JakMov Cream 2006??????? Gatecrasher 2006????? Vandith Asia Tour????
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Party Request / Re: PAUL VAN DYK ,jakarta gigs dreams or not?22/01/06, 23:21
JakMov Cream 2006??????? Gatecrasher 2006????? Vandith Asia Tour????
heheheh #1502
Main Talk / Digital DJs now require 'license'15/01/06, 22:22
Digital DJs 'unaware of copy law' CD and laptop DJs can now create an entire sound and visual show from their laptop Many DJs are still unwittingly breaking the law by playing unlicensed digital copies of tracks months after a new permit scheme began, the BBC has found. The annual licences, costing £200 plus VAT, were introduced by royalty collection agency PPL in September. DJs who copy tracks onto computers or MP3 players without one are breaking copyright law, the organisation says. But Radio 1 DJ Fergie told Newsbeat he did not know about the licences and doubted many other DJs did either. The licences are needed by any DJ who wants to store digital copies of sound recordings to use when playing in public. There isn't actually very much money in DJing so to ask someone to shell out £200 is going to be a bit over the top DJ Ritesh This includes legally-purchased downloads, which are normally licensed only for personal use, as well as copies of tracks from records or CDs. PPL said many DJs wanted to play from laptops or MP3 players instead of records or CDs, despite the fact it was illegal without the permission of the rights owner. Business affairs director Peter Leathem told Radio 1's Newsbeat: "Rather than saying stop it, don't do it, we've actually tried to embrace what people want to do and come up with a licence to be able to do that." Licensing 'sting' He said the £200 charge was "reasonable", adding: "You don't actually have to DJ using a laptop. You can use vinyl, you can use CD, so we're saying that if it's not worth your while spending £200 then don't do it." DJ Ritesh, who runs club nights and DJs in Bristol, said he had not been aware of the new licences, despite the fact he sometimes played his whole set straight from his laptop, without using his records at all. You don't actually have to DJ using a laptop. You can use vinyl, you can use CD, so we're saying that if it's not worth your while spending £200 then don't do it Peter Leathem, PPL He told the BBC: "I think it will be very difficult to enforce, mainly because so many people play out in clubs every weekend. There isn't actually very much money in DJing so to ask someone to shell out £200 is going to be a bit over the top." Another DJ, Lee Jarvis, from Essex, said: "It's a bit of a sting I think. For someone who's not a mega-superstar DJ a few hundred quid can really make a difference." He was sceptical about how the licences could be enforced, saying: "I don't think you could stop a DJ mid-set and turn the music off because they haven't got a licence that's a bit extreme." Breach of copyright Yvonne Duffield, of Sedition DJs agency, said: "Generally I'm just a bit confused about it. It does seem quite a harsh amount to charge especially as young DJs cannot afford to pay a lot of money for vinyl so they rely on downloads." Mr Leathem said the licences were intended to make life easier for DJs, who could buy a single licence instead of having to contact the individual copyright owner of each track for permission. He said PPL would not take action to enforce the licences in the early stage of the scheme. But once awareness had grown, it would start pursuing unlicensed DJs, who could face penalties including legal costs and breach of copyright damages. Venues would be urged to check DJs were licensed before hiring them and those who turned a blind eye could also find themselves in trouble with the law. The licence money goes to the 3,500 record companies represented by PPL. Sounds like bollocks to me, especially when no other DJ knows of it! #1503
Producing Music - General Talk / [Electro/Techno?] DJ Dinz - ???NoName12/01/06, 00:59
Hi kawan2...
abis nge explore2.. livesets nya nick warren, sander kleinenberg, lee burrgide, carl cox..& jg dj2 local yg tercinta kami yg main electro.. saya suka bingung sama genre electro & techno... biasanya kalo denger live di sini electro tuh about 125-135 BPM... trus2 kmrn di centro dngr Nick Warren maen..& download2 liveset dj2 luar ...kok electronya kenceng bgt ya?? jadi bingung Techno/electro sh? n uda beberapa saat bikin trance trus.. n pengen try explore sesuatu sh.. *bukannya pindah aliran* seems gw demen nya lagu yg 138 keatas.. jadi gw coba2 bikin sesuatu electro with 138bpm.. *norak ga sh??!! ![]() ![]() Nah ini dh di bawah linknya kekekekekk http://www.megaupload.com/?d=626UEEPI its a very short sample... PS: ini lagu di bikin 5mins ago.. sorry kalo masteringnya jelek... kalo misalnya kebetulan basslinenya sama kaya lagu laen.. maapin ya.. jarang bgt dengerin electro ![]() ![]() just need a feedback... electro/techno? n ok/jelek ga lagunya? Thnx alot friends!! cheers & peace! #1504
Main Talk / Re: Jam Clubbing yg paling enak ??????11/01/06, 22:40
From Sunset To Sunrise hehehhehe
5pm sampe 3am ![]() #1505
Main Talk / Re: ASTRID SURYANTO05/01/06, 02:36Quote from: dirtynumbangelboy on 04/01/06, 16:22 WOW.. She made it THERE dh! hehe one of the divas in HOUSE scene.. u go strid! Cant wait for ur next track ![]() ![]() Happy new yr 2006! #1506
Main Talk / Re: hi semua : dirtynumbangelboy, sonique, LiL CoW, altuna, reachtothesky, bimzkee..05/01/06, 00:11
Cheers to Kermit!
