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Messages - erwiengroovy

@ boele 25hours

thks sob sukses juga buat 25hours
@ tyo otherside

hahahahahahaha siap pak, ah ga juga tawaran dari bagash tuw.... :)

doain aja deal...hehehehehehe *piss*

@ bagash

kyahahahahahahahaha emang lo sih mau nya dikaih ngaongan

jangan janji surga.......... ;D


penting banget tuh control sound secara gw masih acak2an control soundnya n sering ditegur

hehehehehe *piss*

n yang paling penting ngerti rundown buat nyesuain flow ama timingnya.....

@ Phuture89

lam kenal sob...lampung tambah maju aja neh keliatannya.... *bgs*

hiks gw juga di daerah neh sob..... (?)

guysssssssssss tar malem nih doain ya..... *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

salam kenal semua newbie neh........

blum junior malah hehehehehehhee.....

:: erwiengroovy ::

Genre         : Electro, Tech House, Tribal

Influence    : Laidback Luke, Dirty South, Deadmau5, Mastiksoul

Label          : Groovebdx management // tulungagung east java

C.P             : massavick  +628 563 643 045

Email          : erwiengroovy@yahoo.com

Friendster  : http://profiles.friendster.com/erwiengroovy

Disk Jockey / Re: Pilih Mana???
19/12/08, 10:09
Sepakat sob pioneer megang jauh....!!!!!!!
@Tyo otherside

hahahahaha tulungagung dan sekitarnya??????

emang lo pernah ke sini sob????? wah..........

bneran mampir ya sob...
@ dj_aldee

salam kenal,

thks sob......ah ga juga boss...... ;D

masih newbie neh...... *piss*

sukses juga buat ko aldee n Buat RHYTHM NATION (william, arya, trixie, prinze n teman2 yg lain..)  *tepuktangan*

ckckckckckckckc Lips gokillllllllllll....

support deh buat BOGOR!!!!!! *bgs* *bgs*


wuih mantab ternyata bapak yang satu ini hehehehehe..... *tepuktangan*

maen2 lah ke tulungagung sob....

kata om bimz lo suka ngaongan ahahahahhaha... *piss*
Quote from: otherside production on 18/12/08, 06:48
@ erwingroovy:
okewhokewh..dtunggu niyh paq kdtnganna..
Jgn lp bw oleh2 jg yaa..
Sukses slalu..

Tyo "otherside"

ahahahahahah oleh2 apa neh yo.....

di tulungagung mah ga da apa2.....

kapan2 lo maen sini aja tar kuliner makanan desa hehehehehe *piss*

maknyus pastinya sob *bgs*
The dj's profile :


DJ Dhemitz is one of the "founding father" of Groovebdx Deejay Management. He started his deejay career in 2003. Firstly he was inspired by hip hop beats, it's purely shows in his scratching style. Once joined in JSD, one of the local hip hop group in Tulungagung and hip metal band named "Core Gear" that won the LIIUR Telkomsel  Band Festival in 2005.

Lately, DJ Dhemitz started to explore his style into progressive, electro, trance. He also an instructor in one of the most famous DJ school in Malang and very responsive in the shout and crowded athmosphere. His characteristic in deejay mostly influenced by Joachim Garraud, Offer[/right] Nissim, Jmaes Zabriella, DJ 2nd Nature, and DJ Q-bert.


He has his own characteristic in cross-genre music exploration. Once joined in numetal/hipmetal band named "No Connect" as an turntablist and bring different style in its music.

In every set, DJ Yendie performs a lof of tribal bassline and percussion element with the touch of an easy listening electro sound. He called it "a romantic dark tribe electro". Definitely a correct term because you can always enjoy the hot and crazy stage when he performs. DJ Yendie's style in music influenced by Rafael Lelis, Edson Pride, Fedde La Grand, Offer Nissim, Nick Terranove, and Abel Ramos.


He was first interested in electro dance music when he started his passion in software music experiments. The DJ who has second gear set laptop and midi controller next to his CDJ set, explores a lot of pumpin tribal sound, with tech house element and electro touch. He called it "pumpin tribal tech".

From small gigs performance, he emerges in club scene and got the good response from dance floor, "yup! It's a baby boy goes groovy". His taste in music mostly influenced by Laidback Luke, Steve Angelo, Deadmau5, and Dirty South.



siap pak kalu ke jakarta pasti mampir ke sisi lain hehehehe.....

udah ah sob kasian tuh power rangernya.... ::)

dari tadi di maki2 aja.. ;D

kita support aja aymee nya biar dia gag trauma...... *bgs* *bgs*

hahahahahahahahahahahahah sumpah gila lo sob......... *bgs*

kok jadi power ranger chetto nya..... ;D

udah ah gila neh gw di kantor ngakak2 ndiri... :-\
iya tuh keren banget mantab..........!!!!! *bgs*

gw paling suka pas pindah dari be ke get up sangarrrrrr!!!! *tepuktangan*

ada  yg tau trik pas si laid motong be n pindah ke get up..... (?) (?)

penasaran neh gw.... :-\
setuju banget ma flow......

lagunya echa masuk banget bwt orang indo........ *bgs*

lagu2 lo andalan neh bwt pecahin crowd.... *tepuktangan*

support selalu cha dr gw... *bgs*


thks yo kta temen2 anak otherside asik2......... *bgs*

wah jadi pengen ketemu neh hehehehehe..... :D

kapan2 undang2 kita ya  *tepuktangan*


Welcome brother heheheheheh setelah sekian lama..... *tepuktangan*

akhirnya muncul juga..... *bgs*

jadi anak yg baik ya disini.....kalu nakal dijewer ma om2 senior hahahaha ;D *piss*

sukses buat anak2 malang qhe...... *bgs*
salam kenal guyss..........

trance4life makin rame n eksis aja neh......

sukses selalu buat T4L......


:: erwiengroovy ::
kyahahahahahahahahaha om bulle bisa aja neh.... ;D

iya neh wearpacknya yg bikin gag ku ku .......... ;) *piss*


suruh minta maap di topic ini non......

sumpah bikin malu aja ne orang....... :-\ :-\
ckckckckc juara donlot plm "pendidikan" neh ahahahahaha.......... *piss*

support deh om keep d good workz *bgs* *bgs*

om mana katanya mo upload partnya BUGS..... ;D

ckckckckckckckcf!!! parah banget tu orang..........! (?)

setuju banget ma om adagio.....kasih info lengkapnya (foto/label/ma profilnya sekalian)

gini neh yg merusak dance scene kita....cuman karena segelintir orang..... :-\


tetep semangat yah...jgn bikin patah semangat lo jadi DJ *bgs* *tepuktangan*

support buat lo *bgs* *tepuktangan* semangat yah.... *tepuktangan*
hayo2 sapa ajah yg di malang absen absen  *tepuktangan*
@ echa

hehehehehehe dari pada tar klu diem ama om echa dikutuk jadi kodok hehehehe.... :'( :'(

tengkyu supportnya bos!!! jadi pengen ngundang om echa neh...... ;D

next time ya om doain aja......n mohon bimbingannya  *bgs*

@ otherside production

makasih sob salam kenal.....thks supportnya....... *tepuktangan*
trus sapa ya yg bantuin realisasi..... (?) (?)

hikzzz...... :-\ :-\

gw mah cuman bikin ide *piss*