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Messages - DJ Rangga_Electros

widihhhhh Kreatif, keren banget gamenya!! mirip Bare Knuckles ya.. :D
WOW Kereeen!! Classy Tune, gw suka banget House yg style gini. Ini menurut gw udah bagus banget buat Track pertama. Tambahin Pad yg bagus supaya atmosfir nya tambah ciamik. Trus Producing ya Sis!
Quote from: rejasonspinach on 11/08/11, 22:40

Makasih broo

Quote from: DJ Deny on 12/08/11, 12:14
Nice.. you got own taste *bgs*

Makasih Koh Deny!! :D
Quote from: opera_zime on 11/08/11, 05:59
mmm....gimana ya,kalo semua musik yang tadinya underground / eksklusif terus naik ke permukaan ( dikenal luas ) then dianggap rusak,gw kurang sependapat.

Pendapat gw, hal itu lebih kepada EGO seseorang yang menunjukkan bahwa ini loh gw, gw punya hobi mendengarkan genre musik yang berbeda dari kalian...terus begitu sekarang semua orang udah pada tau,akhirnya merasa kecewa sama TRANCE.

Ketika Popularitas naik,biasanya berjalan seiring dengan lancarnya PENGHASILAN,mau gak mau ya mengikuti selera pasar. timbulah cheesy Trance yang basicly supaya mudah diterima masyarakat awam.

namun ketika kita lihat sisi positif-nya,bukankah sebenarnya itu bukti bahwa Trance bisa diterima masyarakat kebanyakan ??

tapi kalo dikatakan Esensi dari TRANCE itu sendiri yang rusak,gw masih bisa setuju...Trance yang membuat kita serasa mengembara di awang-awang,Trance yang bisa membuat kita terharu biru sekaligus ingin joged ( gila kali yak ndro ) dan hal hal yang trancy lainnya,memang sudah memudar... ( buat gw itu esensi dari trance )

kembali ke pribadi masing2 aja lah,kalo mau menjadi idealis ya silahkan perbaiki esensi Trance dengan cara yang semampu kita bisa lakukan. kalo yang mau menjadi dinamis,silahkan ikuti perkembangan Trance sampai kapanpun...

NB : maap,nubie cuman nyoba ikutan ngomong...

stuju bro.. karena essensi trance berubah makanya semua jd berubah. berubah jadi pasaran juga tentunya. hhehehe. tapi gw masi tetep enjoy2 kok Trance. klo lg bosen denger ya mending bikin sendiri.

Quote from: 111 on 10/08/11, 21:58
Quote from: reyreyreyreynaldi on 10/08/11, 16:26... "i love the good old days..."
me too..

Ya Tuhaaan... kalo pake kostum Tron trus maen pake ini pasti keren banget...  :D
dari mulai tiesto, armin sampe above & beyond juga udah aneh soundnya trance nya.. udah ga ada surgawi2nya lagi nih trance. BUAH APEL TELAH JATUH JAUH DARI POHONNYA.  :-\
klo minta vsti ke sebelah aja jon... klo blajar gue 99% via youtube + share dr temen. gue jg masih awam di fl kok. :)
Just share guys. ;)

5 Top Characteristics Of Full Time Musicians

lebih lengkapnya di: http://ht.ly/5Yzt6

This guest post comes from Dave Cool, the Blogger In Residence at musician website and marketing platform Bandzoogle.

I've now been involved in the Montreal music scene in some way for 17 years, and have seen many artists and bands come and go. Now that I'm in my 30's, I'm starting to truly understand what it takes to "make it" as a musician/band. What do I mean by "make it"? I'm not talking about becoming a "star", but simply playing music for a living, which is a place where most of my artist friends want to get to. While reflecting on this, I realized that the artists that were finally able to make a living playing music had some common traits:
5 Top Characteristics Of Full Time Musicians 

1. They work (very) hard

The artists and bands that I know that are making a full-time living are some of the hardest working people I know. They hustle every day and work long hours, evenings, weekends, whatever it takes to get the job done and bring in the income they need to survive. Most bands dream of quitting their day job to do music full-time, but some don't realize that it is a job to be a full-time musician, and you might end up working harder and longer than any day job out there, but the reward will be to do what you love for a living.

2. They love what they're doing

To make it as a full-time musician, you have to eat, breath and sleep music each and every day. In order to do this, you have to truly love what you are doing and be extremely passionate about it. It's not always going to be glamorous, and most often it's going to be a lot of hard work. When you're on tour for weeks at a time, driving long hours cramped in a van, sleeping on floors and barely making enough money to eat, you really need to love what you're doing to get through those tough experiences and breakthrough to the other side when the money does start to come in.

3. It's not about the money

Speaking of money, I don't know a single full-time artist that is playing music simply for the money. They have a passion for writing/performing/recording music, and they take their art and their craft seriously. It's all they know and it's all they want to do. Money is secondary, and when it comes, it's simply a by-product of the work they are putting in.