Welkum welkum! iya hermit avatarnya... pengen bgt jadi kodok itu.. uauahuahuahua Happy New Yr 2006 & All the best mate! Cheers! #1507
Gears and Technology / Re: www.houseofrave.com01/01/06, 14:46
Iya nh... gw uda cari alat2 begini for a long time di jkt... ga pernah ada.. ada yg jual ga???
Jakarta Party Report / Re: starscape @ sentul,party report01/01/06, 14:43
hmm.. untung aja gw ke acara ini... kalo enga nu yr gw bakal basi bgt dh... n is the 1st time gw ngerave di sentul
menurut gw rave ini cukup happening! everyone keeps on moving! cewe2nya cakep2.. acaranya jg well arrange hehehe.. yg jual minum jg imut2 kekekekek pokoknya nice party dh! Electrosoul,Dafkaf,Bassrush.. Keren! Cheers! Welcome to 2006! #1509
Jakarta Events / Re: STARSCAPE NYE TOTAL DANCE ESCAPADE01/01/06, 05:38
Thnx to all panitia.. u made my nite..jujur aja gw krg masuk ma lagu nya
![]() ![]() but its worth it! thnx alot... You go ELECTROSOUL,DAFKAF & BASSRUSH! gokil guys! Cheers! love u guys! ![]() #1510
REDMA 2005 / Re: DJ OF THE YEAR - GENRE : PROGRESSIVE20/12/05, 09:35
Naro (O.N)
Bobby (Stadium) Jonathan Yeo (Centro) 1man (Embassi) Reynald (Vertigo) #1511
REDMA 2005 / Re: INTERNATIONAL DJ OF THE YEAR20/12/05, 09:32
DJ Precision (Somatic Sense)
Paul Van Dyk (Vandith) Scott Bond Johan Gielen Digweed #1513
REDMA 2005 / Re: ANTHEM OF THE YEAR20/12/05, 09:28
Rachel Star - Till There was you (G&D remix)
Coldplay - speed of sound Deep Dish - Say Hello Mr Sam - Lyteo The Drill #1514
Cream 05 Tsunami Gabriel & Dresden Thirst #1515
REDMA 2005 / Re: DJ OF THE YEAR - GENRE : TRANCE20/12/05, 09:20
With no Particular Order...
Innerlight Ardi Pite Uchiel Marquee Dony Arikanami #1516
Jakarta Events / Re: Jakarta Next Party20/12/05, 09:14
Hmm.. dua2nya mantab sh.. Bingung bro.. uahuahuahua
Tiesto kali ya? hehehe #1517
Main Talk / Re: HAPPY BIRTHDAY UCOXZ16/12/05, 00:34
Happy Bday Pak Ucokx!
Moga2 Tambah ACID dh heheheh cheers! #1519
Main Talk / Re: MONSTER TUNES SERIES 001 DOUBLE PACK MIX CD - OUT NOW!14/12/05, 23:14
Waiting For Nohting <--Nyambungnya pas bgt! n IMO lagunya dark hehe
![]() ![]() PHATT - Levatian Magic <-- KEREN ABIS!! This is just the begining.. hehe Salute to Innerlight! cheers! #1520
Disk Jockey / Re: Female DJ Indonesia???07/12/05, 01:45
PK djs in da house! ckckckckckckkck! hahahaha
JK ![]() ![]() #1521
Main Talk / Re: Kesan pertama house Tungtung07/12/05, 00:56
199++ Quite like it.. mungkin itu masi blom tung tung banget... Jaman nya SUgar Shack, Key of my heart..
