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Messages - bananasplit

always support your local Dj's !!!
Quote from: hogi on 20/12/06, 03:46
My favorite tracks of 2006:
1. Outlines "Listen to the drums" Jazzanova remix
2. Booka Shade vs Hot Chip "Darko"
3. Mr. V. "Jus' Dance" (Quentin Harris Remix)
4. DJ Gregory "S-2" (Tiger Stripes Remix)
5. Agrikulture "Acid Sunshine" (will be released in early 2007)
6. Lindstrom "Another Station" (Todd Terje Remix)
7. Tiger Stripes & Kerri Chandler "Rain Song"
8. Copyright "We Can Rise" (dub mix)
9. Antenna "Camino Del Sol" (Joakim Remix)
10. Nelly Furtado "Maneater" (Original Mix)

Not all main room stuff, but definitely the best of 2006.

mantep :):):)
achdiyat ,swimming places nya guokil...
Quote from: titosimon on 27/10/06, 20:01
joey.. kapan ke rumah ?
gw ada dvd live carl cox nih.. :p

live di mana sob ? pasti keren tuh :)
Less is more has been the approach of minimal house.

Groundwork is laid with simple, 4/4 beats (usually around 125-130 beats-per-minute) usually only barely accompanied by sparse, percussive effects, synthesizer work, and simplistic vocal. Minimal house, is a style where sound aesthetic and function are merged into an entity of hypnotic movement and form.

Also categorized as minimal tech-house or microhouse.

menurut gw sih ini bukan barang baru jo,bisa evolve ke deep house juga atau bahkan techno
typical sasha & digweed ..mereka menjaga bpm nya di bawah 130 utk album 2 terakhir mereka seperti fundacion nyc

secara universal masih bisa /boleh di bilang house lah
warm up set by ical keren

keep up the good work dude
alvin K

dj oki sama dj andra
Quote from: 1945MF on 07/09/06, 11:25
Fdc 50rb.. Guestlist jg boleh buat Revelex team.. he he..

freeflow sekalian joo...heheheheh
achdiyat sama blanco reuni break dance maksudnya ...? kekekekek
the knife -heart beats
yoi nih ,penting !!!
sasha + digweed
seru nggak party di the wave ?
cerita cerita dong  ;)
sama foto-fotonya sekalian  ;D
gw pernah juga dateng ke party nya bliss di manari (museum satria mandala)...kira-kira masih kelas 3 smp gw waktu itu...decornya gokil pake kain kain putih sama obor....lagu 2 nya masih benuansa acid house / techno kayak shamen (move any mountain) dj nya yg maen stewart yg bule sama achdiyat buat gw pribadi lagunya sih enak enak utk di jaman itu....
terus future party yg di koi mahakam juga gw pernah dateng yg di motori oleh dj anton...seru juga....musiknya boleh di bilang US house /garage / detroit techno/acid house
waktu masih party 2 underground house mulai di jakarta......house tung-tung belom ada...
kalo nggak salah anton,achdiyat& dony (R.I.P) juga pernah buat party di pulau mana gitu ??? cuman gw nggak dateng 

illegal substance (E) di jaman itu merupakan barang yg sgt taboo & really exciting buat perdana (kl kata tante nayo...heheheh)...setelah mereka mental kanan kiri sebagai mobile dj (kala itu) maka mulailah konsep 2 gokil tersalurkan melalui club culture ...dengan di awali dgn the fisrt underground house club " B1", di mulai dgn formasi achdiyat,henry,stewart,alan,dony(R.I.P)...seiring dgn berjalannya waktu mulai terjadi dinmika pergantian formasi resident dj...mulai masuk dj irwan & dj romy yg mengusung house/techno di kala itu....ada juga lagi masuk resident dj guntur,taha ,indra (a.k.a DJ RIM) yg sempat juga mengeluarkan kompilasi kaset B1 yg ada lagu "talk to me",kala itu dj indra (rim) rambutnya masih gondrong kayak anak metal ..huehuheuhue
terus dj naro juga sempat menjadi resident di akhir akhir periode ,kala itu banyak sekali dj yg sudah main di B 1 ,seperti dj raden,bonzo,anton,boby (stadium),aziz (stadium),riri (waktu itu masih kurus dan abg heheheh dan lagunya keras keras banget)...mantep deh pokoknya
terus M club buka di blok m setelah B 1 buka di niaga tower yg di ikuti pula dgn parkit,bengkel ....
terus sekarang udah jamnnya embassy,wb,centro,vertigo dll...bahkan katanya mos mau buka di jkt....

gw pernah chit chat sama sven vath (germany) ...dia mengatakan sebetulnya rave itu artiinya "bergaul"..dgn di salurkan melalui prasarana music,view,atmosphere (cold beer...hehehehh)
bukan berarti rave party hrs yg open air...di club juga kita rave ;D

ada yg mo nambahin??.......................
gw dateng deh jadi "dancer" huhuhuhuhu

by the way jurinya kok dicky sudargo? setahu gue dicky sudargo anak punkmetal dulu suka ngeband lagu 2 xes pistol,halah   :'(
orbital-halcyon +on +on yg sasha remix version muantef cingko
Quote from: kana_oksid on 23/12/05, 12:47
Progressive-Sounds: The Global Undergound 28 'Shanghai' album focused a lot on new talent. Was this a major influence on the direction of the album, or if not, what criteria were you using when making the track selection?

Nick Warren: It was my concern that new talent is not getting a platform or chance to showcase their abilities. In the past, people like myself were given record deals which gave us the opportunity to make an album. This no longer seems to be the case, so I wanted my audience and fans to hear the talent of these producers from all over the world.

We need some stars again. In 2005 there is no Orbital or Leftfield or Prodigy. Progressive-Sounds: Finally, you would have seen the industry as a whole experience many changes. Based on what you have seen in the past, do you have any predictions as to where the scene may be headed in the future?

Nick Warren: We need some stars again. In 2005 there is no Orbital or Leftfield or Prodigy. Record labels have lost faith in dance and they are wrong. There is still a huge audience worldwide.

yes rising star nya masih belum kelihatan yg seperti letfield & orbital
john acquaviva bukannya techno?
Quote from: mirumu on 06/06/06, 23:55
bos.. gue mau ngasih kritik nih.. boleh kan...

emang sih acara clubhoppers ini muterin lagu edm semua, dan rata2 yang dengerin juga doyan edm...
tapi menurut gue penyiarnya (lil' r terutama) terlalu vulgar ngomongnya... kadang-kadang terlalu sering gue denger kata "pecah" "hacep" "kenceng" dsb.. (kita semua tau lah....)

ga enak bo di dengernya... lagian kan pasti ada juga yang dengerin clubhoppers tapi gak "begitu", dan gak semua yang doyan edm itu "begitu" (mengerti kan...) jadi risih aja dengernya... sekali-dua kali sih lucu... tapi kalo keseringan jadi ga enak..

kasian juga dj nya kalo pas di interview terus ditanya, "wah sob, kemaren gue ngeliat muka lo enak banget tuh! kenceng banget nih kayanya"

kalo kaya begini kan jadi memberikan citra yang kurang bagus di mata masyarakat, padahal kita semua pengen diliat kalo edm bukan cuma soal itu... bener kan...

sorry ya kalo ada yang menyinggung.. gue cuma memberi masukan..

PISS  :) :) :)
miugkin juga real life ...hihihi