D ;D

Final rounds,,,

the trophy goes to,,,,,taraaaaaaaaaaa...
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

Lah bleekkkk,,,klo meremnya masih ntra malem kali,,,buru2 amat sih?,,
*piss* *piss*


yg laennya ntar yeee,,,,,mo tidurrr dolo capeeee,,,,

secara abang gt loh, udah fully armor with "sapi baliii!!!,,,,  ;D ;D ;D

and the winner goes to,,,,,

*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

sudah dibuktikan tdk hanya di lantai dansa kencengnya, tapi jg di jalanan,,,,memang benar bahwa anda adalah seorang MERPATI BALAP!!!!!,,,hahahahahaha *piss* *piss* *piss* *piss*

foto2 menyusulllll,,,
Quote from: Kimi Rei on 31/07/07, 01:24
waa... ma kasih smuanya, mbak siska jg buat yg jauh2 hehehhehe
menurutku yg menguasai panggung tetep Bung Tomo hahahahha..

wallaaagggg,kekekekeke,,, ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D...

it was awesome nite, baru bisa upload foto2nya skarang di,


rusuhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sekaleeee, bener Ko emg mas tomo ga ada duanyaaaaaahh  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*.....adite aja ga lawaannn!!...kaciaaaannn deh merpatikuuu hahahahahahaha......


&anak top
jangan kapokkkkk yeeee,,, ;D ;D

@pangeran kegelapan/bleckyy,,,
wuhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, "keajaiban mukamuu ituuuuuu,,,, *piss* *piss* *piss*"

@mbc fam [mr.J, bang ucok, mas tomo..]
sayaaahh sudah datang untuk menepati janjiiiiii,,,, :-* :-* :-* :-*

@everyone yg curcol dolo di gejayan',,,,,,
u're so rooooccccckkkkkkkk that nite, bener2 kita ikin rusuhhh,,,, *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

,,,,,ada apa ini,,,,ada apa??,,,,,*waakkzzz ktinggalan beritaa....
@atas juga
yuukkzzz,,,,,,,,*itu trophy bergilir,,,jd ntar ada challenges2 lagi bkalan kita ksh ke siapa yg juaraaa, so for the winner keep that thingies baek2,,,
Yogyakarta / SuPeR ChaRGhe D' PiC
04/08/07, 01:22
baru bs upload2 cekaranggg,huhuhuhuu...*ga tau niyyy lagi 'stuck' aja gw,,,huhuhuhuhu  :-\ :-\ :-\
semoga belum basi yaakkk, secara seruuuuuuuuuuuu bangetttttttttttttt!!! *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*

duo supercharged *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*

wedeewwww, rusuh sekali yakk,,, *piss* *piss*

laaaahhhh, as alawaayysss tek,,,,hahhaaa  *piss* *piss*

wuuhaaaaaaaaaaaaa,, bleekkkkkkkk napa tuh muka,,, :P :P ;D ;D

hhmm,,,sombongggg yeeee,,, :-\ :-\

JUARAAAAA MALAM ITUUU!!,,, *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *bgs* *bgs*

lapak pijit di mbc,,,,hahahahahaha ;D ;D

the firm,,,,huehhehee
;) ;)

bleekkk gayamuuuuuuuu kuwwwiii looohh,,,,hahhahhaa
;D ;D ;D

doubledee mantaabbb,,, *bgs* *bgs*

Yoko apalagi,heheuheuhehhe....  *piss* *piss* :-* :-*

haappppppppppppppy besdaaaaaaaaaaaaaayy, maaf telatttttttttttt