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Messages - eclecticboogaloo

party safe guys  :)
salah satu eclectic dj nya global underground,dia mengusung hampir semua element electronic musik seperti house,breaks,progressive & techno juga...udah sering main di zouk singapore ...keren juga ...ada juniornya juga keren yg stylenya mirip dia james zabiela
jerome & random
merry chsristmas and happy new year too...

Quote from: djrandom on 23/12/05, 03:15
Ini komentar gw deh tentang rave2 disini. Gw kadang2 bingung kalo liat rave dengan 2-3 room tapi semuanya 4/4 based isinya.. what's the point of it? Ato karena segitu banyaknya DJ, sampe harus multi room dengan music yang similar (ok.. gw siap dicela sama anak2 house, trance, techno, electro, etc) hanya untuk mengakomodasi supaya semuanya bisa maen? So far, cuman Nepathya (meskipun kita jadi anak tiri dengan sound system yang sangat cupu, tapi atleast masih ada d'n'b area) yang kalo bikin rave proper. Ya yang di pukau dulu juga lumayan proper. Basically, promoter perlu untuk lebih terbuka dengan music yang laen. Semaleman denger electro ato house ato d'n'b bisa gerah juga kan?

Basically sih ga ada yang mau taking chance dengan d'n'b. Ada anggapan bahwa musik kita terlalu cadas ato bakal bikin bubar party. PAda kenyataanya, pas gw maen di fluid gw di book untuk maen house. di tengah set gw drop  3 lagu d'n'b dan aman2 aja. Malah crowdnya jadi pecah. Berarti kan ga bikin bubar.

Ok harus diakui, kekurangan dari acara2 d'n'b yang ada sekarang adalah proper soundsystem. Tanpa soundsystem yang bagus d'n'b itu memang jadinya berisik. Bayangkan kalo kita dapet main stage di Jakmov, pasti keren banget. Instead kita dapet ruangan kecil dengan sound kecil yang kalo digedein malah distorsi abis. Tapi berhubung club dengan proper sound sangat tidak bersahabat dengan kita, Kita terpaksa bikin acara di ckub kecil dengan sound pas pasan. Balik2 lagi kita ya harus gerilya dan menggunakan prinsip "alon alon asal kelakon".

Trus, masalah ngedatengin dj international... goal kita ya memang mau datengin mereka. Tapi dengan rate rata2 yang 1500 pound ++ kita butuh modal cukup besar. KAlo ga ada club gede yang mau terima, kita harus taro itu dj di temppat yang kecil dengan max capacity 200 orang... do the math aja deh.. untuk balik modal aja berarti kita harus jual ticket +/- rp. 100rb. ITu kalo 200 orang dateng dan bayar semua. Makanya sampe sekarang belum terjadi.. jadi sabar ya..

udah deh cukup gw curhatnya tentang perjuangan kita di d'n'b

"The fight for survival, I'm an everyday junglist"

memang perlu diskusi diskusi semacam ini(sharing),sehingga jika ada masukan 2 /input bisa di respons oleh berbagai kalangan .....
kalo masalah international dj booking,sebaiknya ambil yg lagi promo tour atau yg temen temen chat di internet....bisa terjadi banyak deal deal murah karena mereka juga sudah jadi teman kita....
terus utk memiliki massa sampai 1500/2000 orang utk di dnb party ya harus konsisten utk membangun komunitas tersebut (just my opinion)...

stay underground  !
Quote from: RAF on 14/12/05, 17:42
Wah kayanya seru nih, kalo gak ada halangan gw pasti dateng....

berangkat !!!
mantep nggak tracklist nya teman teman ??
Quote from: Anonymous on 25/10/05, 17:22

