nice pix !!!
Show postsThis section allows you to view all posts made by this member. Note that you can only see posts made in areas you currently have access to. Show posts MenuMessages - Ian #126
New Year 2007 / Re: Mezzo Motion Presents Embassy's Venice Masquarade Ball 200713/01/07, 07:24
nice pix !!!
New Year 2007 / Re: FRONTIER SESSIONS BALI NYE PARTY 200713/01/07, 07:21
dateng jam emm... mungkin sekitar jam 8-an.
karena per dj hanya spin sekitar 1 jam-an ![]() ![]() but who cares, DJ2 yang main keliatan were having a bit of fun, dan karena ini after-party buat gw, jadi atmosphere after-partynya kerasa. lampu background kerennn... !! pulang jam 2-an lebih ditengah badai hujan. #129
Jakarta Events / Re: ARMADA nights : JOACHIM GARRAUD&HARRY LEMON, 29 DEC @ EMBASSY/WB, 30 DEC @ 6607/01/07, 15:02
Joachim Garraud di 66 mainnya keren !
buka set-nya kalo gak salah dg "The Wall", flow-nya very even, and not only a good dj, but he was also an entertainer. Bone dan Riri juga mainnya top ! Gw hampir gak berhenti jogedan dari menit pertama masuk 66 sampai pulang pas udah terang. #130
Jakarta Events / Re: HOUSE OF RAVELEX :: 23 DECEMBER @ RETRO25/12/06, 22:32
oh, kayaknya gw missed "The JazzyMike Show" malem itu ya ?
pas gw dateng, dia udah duduk nangkring di stage dj booth aja gitu. ![]() cheers, Mike ! elo cool banget ! #131
Jakarta Events / Re: HOUSE OF RAVELEX :: 23 DECEMBER @ RETRO25/12/06, 22:00Quote from: sapi.ketjiL on 24/12/06, 15:36 Pi, percakapan kita malem itu kebanyakan kayak gini : Ian : eh, gw dari bla..bla... si anu bla bla siapa blah blah blah... (satu paragraf tamat) Sapi : ....... ?........?.........?...... ??? (dengan pandangan muka err..sebaiknya tidak usah dideskripsikan disini.. ![]() Ian : Oh, nggak penting juga kok tik. kita ngomong lagi aja besok ya..... ![]() ![]() ![]() terus pertanyaan favorit Sapi buat gw semalem (yang ditanyakan paling sedikit 3 kali) : Sapi : Yan, muka gue ble'e banget ya ? Ian : (berusaha untuk tidak terlalu melihat langsung ke muka sapi) ermm... iya dikit.. tapi kan sini gelap, jadi mudah-mudahan tidak ada yang liat kali yaa.... Gue senang bagnget bisa ketemu lo lagi Tik (beserta abang tersayangmu),... gila udah lama bener ya. Mudah2an next time nggak selama yg kemaren. ![]() Sayang nggak bisa ke Retro lebih awal lagi. Dan nyesel banget nggak bisa juga ke WB abis itu. Padahal pengen joged bareng lagi sama Dweetha, Dimsky, Ija, Dhanty, dll. Keliatannya acaranya sukses (well, paling nggak paman kelihatan cukup 'sukses' malem itu ... ![]() #132
Selamat !
and Thanks for the really good time on saturday night (or rather, sunday morning) !!! ![]() #133
Main Talk / Re: MERRY CHRISTMAS 200625/12/06, 10:32
Have a very Merry Xmas, everyone !
NOW... let's carve out the damn bird ! ![]() #134
New Year 2007 / Re: FRONTIER SESSIONS BALI NYE PARTY 200723/12/06, 17:06
Kayaknya bakal lanjut kesini secara baru tutup jam 3 sore.
