...tiktok,,,tiktok.....still counting down 2 the "d" day....
...tiktok,,,tiktok.....still counting down 2 the "d" day....
Show postsThis section allows you to view all posts made by this member. Note that you can only see posts made in areas you currently have access to. Show posts MenuMessages - LosTSisKa #1401
Solo / Re: .::MBARGO Resurrection::.22/06/07, 23:15
tentunyaahhh,..... ...tiktok,,,tiktok.....still counting down 2 the "d" day.... #1402
Yogyakarta / Re: SOUL SENZATION @ Embassy Club Jogja22/06/07, 22:49
fliernyaahh kerennzzzz,,,
Visual Jockey / Re: child boards: Futej showoff/reel22/06/07, 22:41Quote from: Gober on 22/06/07, 20:39 YIIPPPIEEEEEEEEEE,..our wish already granted.... thaknyiiuuuhhhh pamankuuh.. #1404
Visual Jockey / Re: child boards: Futej showoff/reel22/06/07, 12:10
WUUAAALLLAAAAAHHH,,,,,heuheueheuehue...*apaan sie.. #1405
Visual Jockey / Re: child boards: Futej showoff/reel22/06/07, 12:04
uda sobb,,,ga tau lg tungguin kbrnyaahh.. #1406
Semarang / Re: HOuSe oF RaVeLeX D' PhoTo'S @EPlaza,,,22/06/07, 08:21
wwaaalllaaahhhh aku skiipppp,,, *saking cepetnya loading keliru baca ney postingan xesid aku kira kamuu.......ini skipppp ato bureeeemmmmm,,,maaaafffff....huhuhuhhu #1407
Solo / Re: .::MBARGO Resurrection::.22/06/07, 08:18
tunggu aaaajjjjjaaaa deehhh....hihihihiihi #1408
Semarang / Re: HOuSe oF RaVeLeX D' PhoTo'S @EPlaza,,,22/06/07, 08:03Quote from: lidahlihai on 19/06/07, 16:48 maafkan sayyyaaaahh,,,,,*di eddddiiitt bleh?... @adite hheheeehehe, cover apaan neyy #1409
Yogyakarta / Re: STEREO SUSHI @Embassy Jogja Friday 22 juni 200722/06/07, 07:49
yg pastinya ICHIBAAAANNNN!!!'lah...dek'........ #1410
Visual Jockey / Re: child boards: Futej showoff/reel22/06/07, 07:29
nahhhh itu diaaa 'pet, beneeerr..kita bisa tuker2an futej, juga klo ada komen2 dari yg laennya khan bisa ngebuat kitanya smakin majuuuuhhh,,,....*secara vj2 disini msh belum byk ato blm kuatnya imagenya sperti dj2 yg ada,...yaahh padahal vj2 sendiri jg merupakan perkembangan scene ini tohh....hehehehe mantaabbb,,
sekarang tinggal menunggu kebijakan dari pamanaja,,,,gimana neeyy pamankuuu??....*ditengok2 dwong kita2,,, ..... #1411
Visual Jockey / Re: TUKER-TUKER INFORMASI..22/06/07, 07:10Quote from: raphael on 22/06/07, 04:12Quote from: digital hallucination on 19/06/07, 00:28 waalllllaaaaaaahhhh,syereeeemm gt.... .....*emang klo gedung2 tua suka ada kejadian yg aneh2... #1412
Music / Re: Songs You Are Listening To, Rite Now..21/06/07, 03:53
phone adite gih... Quote from: Ricco.Sepet on 21/06/07, 02:41 waaaaaallllaaaahhhh,, bener sekali 'pet,klo masalah galau mah ga ada lawan...huhuhuhu mari kita bernyanyiiii!!!!,,,.... Sugarcult-Memory This may never start. We could fall apart. And I'd be your memory. Lost your sense of fear. Feelings insincere. Can I be your memory? So get back, back, back to where we lasted. Just like I imagine. I could never feel this way. So get back, back, back to the disaster. My heart's beating faster. Holding on to feel the same. **This may never start. I'll tear us apart. Can I be your enemy? Losing half a year. Waiting for you here I'd be your anything. So get back, back, back to where we lasted. Just like I imagine. I could never feel this way. So get back, back, back to the disaster. My heart's beating faster. Holding on to feel the same. This may never start. Tearing out my heart. I'd be your memory. Lost your sense of fear. (I'd be your memory) Feelings disappeared. Can I be your memory? back 2 ** ... ... note: tapi yg accoustic punya lho.. #1413
