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Messages - dinar

Quote from: nik on 15/03/09, 00:41
pgn ikutan ngumpul tp malu
hihihihihihi gw jg sebenernya malu tp gpp deh yg penting gk malu2in,,, hihihihihihihi
@PANJI and THEO yaudah pd kumpul di sparta aja yu sekalan share event hehehehehe
Quote from: progress on 13/03/09, 16:04
sukses ya brow..maju trusssss...
ok thx yaaaaaa
Quote from: t3ori on 13/03/09, 23:25
punten, telat ngenalkeun...

nami : ai (siang),  t3ori (malem)
lahir di Bandung, gede di Bandung, kawin di Bandung, kerja di Bandung..
poko na mah hidup Bandung... rek kumaha deui oge da Persib mah maung Bandung...
hidup Persib lah, da urang Bandung... !!

nuhun sadaya....

mangga kang
Wah pasti ajib nih,,,
congratz for all nominee !!!!
happy anniversary,,,, congratz guyz......
Support from sparta bdg... Canggih nih acarany..
ada yg mw jual serato murah pm gw ya ?
asik nyebrang pake flying fox dr studio lg ahahahahay

support ah
support from sparta,,,,,, good luck guyz,,,,,
@iwan harus begitu donk! Nanti undang2 anak sparta lg ya wan... Hehehehe....
support guyz,,,

p.s: djnya asa karasep heuheuheuheue
support from sparta,,,,,,
ada contact person bwt tau update terbarunya gak ????
@kimy n iwan  lagunya ajiiiib euy hehehe.. Goksil lah...
Parah bgt sih!!!
Support for mydecode....,,,,
mydecode emang kaga ada matinya,,
@faroo iya gw jg berharap dya maen tp gk tau jg coba kita tanya langsung ke aree hehehehe
@rangel gak sabar knp ? curiga gw hwahahwhawhahaw
Hahahaha gokil maen 3 deck walaupun cuman inserting sampler doank...
Support from sparta bandung....