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Messages - HDM

Support trus for synan!!!!!

Marquee......!!!!! tgl 7 dec sptnya jadi.......  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

Tau kan yg mana?  ;)

@ all: masa sih cancel??? Kata orang X2 dah sign contract loh!!!! trus pihak X2 tetap keluarin promisi tuh....  (?)  (?) Bingung deh...

Milinka (Best Female DJ by REDMA 2007) - HDM
Jo Mills (Best Female Electro by M8 Mag 2007) - UK
andy white

@ X2, 10 November 2007

Inconjuction with Milinka B'day Bast Party

Host: Anne Rara, Annie Anwar, Nadia Mulya, fifi boentaran, Firry Rasad, Fabiola Aisha, Sanjay Maulani, Windo n Ali (SOZ), didi (1945), and many more....

Everyone invited!!!!!  C u guys on my b'day......

@kolonel sanders:  ga bilang sih..... ntar ke jakarta lagi ya nx week and a week after that. Tgl 10 Nov gw bawa Jo Mills di X2 utk spin bareng sekalian my bday bast. Tgl 17 my 24 hours event di k7. hadir yaa.... ticket pesawat gampang kan cuma ke jak-smg-jak ini  ;)  ;D

oiya.... I decided untuk ga pakai miz lagi didepan nama gw. it just 'Milinka"

Nanti tgl 17 pasti byk anak ravelex, sekalian pada kenalan yaaa...

@ndev: dulu waktu nonton g&b belum jadi dj, jd ga gitu perduli... nah skrng kita dah jadi dj..... and besides...... it's @ X2!!!!! jadi bisa kenalan. Ntar kalo ga ketemu di event lo, datang aja tgl 2 nya... c u di x2. U know it's hard for me to go out sering2.
@vinodii: next time, please call flash: 98768881.

Tku bgt ya dear mau ikutan main...... tapi nama2 dah kekumpul and dah masuk design. Maaf yaa.... ntar jadinya 45 djs, bukan 44 lagi.... kan dah pas sam total mc and vj 14 juga.......  ::)

tanya flash no telgw ya.. ga mungkin gw keluarin disini no tel nya...


I went there last nite. So happening!!!   David dunne keren abis...... DJ gucci keren juga....
the models..... muantab!!!! Ga nyesal cape2 abis spin datng ke PURE!!!!

Motion ninja.... as always..... STUNNING!!!!!
Support!!!!!! wah senangnya keliling dgn FHM girls.... damn....!!!!! you guys so lucky!!!!
@irvantaxx: milinka ada dear.... kenapa nyariin...??? kngen yaa.....  ;D  ;D

Andezzz....... seru loh bapak ini...... makin byk gig nya.....
frico...... hadir!!!!! c u on the 3rd yaa....
DD......!!!! I'm proud of you too girl..... sorry couldn't make it last nite at the rich. I spun somewhere else too.... but I'll try to make it for this one yaa..... tgl 2 ada gabriel and dresden, tgl 3 ada filo and peri.... makanya nih..... berat..... But I'll try to come for you ya....
go girl......!!!!!!
@ Mr Din: ada 3 arena dear..... kan ada di atas.... di garden itu untuk house, minimal. Di Ibiza untuk electro, prog house , breaks. Di K7 room untuk prog, trance, techno. Hadir yaa.....  :)

@ fromcampus2selat: aduh..... minum apaan tuh...? biar apa??? bagi2 donk gunanya buat apa...  ;)

@d.to: speak for it self itu artinya apa yaa...??? Maaf ga nyambung nih gw.....  (?)

@deejay dq: FDC ga akan mahal kok..... satu kali bayar untuk 3 arena.... plus di sana nanti akan ada bookletnya juga untuk waktu and dimana para DJ akan perform. And Waktu untuk guest list di buka 2 kali mengingat 24 jam lamanya part ini dibuat. Ntar gw kabarin yaa....

@panji666: yes dear.... EBDJ management mau bubar karena EB dah ga ada. We have a new name management's name. Coz it doesn't make sense to keep EBDJ's name if EB itself is no longer exist....
namanya apa...???? Just wait for our next event!!!!!  :P

@sapiketjil: tku so much ya dear for your support selama ini. It's only a name.... we'll come out with the better one soon. I promise you deh...... Sebenarnya udah ada and terbentuk team dibelakang layar para anggota "new name management", tapi tunggu buat event yg lain.... ga lama lagi kok  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

@dedosixteen: it's a farewell party dear.... why not making it big????  ;D ;D

@dj royxspinn: tku darling..... lumayan pegal latihan ga tidur 2 malam tiap weekend and jogging and swimming 3x a week...... and sesepuh riri kasih advise untuk ikut merpati putih juga. but...... it's only me (milinka) yg akan spin for 24 hours..... y its only me...??? cos devina resigned from the management after EB split up.  :'( We do miss her a lot!!!!!