..terusss.. paling asik lanjut lagi ke ku de ta biar pas 24 hour party people (pun seriously intended by truly yours) ![]() #135
Jakarta Events / Re: HOUSE OF RAVELEX :: 23 DECEMBER @ RETRO23/12/06, 16:05
mudah2an masih ada dj entar malem yg sempet baca thread ini dan bersedia memutar :
Chocolate Puma - I Wanna Be You (White Lable Mix) that song, imo and please excuse my overly biased enthusiasm for this track, is the definitive meaning of what I rather crudely called as "UPLIFTING HOUSE" many thanks in advance to mr. DJ, whoever you are. ![]() #136
Jakarta Events / Re: HOUSE OF RAVELEX :: 23 DECEMBER @ RETRO14/12/06, 05:11
Gw rencana dateng.
tapi masih bingung, apa ada syarat2 khusus buat dapet RVLX memberships card ? #138
Gears and Technology / Re: KAPAN INTERNET DI INDONESIA KAYAK GINI...13/12/06, 17:34Quote from: fLawLeSS on 13/12/06, 05:13 internet connection di tempat tinggal gue (apartmen di daerah casablanca) memakai jaringan listrik. gw gak tahu pasti berapa mbps, yg pasti lebih cepat dibanding speedy, dan lagi JAUUUUUUHHHHHHH lebih murah (200 ribu FLAT fee per bulan) #141
Music / Re: Minimal Music, the style of 2007???07/12/06, 18:13
imo, the term "Intelligent Dance Music" (IDM) is pretty stupid (no pun intended).
First off, How can music be 'intelligent' ? Well Ok, I do know that the term may have been partly invented in referenced to Warp Records' Intelligent Series in the 90s. Even Aphex Twin himself refused to call the types of music he made 'intelligent'. I also personally don't like the term as it sounds elitist. Second, most IDM is hardly danceable if not at all. If my memory still serves me well ( god knows what kind of damage those substances have done to my grey cells ![]() Don't get me wrong, I don't hate all IDM indiscriminately ( hate is too strong a word, 'dislike immensely'..maybe ![]() imho, minimal/micro house and minimal techno is NOT IDM, as they have 4/4 beats/ kick drum in them. So please, do NOT lump them together as sub-genre of brain aneurysm-inducing IDM. I personally like many minimal house/techno songs, but my favourite has to be those produced by Richard Villalobos, as they have really booming basslines and some pretty sequence of clicks and pops. Oh, and Villalobos' music are highly danceable compared to other minimal house tracks ( hey, I Love dancing ! ![]() #142
Music / Re: Songs You Are Listening To, Rite Now..07/12/06, 05:20
Soulseekerz - Party for the Weekend
Bob Sinclair - The Beat goes On (Roger Sanchez mix) Fedde Le Grand - Put Your Hands up for Detroit Dirty Old Ann - Turn Me On *in the mood for joged2 centil* #143
Disk Jockey / Re: DJ LOKAL D MATA GW07/12/06, 04:26
gw suka dengan cara DJ2 yang udah 'top' banget dlm nanggepin opini waywedance (seperti naro, dafkaf, romi, innerlight, dll). It clearly shows their maturity and provides proof that they rose to fame through hard work and preserverence (on top of big talents, obviously)
imo, daripada mencela2 dan ngata2in waywedance, mungkin yang lain bisa juga memberi opini, pendapat, kritikan, saran (atau apalah namanya) buat DJ2 di Indonesia jadi mereka bisa improve. Kan kalo DJ2 improved, kita2 juga para clubbers yg bakal diuntungkan. Gw sendiri mungkin juga punya opini yg gw nggak berani tulis di forum terbuka seperti ini (nggak terlalu penting juga sih). Misalnya, DJ X yg dianggap ngetop banget mainnya masih sering berantakan, atau DJ Z yg lumayan laris karena selalu spin lagu2 'kenceng' tapi mixing skill-nya hanya sedikit lebih bagus drpd cd player. Opini waywedance adalah valid, tapi apakah bisa diterima oleh majority ? di forum ini sih kelihatannya tidak. Jadi (seperti yg sudah disebut2 diatas), waywedance mungkin perlu memperbaiki content dan cara penyampaiannya kalo argument-nya ingin diterima majority. Atau mungkin juga waywedance sendiri nggak peduli apakah orang lain mau menerima pendapatnya ? (in other words, he was just letting off steam) #144
Main Talk / Re: Anugerah Musik Indonesia (AMI) nomination 200607/12/06, 00:57
Selamat buat Romi, Riri, dan Agrikulutur (dan Seto itu yg mana ya)
just a little note : kalo speech yg kena (alias catchy) - satu atau dua joke, dalem tapi singkat. Kalo terlalu lama malah yg nonton bosen dan nggak suka #145
Clubs / Venues / Re: WHAT DO U THINK OF STADIUM?06/12/06, 23:09
waktu gw tinggal di NY, kenalan with a total stranger di sebuah event, we were chatting up to the point that he asked where I came from, and when I said 'Jakarta, Indonesia', he mentioned that he'd heard about a club called ' STADIUM' even when he'd never been anywhere near Indonesia !!!
