Gw udh denger live setnya,gila ini orang..Imho: The Next European of Sasha.
Walaupun gw masih agak kurang bisa denger min tech, cuma German min tech masih ok..
Walaupun gw masih agak kurang bisa denger min tech, cuma German min tech masih ok..
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Music / Re: Ricardo Villalobos01/10/07, 16:45
Gw udh denger live setnya,gila ini orang..Imho: The Next European of Sasha.
Walaupun gw masih agak kurang bisa denger min tech, cuma German min tech masih ok.. #1352
Progressive / Re: John Digweed - Transitions 3 - New Album Release01/10/07, 16:37
Udah denger.. pikir No.2 was the best taunya yg No.3 Ampuun Digger.. #1353
Clubs / Venues / Re: WHAT DO U THINK OF STADIUM?01/10/07, 15:59
Well..More n less, tetep aja Stadium. Whew,ga nyangka tau2 udh sampe 10 thn
Btw, gw lagi suka setnya Iwan Sidrink..jadi inget awal2 gw mau proggy disana..manteep bgt #1354
Quote from: Mr Din on 28/09/07, 15:37 Lumayan rame,sayang elo ga dateng disn gw liat ada og yg mirip elo he he #1355
Disk Jockey / Re: TOP DJ yg homo...01/10/07, 15:28
Imho: Sebenernya banyak knowledge n informasi yg bisa digali daripada hanya sekedar make listing gay DJs..ok guys?
Clubs / Venues / Re: In Memoriam01/10/07, 15:18
Imho: sayang banget..padahal tempat itu udh terkenal sbg salah satu underground venue.makanya skrg utk underground music (such as: prog, trance) udh pindah ke atas..
Producing Music - General Talk / Re: INNERLIGHT WORLD WIDE RELEASE @ BEATPORT01/10/07, 12:26Quote from: 1945MF on 30/09/07, 04:51Quote from: acid029 on 29/09/07, 21:00Quote from: didi 1945mf on 29/09/07, 20:46 ini yg pas bulan agustus itu bukan,hehe..dia kan pulang dr dj cafe tidurnya sm gw tuh hehe.. #1358
Main Talk / Re: TranceSound 2nd Anniversary feat Trance DJ/Producer around the world!01/10/07, 12:14
Brother gw yg ini emang maknyus.. luar biasa #1359
Gw suka yg Jay Lumen rmx.yg Shifter beatnya keren sih..
Producing Music - General Talk / Re: INNERLIGHT WORLD WIDE RELEASE @ BEATPORT28/09/07, 10:04Quote from: 1945MF on 28/09/07, 04:53 Meminjam sebentar istilahnya: Siaaaap..euu.. eh, salah...yiuuuuk mariii #1361
Producing Music - General Talk / Re: INNERLIGHT WORLD WIDE RELEASE @ BEATPORT28/09/07, 02:45
Congratulation to Romy and Innerlight for launching the label: Soundscape White..
Disk Jockey / Re: happy b'days to DJ Putra (Dafkaf inc)25/09/07, 11:09
Happy Birthday DJ Putra,alll the best ya..!
Disk Jockey / Re: 8 years old DJ Sara from Japan. She really can scratch....... Amazingly24/09/07, 18:05Quote from: sendyoke on 23/09/07, 19:24 @Sendy: Musti berguru nih sama doi.. hehehe. btw..gurunya siapa ya.. #1365
Disk Jockey / Re: 8 years old DJ Sara from Japan. She really can scratch....... Amazingly24/09/07, 18:01Quote from: Ricco.Sepet on 23/09/07, 20:41 Dikolaborasi bakal mantep tuh, Duo Jap's tag team.. jadinya DJ Sara Ryusei, he he he #1366
Main Talk / Re: TranceSound 2nd Anniversary feat Trance DJ/Producer around the world!24/09/07, 11:49
@ Altuna:
Go for the best bro... #1367
Telah kembali ke Pangkuan Tuhan, ayah dari DJ Bobby Suryadi.
Semoga arwah beliau diterima di sisi Tuhan YME,dan keluarga dapat diberikan kekuatan..RIP. Sing tabah yah Bob... Deny #1368
Disk Jockey / Re: 5 DJ yang mau lo undang dinner21/09/07, 12:18Quote from: tonypsycho on 20/09/07, 22:22 #1369
Disk Jockey / Re: 5 DJ yang mau lo undang dinner21/09/07, 12:13Quote from: dedoSixteen on 18/09/07, 16:29 @ Dedo: hehehe..boleh2 Do. btw temennya dia D-style juga sakti tuh tangannya hehe #1370
Party Request / Re: Ultah ke 10 Stadium!!!Mau datengin Siapa yah????20/09/07, 18:10Quote from: Mario 78 on 20/09/07, 17:54 @ Mario: Total DJ nya 10 org utk seluruh lantainya.tapi ini masih tentative.. Cheers, #1371
Party Request / Re: Ultah ke 10 Stadium!!!Mau datengin Siapa yah????20/09/07, 17:49Quote from: secret admirer on 20/09/07, 15:54 jg pengen banget tuh, abis semua going electro,minal and techno noawadyas. Kangen nih sama Deep Dark Dirty sounds yah Gie hehe #1372
Party Request / Re: Ultah ke 10 Stadium!!!Mau datengin Siapa yah????20/09/07, 17:47
Infonya, nanti untuk anniversary Stadium yg ke 10, bakal tampil total 10 DJ di lt.2,lt3 dan lt4. Masing2 lantai dengan konsep dan genre yang berbeda beda. Untuk final confirmationnya segera menyusul.. #1373
Surabaya / Re: GARETH EMERY [World #34] AT SURABAYA !!!20/09/07, 17:40Quote from: kc on 20/09/07, 16:31 Quote from: DimsumonDLine on 20/09/07, 16:34 Iya kes..disusul dong, cucucucucu..cahyati Mudah mudahan doi mau singgah ke jakarta..ketemu kesi hihi.. #1375
Disk Jockey / Re: what do you think about dj Deny?20/09/07, 17:31Quote from: secret admirer on 20/09/07, 17:21 @ Secret: kan sayang jg sama elo. Mana kita kan temenan udah lama pula..jangan marah yah kalo gw kadang2 agak sinis.. Next time makanya kita suram sama sama deh biar lebih menghayati .. n |