@bless the child: tku dear.... luv you....

@luthfi: luve you too deh... for your support. It's an honor to spin for you guys...

@dree: dj yg makin mantab ini........ tku yaa dah bersedia main for us.  ;)

@ricco sepet: 24 jam, 44 djs, 14 mcs, 14vjs...... kamar...... ada juga kok disana.... nanti kta juga jual ticket dgn harga kamar juga, buat mereka yg ga mau pulang.... bangun lansung turun disco2 lagi.... tku so much juga dah bersedia main for us.... hugs and kisses for ILLUSION.  :-*  :-*

@Ninbo: ga tau nih..... makanya mau coba rasanya 24 jam party.... cobain yuk....  ;)  ;D

@mario78: betul sekali..... makanya mari kita bersaing dgn kampus sebelah, tapi bedanya.... kapus sebelah ga ada 44djs in one night.  ;)

@irvanvitaxx: EB dah bubar dear..... jadi.... again.....it doesn't make sense to keep the name "EBDJ management" if EB itself is no longer exist. But we're going to have more people at the new management and these DJs are very talented, world wide experienced and of course.... beautiful people... inside and outside..... mau tau siapa aja...???? Tunggu our next event yaa.....  :P

@didi: my lovely brother..... talented dj and producer as well. Lagu lo semalam gw mainin loh.... pada suka tuh..... MANTAB!!!! tku so much dah mau spin for us. love you as always!!!!!  :-*  :-*
24 Hours of Milinka DJ  & DVJ Set and EBDJ Management Last Performance

Saturday, November 17th 2007

@ K7
Jln. Kunir 7, Jakarta Barat Indonesia

3:00 PM - 3:00 PM (the next day)

3 Area :
44 DJs | 14 MCs | 14 VJs

DJs : Milinka, Buni, DVO, Deniez (EBDJ). Romy, Phatt Brothers "Didi&Dade", Innerlight, Bimo, Dree (1945MF). Naro (OriginalNaro). Riri, Abo, Bone (Spinach). Anton, Downey (Future10), Winky (Junko). Deny (Clubhoppers). Marquee, Ready (Synan Recording). Ai MOonchild, Denny Jariova (Whiteland). Mumu, Iwan sidrink (Stadium). Windo (SoundOfZeus). Shary. Fadlie, Debon (ElectroSoul). Double D (Advark Lab/1945MF). Reynald (X2). Cello (M1/43, Vertigo). Andre Dunant (Paranoia/Centro). Sumantri. Mickey Moran. Akhd@ (Grooyl@nd). Aldo (juice). Ferre (Trance4Life), Rambo (DigitalSix). Marcell (Filter Funk). Jack (Indoclubbers) Rominaki (Odium). Danish W (U.V.G/Pure). Daniel. K Spacey. Radit (Electrojunkie). Dina.

MCs: MC Flash, MC Twailla (EBDJ), Lex d MC, MC Giri (Spinach), P Double (Paranoia). MC dRwE (1945MF), MC Joey (SoundOfZeus), MC Ditter (Synan Recording), MC Lil R (Clubhoppers), Lil Dan (U.V.G), MC Vibes (Absolute3in1), DK_dMC (D`Makaveli), MC Dabbow (Yellowseven), MC Okie.

VJs: 9 Motion (EBDJ), Dazed Visualab (Clubhoppers), Motioninja (U.V.G), Global Port, Tinkerbell, Groovyl@nd a/v set, Electroflex, Electrojunkies, Dreamotion, Q Motion, X Motion, Illusion (Absolute3in1), Lie Su Pao, Ctrl V.

for more info please check out this site : http://www.myspace.com/24hourset
Guys, maaf sekali sampai saat ini tidak ada confirmation dari devina untuk spin bersama EBDJ team. dengan sangat didasayangkan, semua anggota EBDJ dengan sgt trepaksa tetap melanjutkan event tanpa devina. hiks hiks.....

Maaf dari pada nanti datang tapi kecewa ga ada back to back nya...... lebih baik kita inform dr sekarang....

But in exchange..... we have all the TOP Indonesian DJs to spin there to support our management for the last time.

best regards,
Hi guys, tku so much for you all who support us for all of this time. Again.... EB is over. We only have to finish our contract. After 3rd, 4th Nov, we still have another gig to spin together on 14th December at Vertigo.

Devina resigned from EBDJ management after EB split up. And on the 17th Nov, EBDJ management
is going to held our last event or performance. We decided to end the management as well.

