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Messages - 1945MF

he he he.. iyee..mentang2 gue botak dehh.. silau ya jidat gue?? he he..
Thanks guys.. thanks for the supports... :-)
Finally ada temen gue di DJ Download.. good..good.. maju trus Producer Indonesia!!
RELEASE NOW at dj download,juno,trackitdown etc.. cheers..
"When i see the sun at Jimbaran 2007"

DJ Romy & Funkagenda

When i see the sun at Jimbaran_Funkagenda FSOJ Tech dub mixes
When i see the sun at Jimbaran_DJ Romy Dark String mixes


Di daerah mana ya yg enak buat metting nih guys??
Besok metting di somewhere in citos?? sore jam 5an?? let's say starbuck's??
Oke coba gue atur dulu ya guys.. let u know a.s.a.p..
Nahh enak di mettingin dulu... mulai dr anak2 RVLX aja dulu.. gimana??
Time for us to be together as one to help people who suffer coz the flood !!

Ayo DJ's , Promotor & DJ Management , RVLX team , maybe Club's, and other .. get ur hand together help the victims of banjir..

Kumpulin obat2an, makanan, Baju bekas , etc??

Any comments??


He he iya.. gue spin di Vertical 6.. 
Selamat ya joo... Sarjana & DJ.. mantapppp...

Gokil tadi gue posting ternyata di G4 gue masih account nya Redy.. he he
Waduhh... Mang mirip gue yeee... Thanks for X-Spinn for the great night.. crowd bogor rock'ss..
Keep the beats and groovy bassline X-Spinn.. Support Bogor all the way!!

This track is a minimal pumping stuff.. RELEASE NOW at dj download,juno,trackitdown etc.. cheers..
"When i see the sun at Jimbaran 2007"

DJ Romy & Funkagenda

When i see the sun at Jimbaran_Funkagenda FSOJ Tech dub mixes
When i see the sun at Jimbaran_DJ Romy Dark String mixes


Hard ware is fun... coz u have it in your hand.. jadi ada fisiknya di dpn kita.. serunya sound yg di direct langsung ke input souncard kita itu ada signature sounds nya krna analog noisenya sedikit.. kl vst itu pure digital.. trus pk midi out dr sound card buat control triggernya dr computer kita masuk midi in di keyboard itu...

menurut gue tiap keyboard karakternya beda... dan hardwarenya juga beda.. chip2 di dlm nya juga beda...jd bener2 beda sound dr tiap merk kyk korg, nordlead, virus, etc.. kalo vst ato softsynth juga ada karakternya tapi hardwarenya tetep satu yaitu computer kita.. jadi pasti ada kemiripan sound nya . of course karena enginenya dr computer yg sama ya tohhh.. itu yg buat gue teteup seneng pk real synthesizer... along side my softsynth... gitu guys?

Octavvv... thanks for the ear plug... gue pake enak bgt di kuping gueeee...
Halah2.. iya dehh..mentang2 botak nye sama...
Iya tante Nayooo... he he..
When i see the sun at jimbaran dah klarrr di remixes funkagenda... minggu dpn release Insya Allah... support ya guys.. mudah2an bisa jd top download... mariiiii...
Siaaaaapp... thanks again guys.. Funkagenda also say hi too all... and he has a CD for tante Nayo with me.. yiuuk.
Waduh ada apa nih?? ha ha..