20.10.2005 D-Hamburg Click
21.10.2005 IT-Neapel Angels Of Love (Basti)
21.10.2005 D-Ludwigshafen Ludwiq (Ali)
22.10.2005 B-Antwerpen Petrol (Ali)
22.10.2005 CZ-Prag Time Warp (Basti)
25.10.2005 GR-Thessaloniki Non_Aesthetics
28.10.2005 IR-Dublin ipod
29.10.2005 UK-London Fabric
31.10.2005 D-Stuttgart 10 Years Humpty @ Die Röhre (Basti)
03.11.2005 D-Köln Sportclub @ Lauschgift (Basti)
04.11.2005 UK-Newcastle Foundation (Basti)
04.11.2005 F-Paris Grill @ Nouveau Casino (Ali)
05.11.2005 RUS-St. Petersburg Red Club (Basti)
05.11.2005 A-Linz Beluga (Ali)
10.11.2005 F-Montpellier La Dune (Ali)
11.11.2005 D-Karlsruhe Mood Lounge (Basti)
11.11.2005 P-Viseu (Ali)
12.11.2005 D-Freiburg F-Club (Basti)
12.11.2005 E-San Sebastian Pagoa Club (Ali)
13.11.2005 IT-Milan Rolling Stone (Basti)
18.11.2005 E-Bilbao Recycled Sounds (Ali)
19.11.2005 UK-Leeds Back To Basics (Ali)
25.11.2005 USA-Washington Suite (Basti)
26.11.2005 USA-Miami Bang! Festival (Basti)
02.12.2005 IT-Rome Goa Club (Ali)
02.12.2005 D-Heilbronn Qube-Club (Basti)
03.12.2005 D-Darmstadt Room106 (Basti)
03.12.2005 IT-Pisa Kama Kama Club (Ali)
10.12.2005 IR-Belfast Shine (Ali)
10.12.2005 UK-Liverpool Chibuku (Basti)
31.12.2005 AUS-Hobart (Ali)
01.01.2006 AUS-Melbourne Summadayze
01.01.2006 AUS-Sydney Field Day
07.01.2006 AUS-Gold Coast Summafielddayze
08.01.2006 AUS-Perth Summadayze
13.01.2006 AUS-Sydney Safari
14.01.2006 AUS-Melbourne Mischief
20.01.2006 KUALA LUMPUR Zouk
21.01.2006 SINGAPORE Zouk
04.02.2006 UK-London Fabric
12.05.2006 RUS-Moscow (venue tba)
13.05.2006 RUS-St. Petersburg (venue tba)
contact: info@tiefschwarz.net
booking: info@fourartists.com


tgl 20 , 21 january 2006 main di malaysia sama singapore...
ambil jakartanya asik juga kaleeee

ada yg mau promotornya ? ???
support dhe !!!

jgn lupa "down to earth"..hehehehehhehe
Quote from: My chart on 18/04/05, 08:03
Anything from "Mark Antonio", "DJ Misjah" and "Marco Lenzi" are guarantee a floor filler, check them out sob.
Keep the techno community alive,,,,hehehe

gw nge fans sama chicco...heheheheheheh
tracklist,kayaknya sudah bagus bagus yahhh ;D
1. the most influential local dj:
-..adam jagwani :P & donny (R.I.P)...............................

2.your legendary local dj's :
3.the most influential international dj's:
-sasha & digweed (the coolest on earth)......................................
-danny tenaglia (the house guru of sasha&digweed).....................................
-carl cox (having fun all the time)
-josh wink(techno legend).......................................

4.your international legend dj's :
-eddie richards...........................................
-paul van dyk (getting strong and stronger)...........................................
-jazzanova (live band & dj set)...........................................

5..the best three years era in our local dance scene :
- 2002-2005 (more mature...:P)

6:the best promotor :
-indika & nepathya.....................
7.big 3 legendary event in indonesia :
-john digweed @embassy terrace (finally,the lord has landed :)).............................................
-dimitri from paris@ manna house............................................
- sasha @stadium

8.your fav genre of electronic dance music:

-eclectic/variety sounds from hardcore to downbeat

9.your input for the clubbers/crowds in indo :

-more appreciate to the dj's,mature crowds ,respect to all genres,and "feel vibration"

10.your input for the local dj's :

-produce more quality music,get the"earthlink",be cool,share what you know & learn what you dont know (wise...)............................................................

