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Messages - uchabanget

must come for sure.... :)
08-03-2k9 : I love sunday @ urban lounge
minuman wajib JackD cola,

lucu2 an : white russian, vodka caramel, Flaming bikini, grass hopper

hardcore fave : green fairy A.K.A absinthe 
keren nih... wajib beli!
ayo nih buat yang mau belajar and jadi Dj, DISNI TEMPATNYA...

maju terus buat om gunturrr :)
SUPPORT....... so proud to all the dj's,

show them the sound from Indonesian angels deejay gonna burn the house and rock the floor hard.

gogogo Jessica, Delicious Devina, and Tiara Eve, sukses terus yaw ;) :)
06/03/09, 05:15
another of your madness reveal here!
i can C when the music hit  u with the beat from dj ____
makes u high and flew into the journey of  ___ (nama cara)

wajib nih...., klo gak makin susah donk peralatan2 buat edm dibeli, coba klo tiap mau beli harus mesen via internet mulu, cape degh.. ;)
setuju bgt! kalo gak ada mereka kita bukan apa2
jet - aime
sukses terus buat JET SEVEN... go...go  Jessica, keep on burnin the floor with your sound.. ;)
support.....  from filter management  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* :)
 kaos basic tipis, kemeja kotak2 ben sherman lengan pendek, jeans twister motto,  kaos kaki hang ten putih, sepatu asics putih,
 siapin celana cargo ah... hihihihi... :)
duh yang beginian jadi bikin pusing aja sih? masih bnyk hal- hal yg lebih penting dibahas... heran mau disco aja urusannya jd panjang. mendingan yg protes itu kita ajak aja disco gmn???
wah... udah bnyk Mc - Mc nya ayo kita kembangkan dunia per Mc-an ini lebih luas lagi... proud to know all of u guys and gurls ;)

BIG respect  *tepuktangan* :) *bgs*
edm bogor... cool... ;) support..
yeah its the tag line of filter management, your future starts here....

this is the filter sound, a new sounds to full fill the electronic  dance  music scene

i personally proud to have you all, together we raise and reach our goal


MC / Re: gimana hayaaauuuooowww
05/03/09, 06:11
@ drwe : gile, ada juga gwa ngemci terinspirasi sm loe dan teman2 yg lain...  ;) *tepuktangan* *bgs* *piss*
once again its not just a party but a holographic visual collaboration with the sound of 8 best dj's and the voice of 2 Mc's, feel the ambiance during the journey....

support....support.....support...support...support....support....support...support.. ( 8 ) b
support.... great tunes by great dj's and mc. :)
good solutions for promotions :)
wah eathquake makin cadas2 nih barangnya ... gud.. gud..gud :)