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Messages - bimzkee

Quote from: Debon on 20/01/08, 11:56
Debon = The Bone panggilan gw waktu SMA karena gue dulu kurussss bgt...

emang itu beneran? bukannya karena lu sodaranya melly goeslaw? hehehe

1. nick gue jaman IRC, awalnya sih beamsky
2. diffrentiate me from another bima yang spin drum n bass and a very talented one...

congrats 4 trinity.. semoga sukses dan menelorkan dj2 berbakat....
dj school bertebaran, dj2 berbakat bermunculan... cuman.. clubnya nambah gak yah? hehehe

mudah2an sebanding deh.. jgn kayak jalanan jakarta yang pertumbuhannya gak sebanding ama jumlah kendaraannya
tegang bgt kalo ternyata dj sebelumnya maen house kota...
*salah tempat dong gua?
Quote from: ali the beat on 05/01/08, 12:51
wah seru juga nih...deny jadi top ranking...tapi kalo emang deny atau whoever yang jadi the next,pada mau beli cdnya nggak ?

Quote from: jazzymike on 15/01/08, 21:16
whats definition of legendary anyway (?) ;)

good question jo... but i think as the thread title said...

who's ur legendary local DJ?

legend menurut gue, belum tentu sama dengan legend menurut org lain.. hehehe... ya gak?

Quote from: deejay_dq on 09/01/08, 11:21
Quote from: bimzkee on 09/01/08, 09:12
ck ck ck baru liat gue fotonya.. kelakuan anak muda jaman sekarang... bagus2 nak aheuheauheuhae

Iyaa tuuuh papa bimz... hehehehehehe,kelakuan anak muda sekarang  :o :o

Papa waktu muda ga gt kan ?? Wakakakakakaka  ;D ;D ;D ;D  *piss* *piss*

hehe... saya waktu muda anak rumah kok... (anak house) maksudnya hehe :P
dj punct mantap kali nampaknya hehehe
Quote from: olis on 15/01/08, 11:00
Quote from: mantili on 09/11/07, 21:04
bikin 1 album dong sob :)

Kayaknya dulu udah rilis CD deh Blanco..

dulu cd compilation aja... kalo cd album yg full lagu2nya dia belum ....tapi dalam waktu dekat akan ada kejutan... hehehe

just wait n see guys..
kayaknya udah panas bgt jkt skrg.. bagusnya sih kayaknya gak banjir... tapi panasnya masya allahhh...
udah mirip sby deh hehehe
mari silahkan bro... tracklist gue yg gue inget ada yg sama sama lo, which is toca me by fragma...

siap om, cd segera meluncur.. tp.. masalahnya.. kapan kita ketemunya yah?
wah.. canggih... support dr jakarta ya pak..
Hi guys,

As for 2008, i plan to share my mixtapes on a monthly basis.

So here is the first one  ;)





1.   Sin Plomo & Jerome Isma Ae - La Mer
2.   Drive Feat. Luci Arundel - Stay
3.   Yvan & Dan Daniel - Enjoy The Silence
4.   Johan Vermeulen - Luxury
5.   Nils Noa - Monkeybreak
6.   2 Faced a.k.a Don Diablo - Rock Music
7.   Daniel Gregory - Paradise
8.   Jerome Isma Ae - Phantom
9.   Bjoern Mandy & Thomas Gold - Suppress You
10. Stehan Hinz - Meet You On The Other Side
11. Deadmau5 - Arguru
12. Fragma - Toca Me

Length: 70:07
File size 65 mb

The set is kinda proggy and i hope u guys enjoy it.


*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
knape lu uhuy2? snook t*t*t ya? aeuhuehuaehuhaehaha
mau jadi nominasi yah kes?? :P

hihhi i vote 4 u deh
thanks soob.. hope u'll enjoy it... ;)
please be my guest den... ;)
february cari side job yg banyak dehhhh buat ini.. huuu
Quote from: bless the child on 07/01/08, 20:02
Quote from: bimzkee on 22/11/07, 19:15
mau tanya.. itu stadium basketball apa yah? pas di klik kok dalemnya malah gambar lapangan futsal? hehe

trus.. yang Malioboro.. itu foto siapa nya? hehehehe

thank you

yang sebelah mana bim..heheheheh

hehe yang mane aje deh berr....
ini ada mainan kayak sim city tapi online gitu.. lucu juga buat iseng2 gak perlu sign up lagi..


itu kota gue.. please klik yakk hehehhe
support guys...

hmm mau dong gue di adu hihihi.. :P
downloadin now... meanwhile.. please listen to my mixtape bro...

ada 3 sih...

tapi yg paling terakhir ada disini nih...


isinya a blend of prog house, tech house, but i never left the trancey elements...

nice one... hehehe... barisan rvlx merapat pastinya...
all the best jo... if u need support or anything.. i'll be standing by hehehe