11.your input for the promotor/event organizer :

-balance promote (dj circulation for fresh atmosphere)....................................................................

12. 2006 resolution:

-support each other and keep up the good work.....................................................................

:-* :-*support your local dj :-* :-*
1.groove armada
3.mr scruff
4.juan atkins
5.lee buridge
6.kruder & dorfmeister
Quote from: DJ Romy on 12/09/05, 17:31
Hi guys,
Gue ada set Tech House jg, dan juga kemaren i do Techno Tribal kyk Valetino Kanziany style.. specialy outdoor event...
Tapi gue dari dulu smp sekarang emang have a bunch of collection of Tech House.. i love tech house very much.. i like Tony Thomas, Eddie Richards, Gideon Jhonson, Harris...
Dan jg gue skrg hv lot's new House Electro , Tech House Electro kalo spin at small to medium club..

Actually Dj have to be more flexibel with venue yg dia mau spin..tp harus jg ada garis merah in their set...

Kyk Digweed skrg electro tp masih sound's like him very much... still Bedrock sound's..
Or danny Tenaglia 12 hour set.. he spin from Garage to House to Tech House to Tribal Prog NYC style to Deep Trance to House again and finished in Disco.. big thumb to D.T

This what i know guys... i'm still learn..learn more about flowing and grooving in set..

Keep the beat's..

kalo jagoan jagoan tech house di undang main di jakarta asik juga kali sob !
kayak evil eddie richards,slam,ewan pearson,lance desardi,alexander east,silicone soul dll
Quote from: sharemate on 03/10/05, 14:10
Secara fungsi hampir sama apa yang dikerjakan mencakup stratey jualan acara, produksi acara dan stage management. Kalo EO itu sebutan yang umum untuk organisasi yang bisa meng-organize acara secara teamwork, sistim dan mekanisme nya mereka menguasai, tapi promotor adalah hal yang berbeda, mereka harus punya jiwa enterpreneur, cenderung membuat event yg trendsetter (u better do that..), jadi kesimpulannya EO lebih sederhana dari promotor, promotor lebih rumit, sob harus pikirkan site promotion, marketing, media coverage, trend, working link, sisanya sob bikin kwalitas meeting continyu yang ok untuk produksi se detail-detailnya... untuk eksekusi produksi sob harus buat Production Pack/Production Requirement Book/Log Book/Juklak produksi yg detail.
one thing !! EO modalnya lebih kecil, kalo promotor selain better punya model besar juga harus berani rugi, at least di event 1, 2, 3, selebihnya promotor biasanya akan mencapai keuntungan yg bagus, ingat better bikin teamwork yg tidak terlalu besar, kecil saja tapi masing2 staff bisa multi tasking. Goodluck..
ok juga sih ,
tetapi secara responsibility seorang promoter akan lebih bertanggung jawab dan mejaga kualitas dari produksinya itu sendiri...
sehingga event/gigs yg di buat akan lebih maksimal energy yg di keluarkannya ....

salute buat mas Edie,links nya tambah canggih nih  :)

bisa beli tracknya di mana bos ?
ada air terjun nya di sana cing,bangus banget....
by the way main lagu lagu apaan nih ?numan ok juga tuuuuu ;D
penting juga nih cing 8)
jogja piye ? 8)
emang kemarin waktu di embassy ada lagunya martin solveig - rockin music (instrumental dub),yang kayak apa ya?
Quote from: keny dope on 17/10/05, 20:20
by DJ Skooch & Jesse Saunders

Skip back to 1984 - disco had been going on for about ten years. By then it had declined due to commercial exploitation resulting in a plethora of bad records and culminating in the "Disco Sucks" campaign. However, disco had already laid out the foundations of today's house music by producing DJ culture - creating the extended 12" format that included long percussion breaks for mixing purposes and DJs who beat-matched records to create a seamless groove for people to dance to. It was around this time the first electronic drum tracks started coming out of Chicago.