It's a farewell party for EBDJ managemnet.
17 Nov 2007
24hours nonstop at K7
3 arenas from 3:00PM - 03:00PM the next day
44DJs, 14Mcs, 14VJs.

And it's Milinka 24 hours DJ & DVJ set as well....
Almost all of Indenesian Best DsJ will be there to spin and support EBDJ management for the last time.

The ad will be out soon!!

Thank you so much,



Hhhmmm gw taunya Takigawa and Kinokuya..... hihihihii... nggak nyambung yaaa????
sorry belum dengar, would like to hear him play though....
My 5 DJ's and the reason.

1. Delizious Devina = for .... to be my partner.

2. PVD = for..... inspired me to a DJ, not olny his skill but his style and artisitis performance and pics.

3. Romy = for.....  to be our big brother

4.Nakadia = for.... inspired me to reach out my dreams as an Indonesian or an Asian DJ. This Thai girl spun around the globe. COOL!!!!!

5. Innerlight = for..... to have the same spirit as mine.

Miz Milinka and Delizious Devina, the Electric Barbarllas, have decided to pursue solo careers.  We will miss playing for our crowd.  Devina and I have come to realize that we are moving in different directions musically.  Although Devina is an amazing DJ and a talented musician her music styles are different from mine, which is part of what made Electric Barbarellas so special.  I am moving in more of an electro/progressive direction whereas Devina is moving towards deep house and minimal.

Devina and I will retain the same management as before, EBDJ.  We will continue to support one another in our musical endeavors.

Devina and I will miss playing for you all SO MUCH!  It has been a wonderful journey together.  Now our paths take us separate ways.

On November 17th we will have a massive event, the 2nd anniversary of EBDJ management.  During this event Devina and I will again play back 2 back for 24 hours straight.  BE ON THE LOOKOUT!
@luthfi: kamu yang mana sih? td malam ada di centro...???? (?) :o

@dijedri: iya deh barteran...... maklum sekarang sekolahnya dari club to club.  ;)
@dhanty: ga nyesel ga datang....??? keburu balik k bandung tuh orangnya.... eh atau kc yaaa...??? :P ;D

@kc: ga ada yang jemput ya...? ato belok ke tempat lain...??

DJ Via Da Lovely sadis loh nyepin nya..... cantik pula...... akhirnya EBDJ punya female DJ yg dasyat juga. *tepuktangan*

@ black da man: kita ga main di tee box semalam, cuma mampir aja, absen and support team EBDJ. Malam ini kita main di Amnesia bandung, jadi ga bisa diculik sm mas eddie.  :'(

kita b2 surprise sm tee box semlm, rame and jd club gitu.....

@dree: ga usah barbuk dah pada tau kan....???  ;D ;D ;D
Happy b'day free mag!!!! It's a bless to have you in our life. Much kisses and hugs
@ didi: ikutan ngerecokin dancefloor donk......   :P

@dimdok: kalo mabok dah ilang tapi yg di dalam badan keitung ga tuh pas puasa...????  ;D ;D

@dree: miauuuww..... siapa the best kucing garong...????

tambahan versi redma donk..... the best dj kucing garong......  ;D ;D ;D

@bimo: gw dah nyelametin belum yaa???? lupa deh..... happy bday yach. *tepuktangan*
@ dhanty: wah...... ada apakah gerangan..... yg mana nih.... perlu bantuan ga...????  ;) ;D

@Kc: lagi minta dijemput sama siapa nih...???? guys... ayo donk jemput ibu yg satu ini.... :D

@lutfi: buni as always emang manis kok  :P

@mbo: katanya rambo... jagoan... masa takut sih.... *jlk* *jlk*

@nickvan: tengkyu....

@didjeri: ayo jgn telat datangnya... ntar alasan lagi deh guest listnya abis....

@dree: ayo datang ya... foto lagi bareng2. Kali ini Eb bawa camera. Biar ada barbuk.  :-*

@ dree: kalau mau dapat hp, harus bayar masuknya, ga boleh guest list  ;D ;D ;D

@didjeri: dah siap guest list nya, tinggal bateran sm karcis dufan ya....  ;) ;D

@iaz holic: cabut apaan? kok 4 hari?  (?)

@rendy: datang yg dimana? kemang ato centro ato 2 2 nya?

@ Innerlight: asyik bgt main bareng nig orang. Seru!!!!!!  *bgs* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

@ clayz: siap jack, besok kita tele2an ya.....  :P

@blackbolt: lagi di jakarta?  ::)

@buni: sukses ya becok...  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

@romy: yiuuukkkkk!!!!!
@ tatar bahagia: kali ini aja...??? iya deh.... tku yaaa......