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Messages - DJ Deny

Quote from: sendyoke on 25/10/07, 18:39
Quote from: DJ Deny on 25/10/07, 12:43

...Controversially, big-name American DJs Christopher Lawrence and DJ Dan were also at the centre of the investigation, both having shared the same marketing manager! "In both their cases, a script was used to bypass our security system. Not only did we get multiple votes from the same IP address, but we got multiple votes from multiple IP addresses — in other words, we received in excess of 50 votes from the same IP address on over 20 occasions."

If you ever wondered how DJ Dan managed to take the #5 spot as the world's most popular house DJ, then you wouldn't be the first. But both him and Lawrence have strongly denied any involvement in vote rigging.

Dan told DJ Mag that he takes the matter very seriously. "My assistant and I confronted my former marketing manager via telephone. He strongly denied any wrongdoing, but had no credible explanation for the improper voting. Christopher Lawrence, who used the same marketing person this year, reported similar voting problems. When I discovered the common link was our marketing person, I immediately terminated him." [/b]

...Ternyata dimana mana sama aja..unbelievable,ckckck :-\

Ini soal C yah koko Deny? :D :D :D

pis pis pis

BTW.... Armin sama Tiesto denger2 jd berenang ke laut :D :D :D

ahuauahuahuah...bukan DJ C sen, tapi DJ  ATM..hihii   ;D

Yaah..gw barusan click itu..terus nyambung ke fs gw Co... :'(

cepe deh... :(
Quote from: pecel_lele on 23/10/07, 20:51
Quote from: DJ Deny on 23/10/07, 20:04


Can you hear me, talking in my mind
I can feel you, you're with me all the time

Everytime I close my eyes
I see your face
Everytime I close my eyes
I see your face

There's a warm sky, covering the night
In the darkness, I only feel the light

Everytime I close my eyes
I see your face
Everytime I close my eyes
I see your face

When I'm lonely,
your voice is in my head
And my memory feeds my soul with all the things you said

Everytime I close my eyes
I see your face
Everytime I close my eyes
I see your face

Always see your face
Always see your face  :'(


ini curhat apa share yahh :P

he he he LOL   ;D
Dear friends,

Ditunggu mix tapenya yah sampai tanggal 2 November.  :D

I'll see you guys soon in the heat sessions.. It's time to show what indonesian's dj and vj have.. *tepuktangan*

Massive Respect,

Quote from: Babeel on 25/10/07, 17:13
ga dapet yg breeder, adanya yg remixan matt darey

@ Babeel:
Kalau di ph,depan Breeder remix, flip side nya ada Matt Darrey Remix  ;)
Quote from: Dj Naro on 25/10/07, 00:34
@ Dj Deny,


I'll live for you, I'll die for you, do what you want me to
I'll cry for you, my tears will show, that i can't let you go...

Penting Bro....it's 12 years old track out in Perfecto label and remix by Oakenfold!!

Setuju gw.....



Word, Naro.. ;)
salah satu classic vocal tune, walaupun gw lebih seneng yg remixnya Breeder thn 1999 he he   *bgs*



...Controversially, big-name American DJs Christopher Lawrence and DJ Dan were also at the centre of the investigation, both having shared the same marketing manager! "In both their cases, a script was used to bypass our security system. Not only did we get multiple votes from the same IP address, but we got multiple votes from multiple IP addresses — in other words, we received in excess of 50 votes from the same IP address on over 20 occasions."

If you ever wondered how DJ Dan managed to take the #5 spot as the world's most popular house DJ, then you wouldn't be the first. But both him and Lawrence have strongly denied any involvement in vote rigging.

Dan told DJ Mag that he takes the matter very seriously. "My assistant and I confronted my former marketing manager via telephone. He strongly denied any wrongdoing, but had no credible explanation for the improper voting. Christopher Lawrence, who used the same marketing person this year, reported similar voting problems. When I discovered the common link was our marketing person, I immediately terminated him." [/b]

...Ternyata dimana mana sama aja..unbelievable,ckckck :-\

Quote from: kc on 25/10/07, 09:14
widih.. line up nya gokil..

tapi kenapa ya lokasi.. lokasi.. lokasi..


V2 s kan denger2 50% sahamnya udh di beli sama udin kes, he he..LOL  ;D

Kalo keburu liat G&D bentar ke X2, spin di V2, lanjut ke G2..pulang denger U2 he he   :P

ps: 2 DJ nya pake topi pet.. ntr katanya mau akrobat juggling topi sambil spinning, hihihi.. ;D

Love u guys.. :-*

Quote from: kc on 25/10/07, 10:30
@deny : kayanya sih yang di sebelah kiri itu julius caesar, yang di sebelah kanan itu booth dj..

emang ngga salah pilih deh..


he he he.. see you there yah kes
Quote from: for.an.angeL on 25/10/07, 10:27

@ Deny,,
tariikkkkkkkkk manggg,,,,

;D  ;D  ;D


Quote from: bodyworks on 25/10/07, 06:49
Quote from: DJ Deny on 24/10/07, 16:05
Quote from: bodyworks on 24/10/07, 11:32
holographic adalah pengembangan dari dunia visual animasi
dapat di nikmati dalam radius jarak tertentu.
di stadium nanti effect hologram dapat di lihat dari radius 5-6 meter
posisi terbaik melihat di lantai 5
DJ booth dan hall DJ booth tertutup untuk umum..(kecuali DJ, dan itupun tidak bisa terlihat olehnya... ;D ;D)

bodyworks production

wah..jadi the best spot buat dj2 kalo mau liat holographic dimana dong?