Visual Jockey / child boards: Futej showoff/reel21/06/07, 03:33
cmn sebuah ide aja, gimana kalo di thread vj ada tambahan chill boards untuk upload/shared futej/reel & mungkin jg bumper2 bikinan sendiri, spt di thread producing music itu khan ada music showoffnya tuh... Jadi kita bisa saling ngebahas buat ksh pendapat, yaahh itung2 nambah2 ilmu...lagian klo bermaanfaat & berguna bagi yg lain knapa ga di shared aja...*dosa loh ntar klo pelit2,,,whuakakkakaa Klo menurut senior2 sendiri disini gimana?, penting kaga?...*cuz gw msh byk yg belum mengerti neh,misalnya masalah setting render, warna turun, compressnya dsb... maklum newbie..... Dan lagi untuk editingnya, software yg dipake buat bikin itu futej setiap orang khan beda2 juga, dari ae, premiere nyampe vegas,, ... Buat gw sih biar bs lbh tau kelebihan & kekurangan masing2 software tadi,...*huaaallllaah,ga bermaksud untuk curi2 ilmu/trick loh iniii..... *pokoknya inti daripada permasalahan ini, perlu engga sih? ada tambahan childboard buat "footage showoff/reel", gimana klo menurut paman?...ato menurut vj2 kondang disini?....*maaf sayahhh masih perlu bimbingan neeehh,,,,huehuehehehee
Semarang / Re: HOUSE OF RAVELEX @ E - PLAZA, Semarang Saturday June 16 ' 2K720/06/07, 19:10hehehehe,,,asli hmm,.. klo adit bilang mah ..."bagaikan sepasang merpati,,,,,kekekekekeke #1415
Yogyakarta / Re: TIMELESS # 3 | June 29th, 200720/06/07, 19:05....siapa neh,,,siapa yg dijadiin korban....hehehe.. #1416
Yogyakarta / Re: BAGAIMANA JIKA DI JOGJA ADA RAVE LAGI TAON DEPAN...?"20/06/07, 19:02
Visual Jockey / Re: FRIENDSTER & YM!20/06/07, 18:55
@atas gw
wedeewww syereeeemm avatarnya... yuukzzzzz,,,, buat community vjing neehh, walopun dluar thread ini udah pernah ksh tau juga... www.siskawidyasardjana.multiply.com www.friendster.com/siskawidyasa www.friendster.com/magicbox www.friendster.com/manifestodj www.myspace.com/siskawidya www.myspace.com/manifesto_dj #1418
Visual Jockey / Re: Semalam nonton Show VJ di mana?20/06/07, 18:23
itu dia mknya krn srg nemu masalah & solusi sendiri jdnya lebih ngerti dikitlah,,,*klo diajarin biasanya malah lupa ato ga dengerin,,,hehehehe #1419
Visual Jockey / Re: HAPPY BIRTHDAY VJ AFNI (9 MOTION - EBDJ)19/06/07, 16:52
Haappppyy bdayyyyy djuoo..
Yogyakarta / Re: TIMELESS # 3 | June 29th, 200719/06/07, 15:45ada apakah gerangan....heuhehehe,,,, #1422
Jakarta Events / Re: Reworks & DGNL present UNDERGROUND 01. June 27th 2007 at Beyond19/06/07, 15:13Quote from: Chris.M on 19/06/07, 14:53 beneran, klo dibookingin tiketnya mahhh...huahauhauahau #1423
Jakarta Events / Re: Reworks & DGNL present UNDERGROUND 01. June 27th 2007 at Beyond19/06/07, 14:38Quote from: Chris.M on 17/06/07, 20:55Quote from: LosTSisKa on 17/06/07, 20:46 yuukkzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz,,,,,*maauuuuuuuu,huhuhuhuhu #1424
Disk Jockey / Re: ada yang tau dj dikaa (7/24)??what do you thing about him???19/06/07, 14:11hmmm,... cekedummm, cekedumm, cekedummm.....*fiewww,...heuheuheueheue #1425
Music / Re: Songs You Are Listening To, Rite Now..19/06/07, 09:10
Claude Von Stroke - Who's Afraid of Detroit
Iman - We are u Albert Vorne - Formentera What Higher state of consciousness - Josh Wink terus,,,, Memory-sugarcult, river maya, letters 2 u -finch <<<<<bukan edm kali gaaa,,,ama sousin heuehehe |