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Messages - DJablay

Hebaaattt..jualannya minuman para dewa....sukses ya sob..!
Dapet list ini dari forum luar, rasanya cocok utk diposting disini buat jawab ledekan orang-orang yang gak suka ama TRANCE...hehehe, check these out :

1. At least my music is made by people who're actual musicians, and not a bunch of uneducated rappers.

2. At least my music is based on REAL dance music (80's electronic/techno in my opinion is what started dance music)

3. At least my music is listened to ALL over the world, not like your crappy ass hiphop and rock that's listened to MOSTLY in north america.

4. (this is for when they say "oh your music is all about drugs") At least the producers and DJs who spin my music don't encourage taking drugs... UNLIKE hiphop and rap where drugs are openly advertised.

5. At least my music isn't intended for the bedroom (R&B)... it's for dance floors.

6. At least my music has events all over Europe with like 50,000 people showing up.... not like your little concerts where you get like 500 KIDS and you call it a kick ass show!!!!!! (JACK ASSES)

7. At least my music isn't all about f*&king, raping, killing, fighting, stealing, getting high, p&$sy, tits, ass, etc..... it's about love and peace.

8. At least my music isn't a stupid little sample stolen from some old 50s/60s tune and looped OVER AND OVER.

9. At least my music's lyrics make sense when you listen to them... there's no one mumbling words or trying to say them sooo friggin' fast, it's like they got diarrhea!!!

10. At least my music is from Europe... and you know anything from Europe is sexy

11. At least producers/DJs spinning my music don't have weird retareted names likes 50cent!!!!

12. At least my music has subgeners... you can listen to different styles and still be listening to trance.

13. At least my music isn't mainstream where you have ANY retardo who got friggin' kicked out of his/her mamma's house become a superstar!!!!

14. At least my music isn't produced by a bunch of self-centered, self-obsessed morons who need to host like a trillion award shows per year to make themselves feel good.

15. At least my music isn't about the money... it's about the music. (so often my buddies ask me if all these big DJs I talk about are millionairs and shit, and I'm like no... they don't do it for the money...) And when they SAY it's about the music and not the money they REALLY mean it (not like some little whore like Britney or Christina who always says, oh it's not about the money, it's about my love for the music.... ah SHUT THE HELL UP)

16. At least my music isn't produced by some jackass who's in the gym all day pumpin iron, trying to look "good"!!!! Trance producers actually DO spend most of their time in the studio mixing/remixing.

17. At least my music is played on the BIGGEST, BEST, HOTTEST, COOLEST internet radio station in the WORLD... DI.fm  (I'd like to see someone top that off)

18. At least my music doesn't need 5 thugs or rockers to make a single song.

just as an afterthought. maybe is isn't such a bad thing that our music isn't so popular. cuz i mean, look at genres that have gotten popular. like rap especially, it's become over commercialized and the quality has gone down a lot. i'm sure there are some ppl here who think trance has gone down in quality. but trance is such a diverse genre that i don't consider it bad. it's just another step for the genre.
Jakarta Events / Re: SEAN TYAS ?
23/01/07, 08:10
All..gw dah confirm sama sumber yg amat sangat dipercaya, klo mo clubbing di Jakarta..jadwalnya mending gini:
-Jumat 26 Jan 2007: ke Colosseum K-7 ( Christopher Lawrence )
-Sabtu 27 Jan 2007 : ke Vertigo ( Sean Tyas )
........naaahhh di bulan February (tgl 3) barulah kita liat si botak Randy Katana maen di Centro....mareeeeehh...hyuukkk.....

Btw, klo dah ada yg punya flyer-nya Sean Tyas boleh dong diposting disini....

Keep on Trance..!!

Dari namanya: AMNESIA...sepertinya kok nembak Club kondang di IBIZA, yg namanya juga AMNESIA....hmm..hmmmm..dasar orang Indo, sukanya plagiat, mbok ya bikin club pake nama lain kek, contohnya: MIGRAIN, INSOMNIA, PNEUMONIA...(nama penyakit semua..hehehe..)
Invitationnya berapaan sih..? sorry gak update neh..hehehe..
@jazzymike : gw juga nungguin mas Armin maen disini..kapan yaa...??? hu hu hu....
@ sonique:
Boneng sob....klo gw tebak sih Sean Tyas bakal mainin: "Diary of Jane", "Children 2006" ama track-nya yg paling ngetop: "Lift"  8)
@ capt.digweed : Huahahahhaha...gw aja waktu liatin mukeĀ² jablaynya ngakak abis....make-upnya tuebeeelll buangeett....ancur jaya abadi dah pokokna mah...!!!
@ Ricco : Bener boss...gw dah diconfirm ama Sean Tyas-nya sendiri via email, ternyata doi maen hari Sabtu, eh loe katanya tinggal di Kemanggisan ya? dimananya..? gw di Komp.DPR deket Komp.TVRI neh...

Hmm..jadi jadwalnya: Jumat ke K-7 [Christopher Lawrence]..and Sabtunya ke Vertigo [Sean Tyas]....huaaaaaahhhh......... ;D
Bagi yg mau booking jablay buka website ini:  http://indoescort.multiply.com   >>> ini bukan punya gw lho yaaaa....cuma gak sengaja nemu di Multiply, and setau gw indo escort itu sebelumnya adalah private milis di Yahoo...Selamat berjablay ria...salam adjeub-adjeub....!!!
SEan Tyas bukannya maen di Vertigo tgl 26 Januari...? ada yg tau ttg hal ini gak sih..?
@ FERRE : Jagain dong biar gak tumpah ke tt.... :P
datang gak ya? hmmm....
Hi all,
Gw juga baru disini...lam kenal semuanya, klo gw liat2 forum disini lebih rame dari indodj yaaaaa....btw, disini ada yg demen trance gak yaaa...?
Katanya tgl 26 Januari Sean Tyas bakal main juga di Vertigo ya...?