Gambarnya agak kurang ngerti..dimana posisi main stage dan dj booth? di sebalah kanan dr denah yah?

hmm..Berarti the best spotnya di Julius Caesar dan lt 5 ya..
It's about time now for Armin to be crowned as the No.1 DJ. It takes a long run for him, he deserves it..Congratulation *tepuktangan*


Quote from: bodyworks on 24/10/07, 11:32
holographic adalah pengembangan dari dunia visual animasi
dapat di nikmati dalam radius jarak tertentu.
di stadium nanti effect hologram dapat di lihat dari radius 5-6 meter
posisi terbaik melihat di lantai 5
DJ booth dan hall DJ booth tertutup untuk umum..(kecuali DJ, dan itupun tidak bisa terlihat olehnya... ;D ;D)

bodyworks production

wah..jadi the best spot buat dj2 kalo mau liat holographic dimana dong?
Agrikulture..wicked !  *bgs*

DJ Anton DJ Hogi and others..gud luck yah guys.. :D

MC fandy rocks   :D



Can you hear me, talking in my mind
I can feel you, you're with me all the time

Everytime I close my eyes
I see your face
Everytime I close my eyes
I see your face

There's a warm sky, covering the night
In the darkness, I only feel the light

Everytime I close my eyes
I see your face
Everytime I close my eyes
I see your face

When I'm lonely,
your voice is in my head
And my memory feeds my soul with all the things you said

Everytime I close my eyes
I see your face
Everytime I close my eyes
I see your face

Always see your face
Always see your face  :'(



I'll live for you, I'll die for you, do what you want me to
I'll cry for you, my tears will show, that i can't let you go... :-\

Quote from: Ricco.Sepet on 23/10/07, 07:31
Quote from: DJ Deny on 22/10/07, 21:01
Quote from: adhievizuale on 22/10/07, 20:53
Run down ( 4th flr):

Sumantri         12.00- 01.00
Holographic      01.00-01.10
RPO                01.10-04.00
Holographic      04.00-04.10
Deny               04.10- 06.00
Bobby             06.00- 08.00

di update boss...

Siaap Dhi..many thanks. wah gw bisa liat holographic dulu niih hehe..
wah, kudu liat holographicnya nih...
btw, itu jadinya pas holographic ga ada dj yg main yah?

iya yah..apa setop? tapi kayaknya engga deh co, mgkn dj nya masih main..
Asik bisa liat holo sebelum RPO main..
Quote from: awie on 22/10/07, 21:07
Quote from: PaketBegadangRp10000 on 16/10/07, 21:02

jagain awie jg biar gak parno !!!


jangan galak2 Wie hehe.. ;)

ngomong2 udah kelar belom mix tapenya bro..?   :D

Chris M:

siaap..eh yiuuukk hehe  :D

Nice pics Jer hehe..  :D

seru banget malem itu pokoknya..Btw sorry ga sempet pamit soalnya masih penuh bgt pas elo lagi main hehe..  *tepuktangan*

hmm..penasarn nih belum denger full dr depan sampe abis..Chris, jangan lupa hard copynya yah buat nanti gw main stadium he he  ;)

Good luck guys, mudah2an bisa segera release..

Quote from: adhievizuale on 22/10/07, 20:53
Run down ( 4th flr):

Sumantri         12.00- 01.00
Holographic      01.00-01.10
RPO                01.10-04.00
Holographic      04.00-04.10
Deny               04.10- 06.00
Bobby             06.00- 08.00

di update boss...

Siaap Dhi..many thanks. wah gw bisa liat holographic dulu niih hehe..
Quote from: twistednano on 18/10/07, 01:48
Gw ketemu ma dia beberapa hari yang lalu,dan katanya doi mau retired for good thn 2009..basi hehe  ;D

he he he.. :D

Quote from: jazzymike on 18/10/07, 14:09
gw ktm doi maren dan blom ada tanda mau retired ;D
Quote from: jazzymike on 18/10/07, 14:09
gw ktm doi maren dan blom ada tanda mau retired ;D

hi hi hi.. ;D

Quote from: kc on 22/10/07, 17:41
Quote from: twistednano on 18/10/07, 01:48
Gw ketemu ma dia beberapa hari yang lalu,dan katanya doi mau retired for good thn 2009..basi hehe  ;D

gue udah denger deny bilang mau retire dari kapaaaann gitu..
tapi selalu di ralat..
dan hopefully sih di ralat terus ya deenn :P

ho ho ho..   :P

Quote from: kc on 22/10/07, 17:12
jadi mulainya jam berapa nih bruuuuuuuuurrr?? huahauhauahauhauahua

Run down ( 4th flr):

Sumantri   12.00- 01.00
RPO          01.00-0400
Deny         04.00- 06.00
Bobby        06.00- 08.00