ck ck ck baru liat gue fotonya.. kelakuan anak muda jaman sekarang... bagus2 nak aheuheauheuhae
Show postsThis section allows you to view all posts made by this member. Note that you can only see posts made in areas you currently have access to. Show posts MenuMessages - bimzkee #1251
Clubs / Venues / Re: kasih coment dong....!!09/01/08, 09:12
ck ck ck baru liat gue fotonya.. kelakuan anak muda jaman sekarang... bagus2 nak aheuheauheuhae
Jakarta Events / Re: 7/24 Presents: Soundfession, Saturday January 12th 200809/01/08, 09:08
7 days a week, 24 hours a day... feed us with the music.. hehehe
to bhoker: get well soon dude... #1253
Bandung / Re: ADVARK LABORATORY 7TH YEAR ANNIVERSARY !!!08/01/08, 20:10
wah advark udah 7 tahun.. hebat emang kang dedenn hahahhaa...
support den... lahir batin #1254
Bandung / Re: B A C K T O T R A N C E - - - - - PART 6 - - - - -08/01/08, 18:30Quote from: bimzkee on 08/01/08, 14:17Quote from: big diddy on 08/01/08, 13:06 ^ ^ ^ wah gak nyimak lo co hehehe #1256
Trade Zone / Forum Jual Beli / Re: NEW UDG PRODUCT - UDG CD SLINGBAG 25808/01/08, 16:39
sob.. sorry.. jangan double or even triple posting ya... kan udah ada tempatnya masing2 .... thanks 4 ur cooperation btw wah diskoonn.. PM me nett nya heauhaeuheuahuea.. tau aje gue demen diskon2an #1259
Trade Zone / Forum Jual Beli / Re: NEW UDG PRODUCT - UDG CD SLINGBAG 25808/01/08, 16:31
berapa nih harganya.. nice product... gue mau dong
anyway.. di trade zone ya... gue pindah okey? cheers #1260
Bandung / Re: B A C K T O T R A N C E - - - - - PART 6 - - - - -08/01/08, 15:35
cio udah insap... sam jubir gak jelas .. tau gak lo kemana dia hahahhahaha....
masa2 jahiliyah #1261
Bandung / Re: B A C K T O T R A N C E - - - - - PART 6 - - - - -08/01/08, 14:17Quote from: big diddy on 08/01/08, 13:06 yoi, dan jgn lupa putra dafkaf alias kadoy alias kungkung... lengkap deh... #1262
rafa is getting better right now hehehe.. weekend kemaren gue udah jenguk dan si kecil itu benar2 jadi raja hueueuheheue... mainan dimana2...
hopefully he'll be getting much better now.... pas nyampe di rs nya.. kok banyak mobil2 dari TV station. gue pikir rafa masuk infotainment.. hehe ternyata.. eyang baru masuk juga... mudah2an cepet sembuh juga deh eyang.... #1263
Bandung / Re: B A C K T O T R A N C E - - - - - PART 6 - - - - -07/01/08, 19:33
haha chrome reunion ya?
Disk Jockey / Re: gabung dong main di club....04/01/08, 16:27
good luck ya guys... RVLX siap bantu pastinya...
serius pie? gue klik masih valid kok link nya...
udah coba dari demostation? rapid suka ngaco kah? #1267
Jakarta Events / Re: UNDERNEATH THE GROUND The Singel Album DJ Blanco03/01/08, 15:48
Jakarta Events / Re: Innerlight Years Mix 2007 @ Vertigo03/01/08, 15:04
63 menit 31 lagu? sadis.. satu lagunya berapa menit tuh?
REDMA 2008 / Re: online voting atau sms ???03/01/08, 14:07
dua2 nya aja ...
online voting ngebatesin org2 yang agak2 susah dapet koneksi internetnya sms voting, lebih kejangkau .. n its a gooooodddd business juooo hehehe... $$$$$$$ #1272
Main Talk / Re: THE INDONESIAN DJ LIST03/01/08, 13:02
begitu banyaknya DJ ya sekarang...
RVLX lagi mau bikin list DJ officially with biography/discography... n skrg lagi dalam tahap pengumpulan data2nya.... for those who wants to include your profiles please send it to infonya selengkap2nya ya guys... seperti full biography, genre, portfolio, musical influences.. etc etc...and dont forget, photos of u guys pastinya.. ini juga terbuka untuk VJ, Live Performances Artists, MC cantumin aja lo masuk kategori yg mana di subject email lo... thanks for your participation guys... cheers, #1274
guys, u can also get it from cheers, #1275
Jakarta Events / Re: BITD NYE '08!03/01/08, 09:54
bitd gokil.. hehehe.. irwan, my buddy debon paldut, hogi, anton, miko, semuanya deh...
atas bawah dipasang buenos aires dan my lexicon... sadis... kelar jam 8.. lebih sadis lagi... tapi paling sadis... gue kaget liat IPPE ada rambutnya... , demi, downey, hogi.. tolong sampein ke ippe... JELEK banget.. sumpah haeuhueahuhuae... love u future10 Happy new year |