Quote from: kc on 20/09/07, 16:36
dj kartun..
dulu sinchan, trus spiderpig, ntar apalagi den??
@ KC:
Tetep cuma 2 itu aja my cartoon heroes Kes..euheuheheuee..tinggal bolak balik aja, asal jgn jadi sinchan Pig or Homer Pig, he he
Show postsThis section allows you to view all posts made by this member. Note that you can only see posts made in areas you currently have access to. Show posts MenuMessages - DJ Deny #1376
Disk Jockey / Re: what do you think about dj Deny?20/09/07, 17:27Quote from: kc on 20/09/07, 16:36 @ KC: Tetep cuma 2 itu aja my cartoon heroes Kes..euheuheheuee..tinggal bolak balik aja, asal jgn jadi sinchan Pig or Homer Pig, he he ah #1377
Disk Jockey / Re: what do you think about dj Deny?20/09/07, 17:19Quote from: iaz_holic on 19/09/07, 22:15 Siaap...Btw, Rumus studio nya coool bgt..sumpah! Indeed..A recommended one guys #1378
Disk Jockey / Re: what do you think about dj Deny?20/09/07, 17:16Quote from: dirtynumbangelboy on 02/09/07, 21:08 Halakh..he he he Quote from: capt. digweed on 19/09/07, 23:13 Halakh part.2 hi hi hi Quote from: Mario 78 on 20/09/07, 16:43Quote from: capt. digweed on 19/09/07, 23:13TOP Halakh part.3 ho ho ho .. Love you guys... #1379
Disk Jockey / Re: what do you think about dj Deny?20/09/07, 17:09Quote from: NewReaL on 19/09/07, 22:53 @ Half Motioninja: Ucapan yg sama hihihi.. n ya bro.. #1380
Disk Jockey / Re: what do you think about dj Deny?20/09/07, 17:05Quote from: RoniJoni on 19/09/07, 21:52 @DJ RJ: Gimana kalo kunci mobil elo aja Ron..jadi bs gw bawa pulang he he he .. I luv u too mmuaach.. #1381
Surabaya / Re: GARETH EMERY [World #34] AT SURABAYA !!!20/09/07, 16:31
Tanggal berapa n clubnya dimana nih bung Tito?
Producing Music - General Talk / Re: Dj Deny present. POSITIVE DOMINATION20/09/07, 12:36Quote from: RoniJoni on 19/09/07, 21:57 @RJ: Sip..Mudah2an lancar kedepannya hehe..elo dong start belajar programming n bikin lagu dong Ron.. #1383
Trance / Re: ---THE BEST DANCE ALBUM IN THE WORLD--19/09/07, 14:30Quote from: Ricco.Sepet on 19/09/07, 14:05Quote from: BuNi on 19/09/07, 11:19bener! yg covernya kepiting kan? @ Ricco: gw juga suka..cuman sayang lagu fav gw: Joanita malah ga ada di cd itu huhu.. #1384
Jakarta / Re: IT'S TIME TO MAKE HISTORY IN INDONESIA!!!18/09/07, 20:12Quote from: 1945MF on 18/09/07, 19:50Quote from: jazzymike on 16/09/07, 19:08 Wise comment too Mr. Romy #1385
Disk Jockey / Re: 5 DJ yang mau lo undang dinner18/09/07, 16:24Quote from: DJ Deny on 13/09/07, 14:18 Tambahan: 1. Q Bert (my fav scratch dj in the world) 2. DJ Dave (DMC world champion thn 90 and 91) #1386
Jakarta Events / Re: JUICE DJ QUEST 2007!18/09/07, 15:56Quote from: djbobby_s on 18/09/07, 15:46 @ Bobs: wah..elo jg ga boleh he he.. Eh..ajak si Mumuch aja B2B sama Noly aja bob..cd nonstop jg kalah tuh hueheheheheheheeeee..LOLL Muh #1387
Jakarta Events / Re: JUICE DJ QUEST 2007!18/09/07, 15:24
hmm.. agak kurang sedikit pas kedengerannya..
gimana kalo ada dj yg belom dapet gigs selama 3 bulan,tapi punya potensi yg luar biasa? sayang kan he he @ dedo: iya iya gw ga ikut deh, jadi tim horee aja nati kalo elo ikutan hi hi.. #1388
Jakarta Events / Re: JUICE DJ QUEST 2007!18/09/07, 15:04Quote from: okyhard on 18/09/07, 05:22 Engga ngerti gw...jadi bukan resident dj tapi bukan juga prof dj yg engga main selama 3 bulan..?? maksudnya apa ya? #1389
Producing Music - General Talk / Re: Dj Deny present. POSITIVE DOMINATION18/09/07, 13:28Quote from: Georgie on 18/09/07, 09:07Quote from: DJ Deny on 14/09/07, 16:06Quote from: Georgie on 14/09/07, 15:17 @ Georgia: PM gw aja Georg..thanks ya #1390
Goodl luck for all of you guys..
Gw udah denger..Lebih enak dr yg part. 1 or part. 2
Sukses terus yah Chris..bikin yang rutin bro..support #1392
On the Air & Media / Re: Altuna On Air @TranceSound (UK) Session WORLWIDE. Sensegenerate.fm17/09/07, 18:39
@ Altuna:
Thank you yah bro..lagu gw udh elo puter Btw, itu yg original or remix ya? whateveritis deh..thank's a bunch pokoknya #1394
Producing Music - General Talk / Re: Dj Deny present. POSITIVE DOMINATION17/09/07, 12:02Quote from: secret admirer on 15/09/07, 20:30 @ Secret: Thank's bro..ke rmah dong ntr ada sesuatu buat elo hehe klw donlot dr kantor susah bgt..lemooot Quote from: Rangga_ocean on 15/09/07, 21:56 Thank's for your big support yah Ga..Respect Quote from: adhievizuale on 16/09/07, 01:32 @ Adhie: nanti kalo udah mix down gw kirim yah.tlg PM email add elo ya.. #1395
Producing Music - General Talk / Re: Dj Deny present. POSITIVE DOMINATION15/09/07, 19:46Quote from: nickvan on 15/09/07, 19:42Quote from: DJ Deny on 15/09/07, 19:39 @ Nikvan: Siap..mgkn selasa kalo jadi mulai di putar di indika,gantiin yg radio cut kmrn #1396
Producing Music - General Talk / Re: Dj Deny present. POSITIVE DOMINATION15/09/07, 19:39
Positive Domination (Deny & Via Rmx) udh di reconstructed ulang..Nanti gw upload yg Final Remixnya ya guys..Details menyusul..
n #1397
Clubs / Venues / Re: STADIUM BUKA15/09/07, 17:56
Hmm..sungkem & maaf2an sama eyang naga he he
Progressive / Re: ###SASHA LATEST INTERVIEW###14/09/07, 16:32Quote from: bebe.ocean on 14/09/07, 15:10 Bebe: Waah..gw ngiri bgt nih sama elo udh liat WMC berkali kali..hikz #1399
Progressive / Re: ###SASHA LATEST INTERVIEW###14/09/07, 16:29
walaupun sekarang main Minimal Techno walaupun sekarang pake Ableton Still... he is my legend, my hero and my inspirations.. ..speechless,a son of God.. #1400
Producing Music - General Talk / Re: Dj Deny present. POSITIVE DOMINATION14/09/07, 16:06Quote from: Georgie on 14/09/07, 15:17 @ Georgia: Belom di up load semua georg hehehe.. ps: udah dapet kan emailnya georg? |