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Messages - DJ Deny

Tetep Stadium deh. *tepuktangan*

Org2nya udh kenal bgt kayak saudara,klw ada apa2 mereka pasti ngasih tau..

Hari gini yg penting informasi kudu yg jelas..clubbing with secure feeling is the important thing.. ;D



Jonas ga "segarang" seperti live set dia yg udh gw denger..setnya agak aneh malem itu.

Lagu2nya sih banyak yg bagus2,cm kayaknya kompilasi dan settingannya sepertinya yg agak kurang,makanya flownya agak up n down.

well..anyway at least kt udh liat Jonas perform di depan kita guys.. :D

Many big thanks buat mr. Roy White label & Centro yg udh bawa dia kesini..*tepuktangan*


PS: next time kalo ada perubahan schedule jgn mendadak yah bro..gw lagi tidur tau2 kaget dapet sms jam 11.20 malem kalo hrs main awal jam 12.30,padahal gw preparenya buat closingan hihi..tapi its ok kok  :D
Congrats bro..spin 'em hard ya *piss*

spider pig ;D
@ Secret:

emang siapa master after partynya.. ::) :-[

Yg gw tau sih master afternoon  hehehehe... ;D

Quote from: teqi_la link=topic=2053.msg196536#msg196536 date=1186031235
- DJ Awie... ;D  *bgs*

DJ Awie..bakalan top n bersinar thn2 depan hehe...
Ini kayak DMC style campur CLUB style bukan yah..?

Penekanannya ke scratching,flashing dll or harmonisasi program/set or trick mix atau apa ya?

more detailsnya ya guys...tx

Quote from: 1945MF on 13/05/07, 19:53
Spinach naturaly was born from 1945MF , its was Riri & me records shop... The shop keepers is Aan & Reff .. the shop use to be in Sriwijaya... its such a good time last time...
then Spinach its grow by hand of Riri its self to be one of respected EO in Town...

There always be good time when me & Riri spin together... Specialy when still spin Filtered Disco.. Its such a nice memori..

Now Spinach have soo much Dj who's telented like Bone, Abo, Sun ...

Well GUYS we all are like brother ..

Viva 1945MF - SPINACH


Word bro.... *bgs*

Happy Birthday yah..wishing you all the best *tepuktangan*


One of my first progressive house cd...ada Robert Miles,Leftfield etc..



Happy Birthday(again) yah  Ril...mari kita maem2... *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

Spider Pig
"Happy Birthday dear uncle Scrooge!" *tepuktangan*  *tepuktangan*

Wishing you health,wealth,luck n prosperity thru the years... *piss*

Peace, Love n Happiness:

Pokoknya support our friend n our local dj..
Aman ga? ::)

Tlg describe musik ala DJ Mumu itu kayak apa..setau gw mumu main house,electro campur tribal dan bukan progressive or trance

murid2nya Mumu itu seperti Miki dll bukan?

@ All:

Thanks guys for coming.. *tepuktangan*

Special thanks for MC LIL'Dan for making the party more wicked.. ;D

love u guys..

Happy Birthday Dimdok.. *tepuktangan*

many good things coming ahead..all the best ;D

Quote from: Mr Din on 27/07/07, 16:55
@Sendy: lagu cu cak rowo (hardstyle pik pok mix) euhuehuehu :P :P

Pik Pok mix tuh bunyi lagunya kayak gmn din? :o  ::) (?)

Pik pok cenenet..euhueuhee ;D ;D

Happy Birthday DJ Rome.. *tepuktangan*

All the best.. *bgs*
Quote from: bebe.ocean on 27/07/07, 05:49
kalau yg pada ke bali blm dapet tempat nginep..boleh kontak2 gw, ntar tinggal bareng ditempat gw..
ga jauh kok dari kuta..deket2 discovery mall nya...
mayan deh bisa provide tempat bobo ama mamam seadanya...hehehehehe ;D ;D
gw rencana berangkat tgl 14an gituh..

yuk hip2 huray bersamah!!! hehehehehehe

@ bebe:
ketemuan yuk di sana.gw mgkn tgl 16-19 ada disana..Tgl 17 main di DJ Club/DJ Cafe.

ajak rangga jg yah  ;)

Jakarta Events / Re: marriage
26/07/07, 22:58
Selamat menempuh hidup baru yah..   :D
Jakarta Events / Re: HOT MOTION
26/07/07, 17:32
BBS nya artinya apa si bob..kok gw ga tau huehehee..

mgkn Bobby Boss Stadium..? ::) ::) (?) ;D

pis weh kang: