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Messages - bimzkee

masters at work
denny tenaglia
yoji biomehanika
mauro piccoto
ashley beedle
mark farina
austin leeds
green velvet
ian pooley
koma & bones
justin martin

and many more... huhuu..
nice start pet... tapi flow lagunya harus lebih di atur kali jo.. hehehe n bener kata sendyoke, pas mixing, barnya harus diperhatiin...

sering2 bikin aja...  *bgs*
Disk Jockey / Re: Hi Everyone
14/10/07, 17:33

welcome aboard mate.. enjoy your stay... i hope u can find anything useful and share your experiences to other members here...



Minal aidin walfaidzin, mohon maaf lahir & batin...

maafin kalo ada salah kata maupun perbuatan... selamat hari raya...

weww.... abang kita tercinta ini having a birthday tohhh hehehhe

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Brooo..... semoga makin handal... in everything...

love u miss u hehehe :P
well i tell u what...

RVLX is a free forum for the sake of Electronic Dance Music development in Indonesia... what we should do is support each other..

u are more than welcome to visit this forum anytime, anyplace, u want.... and  we accept any critics, any suggestions, no body in this world is perfect rite?

but please.. deliver it peacefully.... as we dont want to have any problem with anybody or any community in the industry...

i accept your apologies... case close...
ok im gonna revealed who donal is. It is me, it is my admin account.

U got a problem with my mom? show me that u are not a coward by showing off who u are...

kalo mau insult orang... gak usah lah lo tiru2 cara black people.. appointing it to mothers... be creative...

dare to meet me in person?
setau gue DJ2 top kayak pvd, tiesto, dll banyak masukin lagu2 remixnya si deadmau5 ini ke dalem set mereka...

gue juga ada beberapa tracknya.. cuman belum gue explore lebih dalem lagi si...

10/10/07, 09:34
hi guys

check it out



it's a unique event, combining sports and music...

wondering how the DJ lineups will be....
RPG2an model legend of legaia, wild arms gitu2... asli killing timenya gokil...
cuman sekarang udah gak sempet waktunya buat maen gituan...

udah ada tinggal ketemuannya aje buat ngasi...

hehehe its an honour juo.. btw mau dong single lo...
Quote from: dirtynumbangelboy on 09/10/07, 21:59
make another one yg lebih nyetrum bim, for old time sake jo hihihihi


hihihi... ati2 ntar kesetrum beneran....
Quote from: Georgie on 09/10/07, 09:13
jgn diapus ya mixtapeny.....

hmm ngga di apus kok... kan buat di downloadin sama temen2...
great dj in my personal opinion is as simple as someone who can deliver his/her idealism through his sets and music flows and having a good control of the crowd.

8) ;)
hi guys,

thanks to our friend Abriel aka Dhikaa aka dvd, yang punya blog mengenai mixtape2 DJ2 lokal yang mudah2an selalu update on a regular basis...


mudah2an adanya blog ini bisa nyebarin mixtape2 local artists ke seluruh belahan dunia, and show them our existency...

thumbs up 4 u bro... keep up the good werk... *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *bgs*


hehe... abisan di mixing softwarenya nge blank gitu ... ga ada detail apa2... jadi geu juga bingung... musti gue trace dulu ya di file aslinya....

my deepest condolences friend... may he rest in peace now..

huahuahua.. siwer gue ternyata tgl 10 ada gig... gue pikir ada 10 gig...  maap gak nyimak...
pokoknya gue tetep minta di ajak hihihi...
os.. mo balik luu? telpon2 ya os... i need some coaching nih hahahaha... :P
gokil 10 gigs... mau dong atu... bayar pake panda deh hauhauhueauhae
Quote from: LosTSisKa on 08/10/07, 00:17

enjoy the silence,,,*dj idung trakclistnya bikin galau mendera...

asli.. my favourite track on the set hahaha.... glad if u guys enjoy it... :)
Clubs / Venues / Re: In Memoriam
07/10/07, 18:58
Quote from: Bedjo on 02/10/07, 02:30
Quote from: bimzkee on 01/10/07, 14:48
hahaha... kejadian sekali lagi dong... rubah konsep .... tapi bener, dari segi bisnis emang udah harus di ubah nampaknya... tenang aja ... berdoa aja banyak bermunculan rumah2 yang siap menampung kita2 semua setelah lebaran nanti hehehe...

pa bimz ini emang cocok pake baju koko....laen kli klo maen pke lah bajunya...ueheehuh... *piss*  *piss*

good idea tuh sob hehehe... tar ya.. :P
And now here is the other mixtape....

Download Link Below

Download Via Rapidshare

Tack List:

01. Medway - Trauma
02. Luca Ricci pres. Ventunesimo S - Tribute To San Francesco D'Ass
03. Luke Chable pres. Quest - Skyline Road
04. Richard Grey - Tainted Love
05. Depeche Mode - Enjoy The Silence
06. Benz & MD - Places In Between
07. Vinylshakerz - Forget Me Nots
08. Paul Van Dyk - New York City
09. Tenthu - Zair
10. Ronski Speed - Love All The Pain Away

Please do not hesitate to suck em up!! hehehehe any comments are mostly welcome...

bimzkee  8)