Seorang teman yg tinggal di London juga pernah penglaman serupa: waktu clubbing di Fabric, ngobrol sama orang yg ternyata pernah ke Stadium waktu liburan ke Indonesia ! #146
Clubs / Venues / Re: WHAT DO U THINK OF STADIUM?06/12/06, 15:58
waliwali LOL.
nice musings though ! #147
Gears and Technology / Re: tips supaya pc/laptop ngga lemot!?06/12/06, 14:28
gw pakai Windows Live OneCare yg lengkap (anti virus/spyware, phishing filter, tune up, back up dan restore).
sejauh ini lumayan banget. laptop gw yg kemaren2 rada2 melambat sekarang jadi lebih cepat lagi. #148
Main Talk / Re: HEAT STROKE06/12/06, 12:57
kalau kita dance intensive, paling bagus sih minum air atau fruit juice dan sekali2 minuman isotonik (seperti pocari, powerade, gatorade) setiap 15-30 menit sekali atau dua kali tegukan.
SAYANGNYA, jarang sekali clubs atau dance parties disini yg menyediakan fruit juice dalam botol dan minuman isotonik. #149
Main Talk / Re: HEAT STROKE06/12/06, 12:51
Sebaliknya, terlalu banyak minum air dalam waktu pendek juga bisa menyebabkan kematian (paling terkenal adalah kematian Leah Betts karena terlalu banyak minum air dan menyebabkan "hyponatremia"
dari : "Acute dehydration is a risk among users who are highly physically active and forget to drink water, as the drug may mask one's normal sense of exhaustion and thirst. Also the opposite, "water intoxication," resulting in acute hyponatremia, has been reported as a consequence of use." dari : " Is it true that someone died because he drank too much water and flushed out all the essential minerals? Yes. The condition that occurs is called water intoxication. It can cause another condition called hyponatremia,. It occurs when the amount of liquid you are ingesting dilutes the liquids in your body and your sodium levels drop to a dangerously low level. "Drinking excess water in the absence of dietary sodium results in hyponatremia, an overdilution of sodium in the blood plasma, which in turn causes an osmotic shift of water from the blood plasma into brain cells. The brain cells swell as result of osmotic pressure, and will ultimately cease to function." dari : "Panicking users, fearing they are overdosing, drink too much water and provoke hyponaetraemia (water-poisoning). Leah Betts died after drinking 14 pints in just 90 minutes. The recommended amount of water to drink per hour is one pint" #150
Main Talk / Re: HEAT STROKE06/12/06, 12:10
the worst yg pernah gw alamin selama rave di indonesia adalah pas Heineken Thirst 2005.
susahnya beli minum dan bottled water udah abis jam 1-2 an. terpaksa temen2 gw jalan jauh keluar dan beli air dari luar. That was borderline criminal act by the EO. Coba kalo ada yg mati karena heatstroke. Kalo nggak salah EO-nya Nepathya, dan seharusnya kan mereka udah pengalaman banget. |