In Europe the other half of house was being laid out. English electronic-pop like Depeche Mode and Soft Cell had become popular in clubs in American cities like New York and Chicago. Two of these clubs which were to become key to the development of house were Chicago's Warehouse and New York's Paradise Garage. These two clubs were both integrated across sexual and racial lines and focused on the music, which was as varied as the clientele. The music combined R&B based dance music and disco with things as diverse as the Clash and Euro-pop. These clubs had such a profound influence that two new styles of music were named after them - house and garage. However, by 1984, the Warehouse had long since closed its doors and Warehouse DJ Frankie Knuckles was holding court at The Power Plant.

While there is debate as to what the first house record was, it was definitely made by Jesse Saunders. According to Jesse himself, the first house record released was "On & On," on his own Jes Say Records. The first house song written was "Fantasy," also by Jesse Saunders. "Fantasy" was recorded in the summer of 1983, but wasn't released in 1984. While these sound dated now, in 1984 they sounded like things from another planet - with a Euro-pop bassline, a simple, insistent drum machine pattern, and a hint of Kraftwerk's synthesized string sounds.

Meanwhile, a new style of disco was developing in New York, though at a much slower pace. DJs like Larry Levan, and Tony Humphries, and Francois Kevorkian were breaking ground as remixers, and the deep, soulful sound which eventually became Garage was beginning to take shape. Larry Levan was mixing all genres of music together at the Paradise Garage, while Francois Kevorkian, known at the time for his 1983 remix of Kraftwerk's "Tour De France," was creating his own "dub plates" and playing them to his audience's delight!

Back in Chicago at the Power Plant, Frankie Knuckles, who had moved to Chicago from New York around 1983, was playing disco-based house, while Ron Hardy was breaking new ground with the wildest, rawest drum tracks he could find at the Music Box.

Jesse Saunders' second release "Funk U Up", in the spring of 1984 became the first House record to be played on radio. It got as high as #3 at WGCI in and #1 at WBMX in Chicago. Jesse's third release in early 1985 (under the moniker of Jesse's Gang), "Real Love" was also a number one record at both stations and solidified House as a bona fide style of music along with R&B. It spread to radio stations across the Midwest and to the East coast as well.

In 1986, Jesse Saunders and Farley "Jackmaster" Funk released "Love Can't Turn Around", which would eventually go on to be the single most pioneering House record in clubs and on radio that everyone around the globe would come to recognize. Marshall Jefferson became the undisputed king of house with his release of "Move Your Body," which became THE record of the year and was subtitled "The House Music Anthem." Jefferson was developing a deep, melodic sound with pounding pianos and strings. House began to move to a wider audience with the help of mix radio - most notably the Hot Mix 5, which featured Farley "Jackmaster" Funk's daily after-midnight show. At this time in Chicago, house was moving out of the gay scene, though it still remained very much a black and Hispanic thing.

While in the US, house was limited to Chicago and NY, it was catching on in the UK - House first broke into the Billboard charts in Britain in late 1987. In October of 1986, "Love Can't Turn Around" became a number one record in the UK. In January of 1987, JM Silk's (Steve Hurley) "Jack Your Body" hit number one. A wave of 'Jack' songs were produced, most notably Fingers Inc.'s "Can You Feel It," which contains the famous and oft-sampled speech which begins "In the beginning there was Jack, and Jack had a groove..." In New York the Jersey Garage sound, which borrowed heavily from Latin freestyle, was slowly catching on, although it couldn't match the energy coming out of Chicago.

In Brooklyn, a completely new house sound was developing - one that borrowed as much from Euro-pop as from disco and R&B. A kid in Brooklyn named Todd Terry made a couple of tracks which made heavy use of samples. The New York sample house sound, which continues to be popular to this day, was born. However, more important to the development of NY house, was a deep style of dance music based firmly in R&B developing in New York and New Jersey. Though there were a few instrumental tracks, the emphasis was on songs and vocals. This sound was to become garage - which, ironically, began to appear just as the Paradise Garage closed. Taking a cue from New York, Chicago house, which had developed into straight-up drum and instrumental tracks, began to incorporate vocals. By the end of 1987 house was no longer confined to New York and Chicago. While it had not yet taken hold in the States, it had become a phenomenon in Europe and across the world.

