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Messages - DJ Deny

Full support buat DJ Joey  *tepuktangan*

I'm totally like your style man..eh,btw salam kopdar yah kemarin   8)

Jangan pantang menyerah bro..chayooo  *bgs*

Happy Birhday dear Milinka.wishing a very good prosperity in forthcoming years..  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

Kayaknya seru tuh...congrats for all of you guys  :D
Happy Birthday for Rumus and also for all of the guys..keep up leading  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

frame set dia lebih bagus dari dj2 yg gw udh liat di centro spt Gareth Emery,Jonas Steur dll..very atraktif,komunikatif dan energik  :D

tapi yg lebih serunya waktu secara ga sengaja kt ketemu dia di Lt.3 dengan kondisi udh mak nyuuss ehuehuehuhue ;D ;D

Nice guy,friendly dj..cheers mate  8)

See you guys there yah, jangan lupa.. ;)
Bagus,fresh idea and sounds and also creative..saltue guys  *piss* *piss*

Gw ada inviit buat Thrillseekers,kira kira mmm...ada 100 biji deh  ;D

So,buat yg mau kesana kt janjian di depan centro jam 11 yaaa..I'll see you guys there!  ;)

Btw, gw tgl 23  udah ada di jogja main di mbc, 24 di hugos untuk semi final heineken. Apa ngumpul disana aja kali yaa.. ;D

Quote from: sapi.ketjiL on 08/11/07, 19:16
24? kebetulan sapi lagi di jogja ;D

Iya yah pi,barengan hehe.. kebetulan juga gw dr tgl 23 sampe 25 ada disana juga..
Quote from: Dj Naro on 22/09/07, 18:56
Hey Guys,

Nice input and critics,,I so agree that Dj Mag pooling is Overated!As Tiesto even being no1 in 2002 but One Director of the best Online records shop in the world already said that Tiesto No1 in 2001,,A year before,,,That's my point...!!
Why dont we create a World class vibe and scenes with many concepts that the clubs can supports any kind of Great and quality music whatever the genre is...
The main thing is we have to be the one of the Barometer of world dance scenes andso The Dj's around the world will consider us to be The best country that produce lots of Great and talented Producers and Dj's..
Well even and Island like Ibiza only have legends and not Rank 1 Dj by Dj Mag...
So we hv to stick together with our own concept and rebirth the Underground scenes to fresh up new envirement in our Glorious 15years od dance scenes...
Nice input from Dirty Num Boy for Dj Dan!And so Dj R to support local talents!



Quote from: Dj Naro on 22/09/07, 19:15

Correction....Jazzy mike!for Dj Dan input..Sorry Dirty NUm Boy...hehehe...



Nice indeed juga Mr. N
Dear Indoclubbers,

Happy 3rd Anniversary..More success in forthcoming years!  *tepuktangan*  *tepuktangan*

Keep the vibe and faith alive   :D


Diusahakan datang yah guys.. ;)
Support wae lah buat si akang kobam he he  ;D

Cadas, bedas, beringas, merengas..he he  ;D

Quote from: kc on 09/11/07, 13:58
i may not be able to see you, armin, so see you when i see you, in the next life perhaps..

*menghela napas panjang*

:'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

@KC: Alesan yang tadi dibahas aja dipake..blm tentu doi datang lagi as the no.1 lho..  :D

Quote from: acid029 on 09/11/07, 04:24
Quote from: Dekra on 08/11/07, 23:17
Ladies and gentleman, here comes the nominate for "JUICE DJ QUEST 2007 SEMIFINALIST"....

1.   M Andy Rahadyan
2.   Panji Utama
3.   Six Pratama
4.   Denny Jariova
5.   Marcelino Adrianus S
6.   Riva F Andrea
7.   Maliki A Syarif
8.   Ratislativ Nasution
9.   Asking
10. Antonio Sebastian

These semifinalist will compete in a hotter event, more tempting, and heavier than they've been before! Come November the 14th, they will shock and sweat the crowd with their set lists at Embassy Jakarta!

If three of them succeeded to make their way to the final which will held in 17th November, the winner will get the chance to compete with other JUICE DJ Quest champions in Malaysia!

Then prepare yourself, gear yourself up to Embassy Jakarta and witness some history that we're trying to make!

Be there!


RASTISLAV NASUTION ( SoundScape )....support from jogja .. *bgs* *bgs*

Rasti my brother..fully support for you. show 'em that you are the best!  *bgs*


Quote from: ToM`s ~cupu~ on 09/11/07, 10:36
Sorry neh kemarin gw liat bajakannya ditebet, gila yah... Semoga gw salah liat deh.

Oow..ya? masa sich?
ckckck..kapan EDM kita dihargai sebagai salah satu karya bangsa Indonesia yah kalo begini caranya..damn on it!  :-\


PS: iya maap pak moderator, salah quote  hi hi :P
Quote from: dweetha on 29/10/07, 22:36
@ atas

ni anak pasti blom tidur..