2000-2001 Drive Me Crazy,Ayla,Floorfilla Anthem #1,2,3 BPM dah mulai kenceng tuh.. ermm still like it.. soalnya gw ga ada info ttg trance club.. *kuper maklum* 2001-2003 Cambodia,Groove Coverage(masi fresh),Big Bocah,Imperio-PowerOfMagic,Floorfilla Anthem# 4 sampai Le Delire... masi enak sh.. tapi mulai yg aneh2 yg bikin gw parno .."DJ matiin lampunya sebentar donk~~" GW KIRA LIGHTING GALNYA KASIH TAHU BAWAH ADA RAZIAA!! n waktu itu gw sempet bikin tung2 2003-2005 GoodBye Tung Tung! GROOVE COVERAGE CONCERT! Lagu2nya masi stay on 199++ sampe 2003.. sampai skrg all remix r crap!!! INPUT FOR 2006: Tung2 alias CHEESY HARDCORE DANCE! Bpm gw no problem.. cuma Quality of the musicnya.. sorri nh.. Kalo misalnya mau CHEESE.. bawa lah org2 yg pop EAR ke PopDANCE lah.. EURO CHEESY HARDTRANCE/POP TRANCE kalo lebih bagus *GERMAN HARD TRANCE(ini ga cheesy)*"Pulsedriver,Cascada,MegaraVsDJLee,BassT,SvenG,Plazmatek,FutureTranceUnited,89ers,Floorfilla,DJDean,MartilloVago,Scotter.. All Tunnel Trance Records..U KNOW GATED KICK, BEASTY LEAD! apa kek etc cari sendiriii!!" lagikan lagu2 mereka yg di remix tung2 .... kalo bisa jng di tung2in donkk..Bikin versi sendiri send ke LABEL2 mereka gw jamin bakal MANTAB kok.. N Bisa kok di masukin ke KOTA.. tmn gw rata2 Kota clubbers.. n they like it! Jangan out of trend gitu donk! Lagian kan asik bisa maen Plat jg! JUST MY HONEST OPINION PEACEE!!!!! #1522
Main Talk / Re: Massive rave : penting apa buang buang duit?06/12/05, 03:04
hmm kalo blg r&b n hiphop stage.. itu kayanya another topic sh.. hehe
denger2 di luar ada jg bikin rave event r&b,hiphop..n gw denger ada Hard Hiphop.. *krg ngerti sh* n gw rasa kalo mau bikin event rave hiphop.. mendingan sendirian (soalnya bukan EDM, bukan diskriminasi.. i like hiphop too..).. i mean 1 rave for hiphop.. lagian face the reality deh.. HipHop fans is 10x more than EDM fans here hehehe ah back to topic.. of cos lah is rave.. tentu musti lebih mantab dr yg laen.. it shows that the dance scene getting WILDER,CRAZIER & ETC deh.. i believe EO lokal kami yg tercinta pasti pengen make the dance scene more n more what u say "GOKIL!".. example: JakMov yr by yr.. DJ luarnya tambah sangar.. yr by yr.. crowdnya tambah massive.. ya i think massive rave is important.. untuk huge capacity.. mungkin rada gmana.. tapi of cos.. who knows? the dance scene here is getting bigger.. ya again is a dream of every EO,Promotors & DJs to have huge n massive crowd.. give a try kali ya.. hehehe PS: just my opinion.. Cheers & Peace! Long Live Local Dance Scene Jng mau kalah ma Singapore,Malaysia,Phillipine & Thailand! hehehe btw kan kita uda ada DJ Adhe yg uda show the world kalo Indo ga kalah ma yg laen.... ![]() ![]() CHEERS! #1523
Main Talk / Re: Your Dream Festival Line-up01/12/05, 23:07
Trance Event Main Stage:
09:30-10:30 Gabriel & Dresden 10.30-12:30 Armin Van Burren 12:30-01:30 DJ Precision 01:30-02:30 Paul Van Dyk Vs (Nu Nrg Live P.A) 02:30-06:30 Paul Van Dyk 06:30-08:30 Sasha Vs Chicane -------------------------------------------- Hard Dance Event Stage: 09:30-10:30 Lee Haslam Vs K90 Live PA 10.30-12:30 Lisa Lashes 12:30-01:30 Amber D 01:30-02:30 Scott Project 02:30-08:30 Yoji Biomehanika -------------------------------- #1524
Bapak Solarcoaster hehe
THIS IS QUALITY RAVE MAN! ![]() ![]() Looking for ur next event ![]() Cheers! Viva CAYMAN! #1525
Jakarta Events / Re: Jakarta Next Party29/11/05, 02:14
ayuk EO of indonesia.. u can DO IT!!! u had showed us awesome jobs!!! cheers & peace! |