Back in the States, house was still underground, and continued to mutate and develop. In Detroit, three people - Juan Atkins, Derrick May, and Kevin Saunderson - were beginning a music revolution of their own. Atkins had been producing Electro-funk (a style which combined hip-hop rhythms with Kraftwerk-type synthesizers) records since the early 80's. The progress of the Detroit sound had been slow, and Electro had become fused with rap (most notably in Afrikaa Bambaataa's "Planet Rock," which prominently featured samples from Kraftwerk's "Trans Europa Express"). But by 1985 the sound was changing as it began to incorporate Chicago house sounds and rhythms. The breakthrough came in 1987 with Rhythm is Rhythm's "Nude Photo," produced by Derrick May. "Nude Photo," along with "Kaos" and "The Dance," all by May, became instant hits on the Chicago scene. This trio, along with Eddie "Flashin'" Fowlkes and Blake Baxter were developing what would eventually become techno. Detroit techno was faster, harder and more influenced by European synth-pop than Chicago house, borrowing more from funk than from disco and R&B.

In 1986 Phuture, which consisted of DJ Pierre, Spanky and Herbert J produced the seminal "Acid Trax." The first time it was played at a club it was played four times that night. According to Pierre, the first time, everyone was taken aback at this completely new and alien sound, but by the fourth time, everyone loved it. The otherworldly sound became known as "acid."

While Acid House became an instant sensation in Chicago, it didn't catch on anywhere else until late 1987, when it began to infiltrate the British club scene. In February 1988 the British acid house craze was born at a warehouse party called Hedonism. As acid tracks began to pour out of Chicago, the British house scene grew exponentially - with DJs discovering that they had years worth of Chicago records with they had been unable to play until then. Acid house became the biggest youth fad since punk in Britain and British producers began to produce acid house tracks.

By 1989 the UK and its trend-hungry press had become the center of the dance music world. Acid became pass&egrave; as it crossed over into the mainstream. Then Garage was discovered. Garage had long been used in the British house scene to differentiate the smooth, soulful songs of New York from the more energetic, uplifting tracks from Chicago. Garage became the new music fad in Britain. This confused most New York producers and DJs, who referred to their music as club or dance music, using Garage to refer to the music played at the Paradise garage, and using house to refer to Chicago drum tracks.

In 1989, house music had become known across the world - but Chicago still had something new to contribute. People like Steve Poindexter and Armando developed a rawer and rougher sound, which eventually, along with acid and Detroit techno, developed a new style of techno. By this time the Detroit club scene had quieted down, while it's music had caught on in Europe. While Detroit is recognized as the birthplace of techno in Europe, it still has not achieved the recognition it deserves in the States.

10 more years have passed and house and techno have continued to grow. Both have splintered into too many sub-genres to describe. In the 90's, house and techno have proliferated and spread across the country and the world, with countless labels releasing vinyl, and a few releasing compilation or mixed CDs. While house and techno have become pop staples in Europe, they both remain largely underground in the US, with labels releasing tracks only on vinyl for DJs. Despite the media and the record industry's attempts in 1997-98 to exploit techno and make it the "next big thing", house and techno have remained faceless, heard mostly in clubs played by DJs, who are the "stars" of house and techno. Despite initial belief that both house and techno were just passing fads, it appears that they are here to stay.

For more information on this subject, check out 'House Music... The Real Story,' by Jesse Saunders, the originator of house himself. 'House Music...' is available on-line at http://www.justsaypro.com, or can be ordered for $25 (including shipping) from JustSayPro Orders, 2331-D2 East Avenue S, Suite 122, Palmdale, CA 93550. Please make all checks payable to NOIZ LTD.

DJ Skooch
Jesse Saunders
September 1999


sasha sama tenaglia waktu join residencies di twilo new york tahun berapa tuh ?
chart nya ada yg tahu link nya nggak ?
kabar kabar selentingan innerlight sudah sign buat label raksasa monster tunes...?
kalo benar selamat ya......bung edie