Pinjem bahasa Adhe Bro: ..jadi malu nih eike..  :-[


Quote from: Ricco.Sepet on 29/10/07, 18:37
Quote from: DJ Deny on 29/10/07, 16:31
Quote from: Ricco.Sepet on 29/10/07, 15:40
wahh asyik... ikutan maen nih... ;D

Wheew..VJ Illution bakal ngiring thrillseekers..manteep *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

wew,,,kan sama suhu juga.. berkat ajaran suhu juga nih.. ;)

Suhu nya DJ Nico yaa... Lolz  :P

Quote from: Mr Din on 29/10/07, 18:03
mantab mantab :D

Din..brangkat barengan yuk, kita liat salah satu dj favorite elo nih hehe..  *tepuktangan*


Ardi Pite, DJ Remy, Armin Van Buuren.. *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

congrats to CS and 666  *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*


@ CS: Speechless bro..spirit never dies, althou gw,morten sm steven udah ga disana lagi hehe.. *bgs* *bgs*

:-* :-* :-*
Quote from: osvaldo on 07/11/07, 09:16
teman2..gua balik dulu ya..thx buat semua selama gua d tanah air..sampai ketemu lagi taon depan yaaa...miss u al :'( :'(l....muahhh..muahhh.. :-* :-*

love & respect

Bye bro..have a safe trip and see you soon  :-*

Dear friends,

1st day elimination udah selesai. Hari ini hari terakhir untul eliminasi.

Banyak jg yang bagus2.. hopefully hari ini ada juga yang surprising  ;)

Well, we'll see you guys today guys..good luck and have a good fair fight  *tepuktangan*

Deny, Remy Irwan, Ali The Beat Mag
OH My Dog.... :o


Armin Van Buuren +

DJ Remy Unger +

Ardi Pite


By: Concrete Sounds &  Electra 666 

*bgs*  *bgs*  *bgs*  *bgs*

PS: Abis judjing Heineken langsung ke K7 ah...pas banget sebelum doi main he he he  ;D

Quote from: sapi.ketjiL on 05/11/07, 14:17

booooooooooo...... kenapaa boneka sapi gue dipajang diatas monitor gueee :-\ :-\
hadoohh, pake ada NOTE-nya pullaaaa....
hakhakahhaahkahakhakkhk.... see you on Tuesday yaa!! :-*

eeee..anu..ini..  :-X ::) ::)

abiss lutju sih pi..empuk2 gemes..jadi aja gw unyel_unyel.com.. ;D  ;D

Ini kayaknya sih razia gabungan..semua club ga bs nolakStadium juga manusia halakh  :P

Untung gw minggu pagi kesananya he he
Quote from: ouch on 05/11/07, 11:17
This year Heineken Thirst Senses  received more than 70 DJ registration.

The judges have worked hard and took time listening to all demos, to cut it to 35 DJs who are entitled to personally meet the judges for a preliminary round in Jakarta on 6 & 7 November.

Here are the lucky 35 DJ in alphabetical order (by DJ Name):

01. Andeij (Yogyakarta)
02. Andre (Jakarta)
03. Bimo (Jakarta)
04. Bimzkee (Jakarta)
05. Dewa (Yogyakarta)
06. Dikaa (Jakarta)
07. Dimitri (Yogyakarta)
08. Drto (Jakarta)
09. Eiger (Jakarta)
10. Eric NRG (Surabaya)
11. Fadlie (Jakarta)
12. Ferre (Jakarta)
13. Ferry (Reborn) (Yogyakarta)
14. Jeida (Jakarta)
15. Joey (Surabaya)
16. Kono (Jakarta)
17. Mike Yoshi (Jakarta)
18. Nico Awiekoholic (Jakarta)
19. Otsu Aiko (Jakarta)
20. Ramon (Surabaya)
21. Rangga Raster (Jakarta)
22. Reggy (Jakarta)
23. Rejason (Jakarta)
24. Respati (Depok)
25. Resty (Jakarta)
26. Rhina (Yogyakarta)
27. Roni Joni (Jakarta)
28. Tenshi (Jakarta)
29. The Beginner (Yogyakarta)
30. Uchiel (Jakarta)
31. Vickry (Jakarta)
32. Wen'D (Jakarta)
33. Wira (Bandung)
34. Yudhi (Jakarta)
35. Zie (Jakarta)

See you all in Jakarta and Good luck!!!                       

Dear friends,

It's was a hard choose..anyway,good luck for the next audition on 6th and 7th..we'll meet you there..please well prepare yah guys  *tepuktangan*

Kalo denger2 dr live reportnya wkt sabtu kmrn, kayaknya mentep jg si doi ini..langsung main mid to peak tune set pas mulai openingnya..  :D

congrats buat Synan sama centro yaaa... *tepuktangan*
