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Messages - anggarez

eclectic yeahhh...
Music / Re: TIGA TIGA TIGA.....
27/01/09, 14:01
siap pak gibran, kalo bandingin mind dimension sama sexor sih sebenernya jauh banget bedanya...tp ada bagusnya ngikutin evolusi musiknya
dijual harga brp nih? boleh dong di pm  ;)
Music / Re: LET'S LOOK BACK.....
27/01/09, 13:00
ikutan ah...

1. prodigy - music for the jilted generation
2. the smiths - singles
3. social distortion - white light, white trash, white heat
4. the clash - london calling
5. beastie boys - the in sound from way out
6. elliott - false cathedral
7. new order - substance
8. kraftwerk - the man machine
9. danny howells - global underground revelation
10. nishkra - between the in between
11. v/a le future le funk
12. metro area - metro area
13. fabric 11 - swayzak
14. dj kicks - playgroup
15. fabric 10 - doc martin
16. grayhound - revolution in sound

pink floyd, the smiths, the clash......dub, reggae, 80s
kalo jarumnya aja kira2 di lepas harga berapa bos? pm ya thx
@ dedo
gw udah waiting list ya do  *piss* ;)
semuanya keren, tergantung selera aja sih sebenernya...
yuk mareee...seru nih bisa rame2 lagi....bring back the spirits!!!  *tepuktangan*
kalo by order mungkin bisa lebih jelas penjualannya  *piss*
Jakarta Events / Re: Tiga
19/01/09, 15:06
mantaps nih kalo jadi dateng  *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
wahh siapa nih yg mau bawa the glimmers ke sini..... *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*...di tunggu info nya lagi bos  *tepuktangan*
gw masih suka, tp gak sesering dulu emang. tergantung venuenya. kl ada TT gw pasti bawa.
hueheuheu yg ini udah agak lama sih, gpp lah iseng2 berhadiah aja...mumpung internet lg bagus, nge upload cepet  ;D
" long play " promo compilation
mixed by anggarez

mood : nudisco/house

tracks :
1. peter visti - balearic love
2. delia g. & gavin russom - relevee
3. padded cell - moon menace
4. jay shepheard - live on
5. #13 phreek plus one - laser rock
6. deep state II - every body get down
7. prins thomas - fehrara
8. outhud - put it away
9. underground souls - sublevel loop sessions
10. future rhythm foundation - shaftin gears
11. swan - can you rock to this
12. blakdoctor - space explorer
13. u2 - salome
14. faze action - stratus energy

Download link: http://rapidshare.com/files/184168885/Anggarez2_1.mp3

another 123 - 124bpm slowburn homedisko mix, enjoy!

besok deh brod gw bawain ke barcode, gak terlalu rapih sih tapi ya cuek aja lah  ;D
i've got this feelings, promo compilation
mixed by anggarez

mood : house/deephouse/dub/tribal/nudisco

it's a 123-124bpm homedisco mix, enjoy!

feel free to comment  ::)

lagi jamannya techno
Jakarta Events / Re: :: GLIMPSE ::
15/01/09, 12:11
gw jumat di urban. jd sabtu bisa lah dinner a la tekno

bok, logo cant stop nya pasangin sayap dong  ;D
Quote from: dunant on 14/01/09, 17:16
@7 udah siap nih.. tinggal di kenyot..
@anggarez sombong banget sih rvlxan aja pake BB :P wakakakakkakakakakakak....
@negative udah nyala lampu lo brod?

@ dunant

tae lo dre, gw gak kenapa2 tetep aja di cela'in....padal udah pull supprott sob bro kang mas pak de lhooo!  :P  ;D

BB = buah bibir

posting mixtape nya dari i-phone dong!  ;D ;D  jangan dari kos-kos an...

bagus bagus headphone nya, v6 nya kira2 brp sob. thx