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Messages - Debon

return of the fat nose!! hehehehe.. copyin gw satu dong boy!
hey cmon guys.. let's be positive... i don't think this is trash...

kl menurut gw yah:

1. Kurang spender crowd, yang bikin Break even lama.. profitability nya jadi gak bagus..
2. Jarang ada club yang punya konsep yang kuat dan bisa survive..

Hmm... apalagi yah?.... gak tau ah.. hehe... these are just my personal opinion..
met ultah ye bonsai.. mudah2an lo tambah panjang.. hehehehe...
mas didi.. mas didi.. aku mau dong di burn in yang remixannya mas didi...
Ayo pak guru.. kita barengan rutin sit up tiap hari.. pasti tai macan lo bakalan lebih lancar ngalirnya..huehehehehhehehe..
namanya juga rising star!!

hmm.. satu lagi, untuk dancer.. kalo gak perlu-perlu bgt...gak usah dikeluarin kali yak... hehe.. Peace..
ini baru namanya Rising star! hihihihi
Berpelukan!!  that's the spirit guys!
@ Sick

No worries sob.. take it easy..
@ Dunant

wowww..Looks like things are getting out of hands.. bahkan sampai merembet ke offline juga, from what i've heard.. hhmm.. I personally apologize if i or any of the member have posted something that is considered offensive.. but, just like i said.. we're all friends, jokes are just jokes, critics are just critics.. hehehe... No need to take it too personally..  Just stand up for the music that you believe in.. Gw aja yang pernah dibilang DJ set gw sucks di forum, nyantai aje kok.. malah gw jadiin motivasi buat orang yang nyerang gw itu kalo dia salah.. dan gw dah buktiin..hehe..

The local scene may be behind Europe or US, secara disanalah tempat lahirnya EDM.. But please, respect the efforts of our pioneers that have worked so hard to build the local scene till it got this far.. It is our dut now to develop the scene further.. hehe..

So cheer up and let's remember that we all need friends more than we need enemies..


hihihihi.. gokil ah.. puasa-puasa kinky...
Yogyakarta / Re: Need your opinion
22/09/07, 01:33
hypest crowd.. secara kota seni.. i've always enjoy every single gig that i did there..
Great DJs with advanced musical taste.. gak kalah ama Jakarta : Jovan, Belly, Numan, Innerlight just to name a few..

kedepanya mungkin bikin acara2 dengan gimmick2 yang inovatif kali yah.. so that there is always something fresh for the crowd..
udah kejual guys.. thanks for asking...
Quote from: RyoKha on 14/09/07, 01:14
di pulau SERIBU....yang kita di karantina dan ngga bisa balik lagi ke ke pulau jawa Selama 3 HARI

setuju.. apalagi kalo barengan 30 org cewe2 berbikini... seminggu2 dah..
Dengar apa kata pak guru..hehehe.. nice words Dree!
@ Pak Guru

Serius gw sob.. mr. sinchan mau les privat tuh,,,heheehe
tenang kalo udah makin memanas, akan gw lock pastinya.. hehe..
@ Death Star

What's your problem mate? cheer up a bit... hehehe.. we're all friends here...
kalo gw yang gw undang..hmmm.. tergantung menu makan malamnya apa?

Mentah?? atau well done.. kalo mentah gw akan undang tim meyong!!!! hihihihi