Don't get me wrong, although it's not about the money for these artists, they do have a business sense, which is extremely important. They know how to manage their finances and put a value to the work they are doing.

4. They have support

Being a DIY artist doesn't mean you have to or should do it all on your own. Derek Sivers, the Founder of CD Baby, wrote a great blog post talking about this subject: http://sivers.org/diy

Essentially, Derek says that DIY shouldn't mean Do-It-ALL-Yourself, but instead should mean Decide-It-Yourself. This is so true, and all the artists I know who are making a full-time living have some kind of support team in place, either a manager, agent, small label or assistant to help them with their career.

They didn't necessarily start out with these people in place, but over time they developed a team to help them manage their careers. In some cases they are life partners, sometimes close friends, but more often it's a professional manager and/or agent who got on board once they reached a certain level in their career development.

5. They don't give up

And last but not least, they simply don't give up. I can't tell you how many artists and bands I've known that after 1 or 2 albums they simply pack it in because they didn't "make it". This especially seems to happen after a few tours. Being on the road can be a difficult experience for most people, which goes back to having to really love what you're doing to get through those moments.

The artists I know that are now making a living full-time from their music just stuck to it, through thick and thin. A gig falls through? They find another one. A band member quits? They replace them. They just keep going no matter what obstacles they have in front of them. This is all they know, and they don't make any back-up plans.

One final thing I'll say on this subject is that it often took these artists years to get to the point of making a full-time living from music, usually 7-10 years. Most "overnight successes" are years in the making, and nowhere is this truer than in the music industry.

Remember, The Beatles spent years performing 8-hour sets, 7 days a week in Germany before breaking into the American market.
widih.. belom dirilis (still on progress) aja udah 500 views...  so excited.

klo gitu ga ada salahnya buat mampir kesini dulu yaa kawans..

BUY Rangga Electroscope's ORIGINALS & REMIXES Ringtones Collection 2009-2011 ONLY @ http://lnk.ms/QcZ9k
Quote from: Jhone on 21/07/11, 14:27
gw RT !!! cangcing deh rangga ;)

Oit, wah tengkyu banget Jhon!!! :D

[Electroscopic Sounds Studio / Independent] (Digital Album)

PROMO SINGLE http://www.popmaya.com/artist/ranggaelectroscope/ << LOKAL ; RANGGA ELECTROSCOPE - WHITE COMPASSION (Free Promo Single) + Preview White Compassion (Club Mix)

Media Press: http://www.minorityrecord.com/rangga-electroscope-produser-yang-harmonik


Written & Produced by Rangga Electroscope
© Electroscopic Sounds Studio 2011


BUY DIRECTLY HERE; http://www.reverbnation.com/store/view_item_album/artist_646585?item_id=1330852

cheers! :D
now streaming on mixcloud so you can possibly listen to it via iphone directly.

dan yg pasti banyak banget yg bagus + Free download di vstclub.com


Local Streaming + Free Download :


Enjoy, my latest mix set. I put Some Classics, Uplifting, Tech, and Hard even Psychedelics. If you listen to this, you'll feel the cinematic sensibility and feel the abstraction of your energy.


-Linkin Park - The Radiance
-Rangga Electroscope - An Overture into The Future Part 1 (Original Mix)
-Nitrous Oxide - Waves (Original Mix)
-Embrace - Embrace (Ferry Fix Mix)
-Rangga Electroscope - Remember Me (Original mix)
-Signalrunners - Electric Sheep (Nitrous Oxide Remix)
-Above & Beyond pres. Oceanlab - Beautiful Together (Signum Remix)
-Signum - Syndicate (Original Mix)
-Astral Projection - Open Society (Synsun Remix)

Genre: Pure Trance
Mixed By Rangga Electroscope
Artwork by: Rangga Electroscope
copyright by Electroscopic sounds 2011
Semua Remix sudah di terima dan sudah di preview.

Thx a lot buat partisipasinya guys.
Remixer2 yg remixnya masuk untuk dirilis nanti akan gw contact.

*bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
So Far, udah ada 7 orang yg masuk di email gw. dan mereka potensial. I RESPECT THEM!
Banyak aje yg komen & ngintip... oy jgn cuma komen ama ngintip tapi ikutan donk... Bintitan lo.. :D
Main Talk / Re: Ravelex 8 Tahun...
21/04/11, 22:35
8 itu angka yg gak pernah putus2...selamat Ulang tahun Ravelex! semoga semakin jaya dan MANTAP!!!  :D
Gw jamin Menang ini mah... pantesan lo ga bisa sempet remix gw hihihihi...
Gila Eric Prydz!! nunggu brp tahun disini bikin begini-an...
HAIL to The 45MF Group! 

Also Thanks to Om Romy, Koh Oos, Altuna, Nickvan, Ebump dan Dimitri. << semangat dari kalian terus menginspirasi!!  *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*